Yourferalberry online webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 19, 2022

48 thoughts on “Yourferalberry online webcams for YOU!

  1. You have been clear about your expectations. Give him 24 hours and then move on with what you need to do. If he is being hesitant about this, then you don't want to be with him. He is 30 years old and he knows if he wants to settle down and have kids or not.

  2. Look for a group activity or class you can join. Dance (tango, salsa, bachatta, etc), yoga, cooking classes and the like usually have single women. Dating apps are also worth a try, but yea, better to put yourself out there or ask friends who might be able to introduce you to someone.

  3. To be honest, I do not agree with you. I don’t think that it’s a linear thing; feel this ways = shouldn’t be together. But, yes, maybe you’re right too.

  4. May I ask how old are you (and your partner), it feels like you're agreeing to get mistreated way too easily, and if i understand this correctly this is your first relationship. I just hope you can leave safely, and find someone that will treat you well, especially because you will get some perspective as how bad this situation was, I wish you all the best

  5. I didn’t think about it like that – you’re right. He was opening a “discussion” about sex, but in reality he was telling me, “Look – I’m not into sex as often as you, and if you don’t like that, take care of it.”

  6. Yo birth control are basically “here's some depression and mood swings on top of your hormones” pills. A vasectomy is easy and reversible, AND it just so happens that vasectomies can even “fail” and spontaneously heal (undoing the surgeryof a vasectomy). “Female” sterilization unfortunately is much harder to get done, and much harder to reverse (AND far more expensive). I'm sure she would have done this by now if she could have. Get fixed, only finger her, use condoms and get over yourself, or find someone who's comfortable getting raw dogged.

  7. Tbh idk what to say, idk if I would’ve been able to do it if I was your boyfriend, I would’ve probably got shot and died but survival is the most important thing.. he did what he had to and stayed alive, if I was him the only thing that can ever make me feel better is finding that person and putting him in the grave

  8. No one says you have to forgive her but do you think that stalking her socials to get a one sided win over her is helping you move past. Like really moving on?

  9. Maybe because it’s accurate and she knows that? How do you know he’s not calling out genuine narcissistic behavior he’s picked up on from being a daily outside observer of her behavior?

  10. Have you read something exciting recently? What made you think? What did you feel passionately about? Learned something new? Anything cool on TV? Opinion on news or the state of the world? Predictions for the future? Concrete steps you are taking to reach your goals? Something you are proud of or that made you feel good? Indulged in your hobby and that was cool? Otherwise get out a book of philosophy and get going on some big questions! How about politics macro and micro – is capitalism as a system the ideal? Why or why not? What would you change? Hell, if you could design your own country, what would it look like? Maybe some general meta analysis of society around you? Or go whimsical: what super hero would you want to be? What wishes to a genie? What magic would you want in this world? How would that world work? Can you spin the tale together onwards? Could a world with both tech and magic exist? Would things like social media look fundamentally different?

    I’m going to stop now, but I’m pretty sure you haven’t talked about everything.

  11. “Money talks but wealth whispers.”

    Seeing my 20yo SO drop thousands of dollars like it's nothing (and calling it nothing) wouldn't make me see them as an intelligent, “successful” partner.

    I'd think they're a complete dumbass with no concept of money. And insecurities that cause them to flaunt their wealth to everyone. A lack of respect for money comes across as immature to me. Maybe that's just me, though.

  12. Hello /u/Taninyan-art,

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  13. You don’t want to do it. Tell him no. If you do do it, I’ve seen so many posts and stories about how that relationship ended up being different and failing after.

    Again, you said you’re not comfortable so tell him no. If he breaks up with you, then he sucks as a boyfriend.

  14. Some people cry when they realize they have done something wrong. Not to manipulate, but because they feel bad about having upset someone or caused harm.

    And you said she cries about “stories that are even remotely sad”, so again, why would you expect a different response when she is informed that she has caused harm or made someone upset? She's correct that you've decided her crying is only manipulative when you're mad at her. You've said as much right here.

  15. It’s not insulting, it’s just not her personality. She keeps her private life very private. She’d be mortified because she’s never been the type to ‘influence’ anyone. She doesn’t do anything for clout nor followers. She just does whatever she loves. She doesn’t post religiously nor is she attached to social media. She posts for fun for her friends who lives around the globe. I don’t think she’s ever denied she’s privileged. And she is very aware of her privilege and how she can use it to benefit others.

    Your assessment of OP is really unkind and I think OP deserves a little empathy with all the stuff she’s dealing with. Also I don’t know why you would call her lazy because she basically does all the housework in her home and all the grocery shopping etc. Is it because she doesn’t work? Her husband doesn’t have an issue with that. The issue her husband has is with her making him the sole reason for her happiness. Housewives exist even in 2023 and some couples can afford to on-line comfortably on 1 income. And yes she is hurting her husband with her issues, but it’s more because of her mental health rather than her being lazy or boring.

