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saxy_dolllive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat saxy_doll

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Birth Date: 1997-09-19

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack


Date: November 17, 2022

51 thoughts on “saxy_dolllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It sounds like he wanted to be the hero like in one of his weird stories but then got his old ass kicked instead. He's probably realizing he's not some white knight, and just a loser that had enough money to trick a very naive young woman into having his babies. Maybe he's worried about his longterm ability to financially support the household alone and keep buying you enough gifts to keep you around.

  2. Yeah you’re right i should’ve walked away long ago, but i gave him an opportunity to work on it because he said he wanted to.

  3. Yes. He knew you'd be upset and decided to keep that information from you. Maybe he isn't hiding anything, maybe he is. Do you wanna stick around and find out?

  4. If he’s willing to engage in a meaningful conversation with you about this and he shows willingness to learn that some of what he says is toxic and comes off as sexist and misogynistic, then it’s possible he could work towards change.

    If he grew up around those traits, then perhaps it’s all he knows if he was never given the opportunity to learn how toxic those things can be.

    But he would really need to accept the fact that he’s wrong and would have to be willing to change.

    That’s very hard for some men to do because they would have to admit they were wrong.

    So I think there’s room here for you to give him another opportunity or two to try to face this head on.

    If he continues to refuse and dismisses you, then you unfortunately likely have your answer.

  5. Absolutely this. Insane is thinking it's a good idea to merrily go about ignoring the drama being left in your wake and expecting it not to come back eventually.

  6. She is dependent on you because you let her. If you break up with her she will find a job soon enough. Give her a dateline to leave your house.

  7. You do a thing well, you like when people give positive feedback. These are normal behaviours. It only gets weird/ self serving when you start to punish people for not doing the bit you like (by taking away their food, or not inviting them in future, or going like Monica from friends in that one episode)

    There's a difference between “I'm a great cook, so I cooked for my friend whose grieving and they didn't say thank you or seem impressed so I took my food back, aita” and what you've described here. Your bf's behaviour is more suspicious.


  8. Sorry to hear this honey.

    Your dad probably understands that she’s. Gold digger, but some men will put up with that in order to have sex with very young woman.


    I’m sure I can speak on behalf of at least most of us here when I say, please dear god do this and post an update. Please??! ?

  10. This belongs in a different sub. You didn’t come here for advice, you just wanted a couple people to tell you it’s ok

  11. We are on the doors of getting engaged, and i’m scared of whats to come in the future if she does keep going with this.

    Just a heads up: once you're married she'll stop threatening to break up. Instead it'll switch to “I want a divorce!” Just so you're aware.

  12. I tend to always share my feelings with him and he says it's good but I'm scared that one day he's going to get sick of me complaining even though he says he wouldn't.

  13. Just got out of a marriage in the last year with an ex who was similarly verbally and emotionally abusive – you can’t change them. I tried.

    I went to therapy. I took on more responsibilities. I suggested couples’ counseling – even researching the best ones. I planned date nights and getaways that were delayed, then cancelled…

    She did…. Nothing. And it was all my fault.

    Only after separating and therapy did I realize the extent and history of the abuse – as well as recognize it in her relationship with our teen children (who I now have in therapy for their sakes on my dime). I can see this behavior going back as far as our third date.

    It took me almost twenty years to accept she would not change no matter what I did.

    Please take much less than that…

  14. YES! The number of people raging out on him for refusing to play this toxic ass game with his mother is baffling.

  15. I'm surprised so many people don't know if they love people by 3 months. If I don't love someone at 3 months or before, I don't stick around. My husband told me he was in love with me at 5 weeks. We've been together for almost 10 years.

  16. I cry super easily. Like, at the drop of a hat. There is nothing that I can do to control it.

    I say “when I am feeling frustrated or vulnerable my body makes tears. A lot do people’s bodies have a different reaction – sweat, getting red. My body makes tears. Hand me a tissue.”

    I’ve done this at work, school.

    If crying for you is “stop everything and comfort me now” that might be manipulative. If it’s a physical reaction you can’t control, you need to get your BF to understand it’s just outward evidence of a feeling. You wish you didn’t have to have your feelings running down your face, but here we are.

  17. Why are you in a relationship with a man who doesn’t care for your feelings or his kid. He’s the main problem. End of the day you need to realize he’s using you for free childcare. It isn’t fair to his ex for you to decided when it’s convenient for the kid to be dropped off. Your ex should have asked to switch the days for sure. It also doesn’t sound like you want a blended family. Your not ready to be a step mom to that girl which is fine but that means you have to break up. I would be curious if he would be upset you want to break up or he would be upset he didn’t have child care anymore.

  18. Wowowowow.


    You made it seem like you lied over something substantial. Instead you lied because this dude is problematical insecure and your career needed it.

