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Room for online video chats Evelina_mommy

Evelina_mommylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Evelina_mommy

Model from:

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1979-02-07

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: November 18, 2022

38 thoughts on “Evelina_mommylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Sounds like similar to what I endured and when I asked, he lied or got very defensive! I should have given up but I didn’t and then found it all out and was sorry

  2. Yes but I specifically told her I find it extremely disrespectful and yet she did it again not once but three times

  3. I’m sorry this is like a 15-year-old’s rant. So try this don’t sleep with other people and then you don’t owe other people. I’ll forget it I feel like I’m in high school while I write this.

  4. If you want to get technical in a more psychological way of thinking, religion makes sense because it's just our way of making a being of divine morality as a form of role to follow, along with a scapegoat so you don't feel as guilty for certain “sins”, unless it's a strict god fearing religion, then it's a way to control the populous. Thought you may not believe I'm a Christian lmao

  5. Ah I read the replies and I see – it could also be other things as well.

    At the moment the only thing you can do is work on yourself and continue to be there when she is ready.

    The sooner you can connect with a therapist or counselor, the sooner you can start working through things.

    Emotional regulation can be naked for a lot of us but as adults its really important to get our tempers under control. Especially with a bub almost here.

    The effort you put in will directly impact how bub learns these life skills and thats a legacy you can be really proud of!

    And hopefully things go well with you and your partner too!

  6. I am in two minds about this because if you have to fight for it then is it really a relationship worth having?

  7. Imma try to do a punnet square on reddit mobile ? I'm assigning blood types kinda randomly. The generations have the correct ones, but dad/mom might be flipped, and the respective grandpa's might be flipped. I know grandma's are correct.


    Grandpa 1: AX (where X doesn't matter) Grandma 1: OO (only way to get O phenotype is to be both O)

    Dad: AO (A from grandpa, O from grandma)

    Grandpa 2: BX Grandma 2: OO

    Mom: BO

    …. A. O

    B. AB. BO

  8. And I se ethos perspective and it makes me feel wrong and guilty!!:( but at the same times it’s like I’ve been hit on girls before, so am I not supposed to see girlfriends? I wouldn’t see this friend if I was uncomfortable or thought anything would hapoen

  9. Sounds like he wanted out of the relationship but didn’t have the balls to have an adult conversation about it so he just did a runner. If there’s anything else of his at your place, box it up and send it to his parents or siblings house. If that’s not possible, pile it in the garage or a spare closet.

    Move on.

  10. I think you may have case of the “jealous friend” going on here, if every other encounter was fine. She talked you up to her friend and then possibly the friend started saying you were in the wrong and she followed the friends request to basically to distance herself from you. Now you want reconsider going forward with this,

  11. Then split it 50/50. She has no choice if you refuse to pay more. The second issue you have is part of life and any relationship. You cannot expect you or her to pay when you literally have no or a limited income. So you cannot demand a partner with no money to pay, common sense.

    If you guys cannot compromise on this, maybe it shows you were not ready to live! together yet and you guys should live! on your own again once the lease is up.

  12. You're the known quantity. She knows you'll let her walk all over you so she keeps you as her backup plan. What did I say before? You have worth, hon! Don't let her do this. Don't wait for her to 'leave' officially bc she left the minute she screwed another guy behind your back.

    Easier to stay with the guy you've wronged for years that keeps forgiving you versus a new dude that might actually have some self respect that dumps her directly on her game playing ass. So if she breaks it off with you and new dude drops her like the trash she is she has no choice but to actually pull her own weight and take care of all her needs.

    You're in this situation bc you let her treat you badly so many times and forgave her. Why would she leave a sure thing she can use like you when she can just got bang other guys and you'll forgive her?

    You need to seriously take a good, nude look at the crap she's pulling. It's textbook moves of a user and a manipulator. She's not a good person. You deserve soooo much better.