  16. lmfao yeah based on that response its clear youre not a lawyer… in fact if be surprised if you weren’t in middle school???

  17. Sorry, but thousands of people deal with this daily. “Get over it”, no. But they do learn to cope and deal with it. You're using it as an excuse, just like she does.

  18. thank you! i want to be clear i dont really have a problem with it other than my worry about his health/safety. i just have a knee-jerk reaction to the idea of food getting in nicks. whipped cream hardly seems as sanitary as soap, and he doesnt wash with soap afterwards OR use aftershave, just rinses the whipped cream off. his skin is pretty clear and i guess its a lot less sensitive than mine (im so prone to razor bumps i cant even shave normally, i have to use a hair removal cream) so i might be projecting a bit.

    other than that part though, i think it actually smells pretty nice (i had wondered in the past if he used a vanilla lotion or something lol) and for the most part i find all his other strange quirks charming. the only reason this ones an issue is my worries about it seeming unhealthy.

  19. It's probably more a lack of respect. I'd lose a lot of respect for my husband if he was making this choice.

  20. The only time where I see I really crossed the line is when I called her “irresponsible”. I don't see where other times I could have toned down, since I was never really confrontational until the end.

  21. Listen when people tell you who they are and what they want, he said he is looking for an attractive girl. Believe him, and please don’t accept this gross treatment. Good partners don’t say shit like that, it’s weird.

  22. He said he won't go to your sister's wedding unless you buy his plane tickets!!! Even if you said nothing else about him, that comment alone is enough for me to know that your partner is self centred, immature and not interested in your needs/wants.

    I think your sister's wedding has given you cause to rethink your relationship with this man-baby.

  23. She's only 6 weeks! She's not gained a whole bunch of weight and such yet. It's so early. At that time in my pregnancies I was just hungry and tired. I didn't treat my husband like this during any of them and I wouldn't think to. She's being toxic and should be held accountable. If it's anti depressants or something needed she needs to get on them. No excuses.

  24. Not where I live. Here a “dude” is a dude and a “chick” is a chick …. sorry if that doesn't fit the narrative here ….

  25. You need to at minimum be honest with your husband so that HE can decide if he wants to stay in the marriage.

  26. You've been seeing this guy for 60 days so it's a little soon to be talking about starting a family. Obviously people who still have roommates aren't financially situated to be able to marry and have kids (or at least it rarely works out well when they do). So this guy has a roommate his brand new girlfriend doesn't like. Maybe a year from now if you're still together and he can afford it he'll get his own place. Then maybe a year after that you'll get married and begin to think about how to finance a family. You can't expect someone to upend their domestic situation for you so early in a relationship. If you don't like being around this roommate then don't go to his place. If you actually think he's having sex with his cousin's girlfriend during the day then you don't trust him and shouldn't be dating him. Two months into a relationship is supposed to be the time when everything is charming and magical. To have this many complaints so early on likely means this just isn't going to last.

  27. There is a lot to unpack here but I'll try to cut to the chase

    1) No it's not fair to ask him to quit his job in this situation.

    2) Yes, you are defined by your traumas and insecurities and not emotionally ready to be in a relationship. You need continued therapy, you are letting your insecurities control your own behavior and now suggesting it control his behavior too.

    That said, some the things that happened, and some of the things he did aren't completely above board. I'm not suggesting he cheated, but he wasn't honest about things. Again I suspect your trauma and insecurity has a role here. He likely kept it from you because regardless of whether it was simply a work acquaintance or some thing else, your trauma insecurity are going to lead you to the later.

    Regardless, until you sort out your insecurities this, and any other relationship you in (including most friendships) are just going to be drama, drama, drama for you and whomever you are with.

    I suggest taking a more permanent break, get some real therapy (not someone who just tells you what you want to hear), and then you might be ready for a relationship. It's going to be tough. But it will be worth it.

  28. Yeah you two met at a young age..what does she say she wants to do as far as your relationship goes?

  29. Your baggage isn’t universal. Projecting it onto “modern men and women” is just a coping mechanism you’re using to feel less alone.

  30. I think you need to talk about it, there is many ways to manage finances and I'm assuming you are not married which makes the topic a bit more sensitive.

    I don't know what kind of relationship you have, but if possible I would suggest a brainstorming session together where you can suggest a bunch of solutions. Afterwards you look at all the suggestions and talk about them. Hopefully you can agree on a new system that feels fair to both of you.

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