Tristagirl online sex cams for YOU!


hey guys im new here sorry i need hlep for make me wet

Date: November 18, 2022

14 thoughts on “Tristagirl online sex cams for YOU!

  1. OHH yeah that's exactly the situation but I certainly don't want a long term relationship, which he is aware of. It seems like he's fine with it as well, which makes this anxiety so much more confusing.

  2. My lady is significantly younger than me and she’d never dream of asking me to stop talking to the mother of my older children.

    That has nothing to do with it. Different strokes for different folks.

    Hell, she talks to her more than I do. They plan Christmas gifts together, birthdays, everything.

    This woman needs to work on her jealousy, plain and simple.

  3. Is she depressed and/or does she smoke a lot of weed? Because there is a vomiting condition from chronic smoking that you can develop where the only relief people seem to find is a hot shower…

  4. She had gotten a bit bigger but I still perceive her as a small/medium sized dog

    That's not how dog size works.

    I love how the puppy jumps on the bed and cuddles next to me,

    He doesn't.

    because I really don't know what to do.

    You either settle with the way things are now, or you train your dog to sleep in her own bed, or you end the relationship. Do not get rid of this dog because you are facing the consequences of your actions.

  5. As a person who is awful at gift giving, the idea of losing a friendship over it is brutal. It’s seems incredibly transactional to me that you’re keeping tabs on gifts, but I also hear what you’re saying and how being valued matters to you. I think you might be hastily throwing out a friend ship over a gift, but that’s just my opinion.

  6. *I have something personal that has nothing to do with my girlfriend and when I told her that I am not going to tell her*

    Why did you tell her this, Op?

    I'm honestly and sincerely asking you.

    If you have something that is so~~~ personal and has nothing to do with her, why would you tell her? To what end? How did you think she would react?

    You are being deliberately provocative. Creating drama. YOU did this, Op. It is all of your making.

    In addition, you are trying to make yourself the victim.

  7. That's where my mind went, too. You don't have to be doing anything wrong for a cop to ruin your life. And we already know the ex bf has l, shall we say, shaky morals. If you can notify the wife anonymously, perhaps.

  8. Honestly before maybe 5 years ago, I do not feel like this was even big enough to be considered a holiday.

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