    And I get it, nobody wants to be the bad guy that dumps somebody, but in this case you need to. You'd not at all be the bad guy for it. You dumping her would simply be the consequences of HER actions finally catching up to her. She literally fucked around, multiple times… it's high time she finds out that you won't keep putting up with it.

  13. I think she’s scamming you that it was her plan to get you more, especially when you got nothing for Christmas. She should have planned ahead and had all of your gifts figured out and given. She’s using you for expensive gifts, bro. Look at the stuff she’s asking for and you’re giving, compared to zero for Christmas and a cheap ass robe. Let’s not pretend that the snacks were really for you. First recommendation is to dump the gold digger but alternatively buy her a $14.98 Walmart nightgown and a box of your favorite candy and see how that goes down.

  14. Read my response, she totally blind sided me. She had declared us boyfriend and girlfriend two weeks earlier and I dropped 4k on a trip abroad to celebrate.

  15. Hi. I am commenting bc my partner and I have the same arrangement as the two of you did. In this situation, I would insist on him using condoms while he reflects and figures out his feelings. But I would put a time limit on it.

    If you're on the Mirena it can technically stay usable up to 7 years although it is really recommended for 5. Alternatively, I would find another long-acting contraceptive like a patch or depo, again within a time limit. Condoms are not adequate protection & certainly not equivalent to an IUD or vasectomy.

    Maybe it is time to go back to couple's therapy for this too. An individual therapist could also help him work out his discomfort about the permanency of the procedure in a judgment-free zone.

    I see you being very understanding & considerate of his process. I hope he is doing the same for you too. I wouldn't take all the extreme perspectives of some people here thinking he's gonna stealth you or dump you to have babies with a 20-year-old. A vasectomy is considered a permanent procedure and it can stir up complex feelings about virility or masculinity or whatever, and it's worth giving space to process. But not at the expense of your own health and reproductive safety.

    Don't get another IUD if you don't want to. I got mine replaced last year and afterward told my partner in no uncertain terms this is the last one and he's getting a vasectomy before this one comes out. So he has 5 years to process his feelings. I am basically advising you on what I would do if he got all sketchy like your husband did. I would not be willing to replace my IUD what, at least 3 more times before I hit menopause? It's not fair to put that burden on me the entire time. I am also not getting tubal ligation; that is incredibly invasive compared to a vasectomy. Either we are equal partners in our family planning responsibilities, or we are no longer compatible.

  16. Imagine telling your grandkids one day how wonderful it was that their grandpa made you lose weight before he'd date you.

    Would you want your future children to have someone who wouldn't accept them due to their weight? You know this is wrong. Don't do it.

  17. Start by not just doing therapy “off and on”. Someone with the conditions you cite needs to be talking to a professional regularly all the time (and potentially for life). Go help yourself so you don't end up driving others away.

  18. Wow. Your GF has some real issues. And none of them have to do with you or you disabled sister. There’s NOTHING sexual about changing a helpless disabled adult’s diaper. Zero. Zip. Ziltch. Less than zero. If you end up having children will she think the same if you help changing a daughter’s diaper? It’s literally no different except for size. They’re both helpless. If she can’t understand this I don’t see a future there.

  19. Yeah that sounds terrible, not something I’d accept for sure. Fortunately my boyfriend doesn’t do it, I’m lucky to have him. But I see how social media is destroying relationships and approach towards intimacy, it’s sad.

  20. I can almost guarantee you that he was going to cheat with her regardless. And it wasn’t because of anything you did or did not do.

  21. Just to address the pregnancy super-smeller issue. I had this too and it lasted for about three months. I couldn’t bear pickles, garlic or curry.

    Rest assured, this will go. It might last til the birth, it might disappear earlier.

    It’s so good you’ve given up smoking. Well done and best of luck with the baby

  22. It is not your wife’s lack of trust in you, it’s that she obviously had more respect for you than you deserve.

    Your friend cheated. Whatever the reason, she cheated. And you continuing to be friends with her shows to your wife that all your talk about never cheating, never accepting cheating etc was all bull shit.

