Alissonsmith1 online sex cams for YOU!


ahegao [195 tokens remaining]

Date: November 18, 2022

29 thoughts on “Alissonsmith1 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Reading books is probably her main hobby. She used to do some crafting, zumba, and a couple other things, but it seems she kind of lost interest in those.

  2. I was super duper can't-walk-straight-and-close-one-eye-to-try-and-stay-balanced drunk.

    A guy tried to kiss me, you know what I didn't do? Kiss back and cheat on my partner and this was after I was only in the bar because we had a massive fight.

    I was literally at my angriest at him, considering to break up and FUCKED drunk and I did not cheat on him because I respect loyalty in a relationship.

    The choice remains yours, but my trust would be GONE.

  3. I don’t think you owe this guy anything, you aren’t betraying him, no need to feel guilty for jumping back in the game!

    However, I think you need to reflect on if you’re ready to get back out there or not. You don’t want to jump into something and get hurt, and you don’t want to hurt anyone else like you were either.

  4. If she was a 'life long friend' her number would be in his contacts, it wouldn't be an unknown number. And you'd probably have heard of her before. And he wouldn't be hiding that they were planning to meet.

    This is him planning to cheat and/or leave you, and deflecting because he got caught.

  5. Emotional cheating has alot more emotions involved, and talking about sex and wanting to meet up and wanting to be together and trash talking their SO's , and can't wait to see you, and I wish met you sooner, and you look sexy and your smile is radiating….etc. just talking like friends is not Emotional cheating .

  6. In my country when 9 year olds don't listen they get slapped. I used to get hit with a variety of objects.

  7. So I'm not the person you are responding to but if you aren't aware already you might want to look up the swipe stats and how picky women can be. So that a man might try to expand what his general preferences are the hopes of actually meeting someone is kind of common, especially if they are really only after sex.

  8. Your boyfriend is a toddler and a twat. If he said that at my dinner table on first meeting he would be asked to leave and he wouldn’t ever get invited back. You thinking what he said isn’t the issue is beyond believe. He is an absolute douche canoe

  9. I've mentioned this countless of times, very gently and sometimes more harshly, because it can be sensitive for anyone

    Might be time to leave then, unless you're willing to put up with this for the rest of your life. You can't make him change, and talking to him about it countless times hasn't changed anything…

  10. Ive read your responses and original post and i don't think this is a You problem. I think your wife's behaviour is entirely to do with your wife and no one else. In other situations in life , how does she respond when she is wrong? What about when she makes a mistake? Particularly in an area she prides herself on (not chess necessarily)…. I would guess she holds her intelligence and maybe knowledge or education highly as she sounds very intelligent…. when she is proven incorrect about something , especially by you , does she react by denial? Anger? Admission of being wrong? Apologising? Excuses for why she technically wasn't wrong? Does she double down and stubbornly stick to her guns even when faced with evidence to the contrary?

    We all have different defence mechanisms that get most activated in our closest relationships. So I would analyse if this behaviour reminds you of anything else even remotely, in different scenarios.

    My guess is she changed her mind about trying to play her best with your son (for probably very reasonable reasons), but her ego/ defence mechanisms won't allow her to acknowledge that so she is doubling down . Even though to you it may not make sense as it would be not a big deal at all to change the original plan for playing with your son – for whatever reason it IS a big deal to her .

    How confident and comfortable is she in her own parenting skills? If this is an area of vulnerability in her mind this could be another reason her ego won't let her just admit what's going on.

    When a usually emotionally stable person is displaying an overly big emotional response / behaviour to something seemingly small its almost always linked to some deep seated psychological reasons they may not even be aware of. That's what peoples 'buttons- are (eg he's pushing my buttons aaaarfg)

    Continuing to ask her or point out the evidence is clearly not working so I would take a step back and think about approaching this is a totally different way with her.

  11. Being “fast” is an older generation way of saying being easy. He believes op is going to sleep with the brother or father.

  12. i really hate that this is even a thing.

    who ever thought, “you know what would make texting better? if we could see when the person we texted has seen the message, that would be super. let's make that a feature in our texting app!” I hate them, whoever they are. This does nothing but cause anxiety, in my opinion.

  13. I’m glad I’m not the only one confused.

    “Tried this thing where I just don’t smoke” is such a weird way to put it.

    “I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago when this started” would have been more clear but I’m guessing OP is a little wishy washy on when exactly he quit

  14. I’m glad I’m not the only one confused.

    “Tried this thing where I just don’t smoke” is such a weird way to put it.

    “I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago when this started” would have been more clear but I’m guessing OP is a little wishy washy on when exactly he quit

  15. Dude. Your relationship isn’t “better”, you’ve just decided to start ignoring the red flags. And ignoring red flags doesn’t magically make your relationship healthy.

    My man, she is more concerned about her ex husband and her friend feeling comfortable than she is about you feeling comfortable, and has gone so far as to say that making you feel more comfortable about this would make her feel less comfortable.

    This relationship is already dead. Just waiting for you to recognize that.

  16. In my experience women in general just tend to share more about their lives, and sex is a part of that life

    Except they're sharing a part of their life that involves someone else without that other person's permission or knowledge even. That's nasty.

    OP's partner is not saying, “Dang, we had an amazing night last night on the balcony of our hotel. It was so nude and I can't wait to repeat it tonight. We were like two animals” No. She shared someone else's kinks with her friends. That's just not cool.

  17. In my experience women in general just tend to share more about their lives, and sex is a part of that life

    Except they're sharing a part of their life that involves someone else without that other person's permission or knowledge even. That's nasty.

    OP's partner is not saying, “Dang, we had an amazing night last night on the balcony of our hotel. It was so hot and I can't wait to repeat it tonight. We were like two animals” No. She shared someone else's kinks with her friends. That's just not cool.

  18. In my experience women in general just tend to share more about their lives, and sex is a part of that life

    Except they're sharing a part of their life that involves someone else without that other person's permission or knowledge even. That's nasty.

    OP's partner is not saying, “Dang, we had an amazing night last night on the balcony of our hotel. It was so hot and I can't wait to repeat it tonight. We were like two animals” No. She shared someone else's kinks with her friends. That's just not cool.

  19. yikes, that sounds untenable. I think it may be time to think about relocating without her and seeking a job where the COL is more reasonable.

  20. He has his reservations, rightfully so, because you have only been together for 9 months. That’s too short of a time for him to know how committed you are to the relationship. Just as you are confused about his commitment right now. See it from his perspective too and not just yours. Buying a home is very complicated and he would be taking a huge risk putting you under its contract. Don’t worry about it. That doesn’t mean he is not committed. Give it time.

  21. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this situation. It can be really frustrating and confusing when someone you were talking to suddenly starts ghosting you. Unfortunately, there could be many reasons why he's behaving this way, and it's hot to know for sure what's going on in his mind.

    It's possible that he's going through something in his personal life that's causing him to withdraw, or he may have lost interest in pursuing a relationship with you. It's also possible that he's just not good at communication and doesn't know how to end things properly. Regardless of the reason, it's important to remember that his behavior is not a reflection of your worth or value as a person.

    At this point, it's probably best to give him some space and not reach out to him anymore. If he wants to come back and reconnect with you, he'll make the effort to do so. In the meantime, focus on taking care of yourself and spending time with people who treat you with respect and kindness.

  22. Stop saying home

    Say. “I need you to read this. If you don’t, you’ll be even more surprised whenever i decide to Move out since you can’t seem to make any time for things that are important to me.”


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