  19. Before or right after the surgery, did you tell him what kind of support you wanted? Granted, I think most of us would understand that if our partner just had surgery, we should be checking on them and aiding their recovery. So I don't blame you for expecting some support from him, but he might not have known what support you wanted. Hopefully, that's all it was, but something to keep an eye on going forward.

  20. His visitation schedule is for the child to visit him – not you. Dump this man. He evidently has no respect for your job, your schooling, or you. You've supported him, but received none.

  21. For your business I'll give you a suggestion. You should absolutely use other sites to drive your business and sales. If you're in the US/Canada I would suggest utilizing Poshmark and/or Mercari or similar apps to also list your products to. That way you can have more of a digital presence and if you make a sale you can then funnel in a thank you card with your site address.

    (Don't post to drive business to your site, use theirs so you don't get banned)

    Also drop the boyfriend if he's sticking to this. Where's his offer of support/help with the site? Where's him telling all his friends your site to get their GF's jewelry? Why instead is he so dead set on shitting on your dreams and mocking them? That's not a boyfriend, that's an asshole.

  22. I definitely agree there is more to the story. But I have male friends who tell me the same amount of detail about their relationships as my female friends. I don’t know maybe it’s that in my head nothing would make me want to cheat on my SO because it’s just not who I am. Also both of us are actually bi, but I still wouldn’t want to have sex with her and she doesn’t want to have sex with me. (And we are both currently married or in long term relationship.) But even if I was single I wouldn’t want to sleep with her.

  23. Is this the same man that made you to pick your own consequences for when you mess up? Like you’re a child that has to be disciplined? Please tell me this isn’t the same man…please tell me you didn’t marry that man?

    What exactly are you looking for here? The courage to stand up for yourself? Is this account just for you to vent, because I can totally understand that. Or is this a cry for help because you’re in an abusive relationship, which will only get worse as time goes on. The problem I have is that until you are willing to make changes, no one can help you.

    What do you want in this moment, right here?

  24. You say that like you're talking about buying a new lawnmower or something. If you're buying the place that she is going to live! with you, I'd want some input as well. Maybe not veto power, but definitely input.

    And if you don't want her to live! in the house with you, might want to tell her that.

  25. OP, this is wild.

    My (37M) wife (38F) and I have been married for almost 14 years, together for 17.

    In year 3 or 4 of marriage, she was teaching and went with her school to New York. To save money it made sense for her to share a room with her colleague, who was a woman. That woman brought her husband, who was friends with our family. I couldn't go for work related reasons.

    It bothered me precisely none. Because I trust my wife. Had she been with her siblings in the same scenario, I would have thought about none at all. Your husband needs to check himself

  26. I would get a court order dna test so if he is paying child support for him that it can be deducted from his withholding. Also a test for the other child as well.

  27. Cheaters suck! And the honest truth is he’ll cheat again and again. Don’t waste your time. Cut ties right now and don’t look back. Someone that truly cares about you and your feelings would never consider cheating. Simple as that. And for him to give that as a reason it is just the icing on the cake.

  28. The generic stuff is compliments. Like if her hair is done up a little [ie not just tied back] compliment it. It will involve picking up on new things like earrings and shoes and etc, that perceptiveness is important. You can also sort of fish based on the chat, like talk about movies and if she says 'x is my favourite movie' say 'we should watch it together some time' and see how she reacts. Just little things, pay attention to her responses and body language where you can.

  29. I completely understand the advice on ending the relationship, because from an outside perspective it can seem very toxic. My girlfriend suffers from various mental illnesses like BPD, Severe anxiety, Depression, that have been VERY debilitating. I would blame these external factors for a huge majority of our fights, but I accepted her for who she was at the beginning of the relationship and couldn’t end things with a good conscious because of what she can’t control. I could write a book based on these problems alone, but we always made it through them when I was fully attracted to her. My problem though, Is that now that I don’t particularly find her attractive, it’s like I can’t put in 110% effort to be there for her in every situation like I used to be. The changes in her personality, and drastic changes in her appearance make it feel like I’m dating a completely different woman. If she does something that is not okay, the old me would want to talk it out but nowadays, it just makes me 10x more frustrated/upset. I feel like I’m going through a breakup while still in the relationship haha

  30. A simple “please don't have friends, ever” will suffice in this case, to be honest.

    You sound self-centred and suffocatingly exhausting.

  31. I don't get the american hype around graduation

    I'm not american and THIS graduation is a big deal because it's med school, not some bullshit degree or high school

  32. You could inform her anonymously like a third party who knows about your stuff, seen you at places etc. Include some evidence like times, locations.

  33. Friends, therapist, family ect. Perhaps you don't realise how frequent and often these complaints/whining happens

    I do say all this to her, more than once..


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