    So choose, your friend who was too much of a coward to end her own relationship before cheating, or your wife, who up until recently thought you had the same hardline views on cheating as she does.

  23. I agree. That's so wild to me. My roommates have our doors open so that our cats can play (all four of us have cats, yes, it's chaos), but we close the door when we want privacy or to not be bothered. That's pretty much a universal tell of “I want to be left alone”. His roommate is trying to find something to be upset about.

  24. Thanks, I needed that.. 🙁

    I guess I just got sucked in. He's a master manipulator and I don't even recognize myself anymore.. I have a lot of past trauma and I don't feel good enough as a person as a result of that. So I always doubt myself and my own feelings. I have been through tons of therapy for that, but my psychologists said it's almost too hardwired in my brain to get it out. They don't really know how to help me with it either. And unfortunately my bf knows just how to mess with my brain.. But I know you're right.

  25. The younger sister has a newborn – I hope the baby isn’t a daughter because it’s likely she’d be abused too.

  26. Untrue. While some people may develop a type based on past relationships, it's not necessarily an indicator of a series of unsucessful relationships.

    We all have personal preferences. Just like people may have personal preference for food/ music, I can have preference for certain traits in a partner.

    I'm also self-aware – as I gain enough life experience working with people of opposite genders, and meeting various people I am aware of what qualities I find attractive.

    And I think it's fair to look for someone who is compatible with my own personality and interests.

  27. Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t even know that. But as I said in my other comment: your mum clearly showed that she doesn’t want her secret to get out. You don’t really need more proof, unless you want to blow up the family right now.

  28. Lots of good information here already. Important to remember, not to be gaslite into thinking any of this was your fault.

  29. Well she always wasn't too sure whether she wanted kids/to get married. But she always shrugged it off and gave me the impression it wasn't a big deal. I guess I thought she'd be open to it eventually. I guess we both avoided getting to serious about the subject for a long time, it was also my fault for not pressing the issue earlier.

  30. I personally wouldn’t go to the wedding. You already have the trip booked. The entitlement that she thinks you should just move your trip is ridiculous & disrespectful. She’s saying her life & feelings are more important than your own. This would be a naked no for me.

  31. More context:

    Everything else in our relationship has been perfect, I’m pretty nude in love with her, I basically see exactly the things I want in a long term partner in her. She’s smart, super kind, beautiful, loves animals/kids, and has similar life plans, basically the whole list.

    Her maturity level seems to be most pressing matter for a lot of people here. I feel she’s more mature than me in most regards (goes out less, has no social media, like 30min of screentime a day, reads nonstop, super organized) we usually joke she’s the old person between the two of us. The first time we went on a date I was actually shocked when she told me after an hour of talking that she was 20, I had guessed she was a year or two younger than me from looks/personality. Which I guess is part of why it was an even bigger shock to find out she’s even younger.

    Me personally, I don’t see the gap as problematic as some people here suggest, particularly because we don’t live in the US but somewhere where the legal drinking age is 18 It’s really the keeping it from me that bothers me.

  32. I bring and add so much value to his life that saying hey please don’t like half naked womens Instagram pictures is not that serious also he gains nothing from liking it. If it hurts him so much to not like a picture of a woman that doesn’t know he exists well I don’t wanna be with that kind of person. My partner and I communicate very well and he has no issues and certainly doesn’t resent me for it. Stop projecting, if you’re okay with these things that’s you but most women I know always hate it so why should we pretend to be comfortable with something we are not

  33. You were meant to come crawling back and change your ways not see other women.

    If you want to stay and maintain this change you will have to keep on top of it and remind her that she is slipping on the changes and it makes you think it’s just going to go back to how it was and you won’t do that.

    I’m guessing you have tried counselling?

    I haven’t got any more advice, it’s up to you at the end of the day what you want to do.

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