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mylove07556live sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “mylove07556live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Kids are not something to compromise on, you either want them or not. And unfortunately you want them and he doesn't, I wish this conversation had happened before marriage, but you can't change the past now. And if this is a dealbreaker (and I think it would be for anyone) then unfortunately that means you two aren't as compatible as you thought. I'm sorry

  2. Jesus Christ. So why wouldn’t you let him move schools!!!! Why why why?

    When autistic people say we’re sick of not being heard. This is what we’re talking about.

    You failed your kid. And even your other children see it. Get therapy. You sound like you wanted to be an “autism mum” and have a saviour complex rather than listening to your son.

    He cried out for help and you didn’t give it to him. How absolutely heartbreaking. How absolutely crushing for your son. And his siblings had to watch that. I hope. Siblings are getting therapy because damn that’s damaging.

  3. It doesn't seem that you have fallen out of love , even more because I feel like you want to fall in love again , so you got the full commitment to him , and it also appears that you appreciate him a lot . I would say that the problems you don't want to talk about should be talked in couple therapy . If you want to “fall in love” with him again they're prolly solvable

  4. The last time was Saturday. It used to be every day sometimes twice a day. Now not so much. I want it everyday him not so much. Just want to feel wanted and I don’t know if he’s right that my subconscious negativity is affecting us because he seems to see me more in a mood than I think I’m displaying . I overthink everything

  5. This relationship has absolutely run its course and is not worth salvaging. You do not bring out the best in each other.

    Ask for your stuff back and move on.

  6. Never ever “open” a relationship because you already have someone else you have your eye on. That's just you wanting to cheat without consequences.

  7. Nope. Not till you’re legally married. A lot can happen in a year. If you were to break up, if he were to (heaven forbid) be in an accident and die, if he lost the house in foreclosure, had financial obligations requiring collateral that he couldn’t meet, or sold the house because he found one he likes better – you may never see that $30k again, nor the kitchen! Unless you’re looking to give a gift of $30k to your boyfriend, with no expectation of return, don’t do this.

  8. People have sex on meds all the time. Prescribed or not. If you want to say that anyone having sex high, drunk, or medicated is being raped I say that's heresy. People are under the influence all the time initiating and consenting to sex.

  9. If your boyfriend doesn’t believe you then he is not the one. If he blames you and doesn’t believe you then this man is not worth your time and energy. Your friend’s brother is ok with knowing his brother and friends are sexual predators that assaulted you. Your friend is staying with a man who is ok with his brother and friends sexually assaulting you. Your friend is not a safe person at all to stay with a man that condone sexual violence.

  10. I feel this may just be an add on of other issues we are having

    You did not include these details which are important

  11. Nope. As a guest in her home, that's a very sweet thing to bring. Don't go overboard, a simple (but fresh-looking) bouquet or supermarket orchid is ideal.

  12. You definitely need to talk to her. I can’t say this would work for all but my current prnter and I agreed what the value of each of our 401ks was before we got married, that the amount that can be left to whomever we chose (kids, siblings, whatever). Balance goes to the surviving spouse. Our kid is fiancé/ half goes to the surviving spouse and balance to whomever we choose. We both owned homes. He sold his bc mine is bigger for when all the kids are home to visit with their SO’s. His went to purchase. A vacation home and a small flat in our local city. The house we live in goes to my kids, the 2 other properties go to his kids…..the only caveat is that they cannot sell the vacation home while I’m living unless I agree and I get 12 weeks a year there (Jan-March) and pay 25% of the taxes and maintenance. OR I can but they out at fair market value. If I pre-decease him, he knows my kids will sell the home we online in ;too pricey for them taxes and maintenance wise) and he doesn’t want to live here without me.

    Pretty specific and not for everyone and took a lot of conversations.

  13. Actually many men go to these massage places and get a HJ. It’s cause they don’t get any home usually…. They are almost starving for touch.

  14. Hello /u/Unfair-Plant-2199,

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  15. Texting people as you (without your consent) would be where I would absolutely draw the line. She’s your wife, not your keeper. You’re absolutely entitled to boundaries and privacy. But what are you worried for her to see/read?

  16. So by that logic a married man wouldn't be violating his spouses boundaries by spending time socializing in a hotel room with an escort, because HE is the one spending time with the escort and not the wife?

  17. OP = “honey we need to call in a plumber to fix the drain”

    OP's gf = “how DARE you! I've seen these videos…”

  18. Yes this is the million dollar question. The thing that fits best is what we think it is. I’ve tried to think of it like he spilled feelings for her as in ( do you feel used that I decided to spill my long lost love for you now that you’re having relationship problems) but it does not fit nearly as well as (do you feel used that we did it)

  19. Exactly. People who actually care about you don't say stuff like this, in jest or not. This is not even a funny joke.

  20. It's a weird lie to tell, and what would be his motive? I'll tell you what I think, he's lunching with a female colleague he doesn't want you to know about.

  21. This sounds me, but in the opposite form. I have similar ideals, music tastes and interests but I dress and look “normal”. I've ended up with issues with women from the alt scene not being interested but not having issue's outside of that sterotype.

  22. Choose a time to talk when you're not doing anything else. Start with the facts: “Our sex life has declined to a point that I'm concerned. We are not intimate as often as we used to be, nor as often as I want and need to be. I need to know if there is an underlying issue we haven't discussed. If not, I'd like for us to make a plan to put intimacy back on our priority list.” You don't need to ask him if things are ok, because they're not ok with you.

  23. Look, people do date people 6 years older than them and it's fine BUT those people usually get together when they are older.

    At both of your current ages it's weird and creepy. He is a grown man, you are a schoolchild. He is likely dating you because you don't have a lot of life experience, are easier to manipulate, and more likely to buy his 'you're so mature, babe. Course I love you, babe' BS than women his own age.

    You say he's dated women his own age before. Why isn't he now?

  24. Thanks so much. I was reading about the pelvic floor physiotherapy and that sounds like exactly what we need. Looking at it, there's two in our area, so hopefully one is covered by her insurance. I really appreciate the in-depth response, this is basically exactly what I was hoping for when I posted. Her old OB basically disregarded it so she's been unwilling to bring it back up to another, so I wanted to know if there was an intervention that could help before I tried to suggest her trying to bring it up with another one.

  25. You honestly sound like a greedy, selfish person. If this person is supposedly your “BFF” I'd hate to see how you treat others.

  26. I've met plenty of morons who do just that, dating a month and saying ily, move in after 2-3 months , “engaged” in 6, baby on the before the year's out. Usually the type of people who have multiple children with multiple partners and constantly talk about how men/women ain't shit and how they're a real king/queen who can get anyone they want.

  27. Key difference he asks you to do it, you expect to do it and read your mind. To me it seems pretty self-explanatory, you had the whole drive there to say you want something and if you didn't voice any interest once I would also assume you didn't want anything.

    You made a lot post in such short time period, that says enough about this relationship.

  28. All of this! Pregnancy is fucking tough man.

    If u don't want to do it dont and especially not to keep a man.

    It will always seem like OP forced her into giving him a kid. And that just is gross.

  29. Dude, when you leave someone's home because they think it's ok to lie and ruin your life if they're angry enough, you don't ask them to drive you home and you don't get in a car with them and continue arguing. You walk out the door and walk home, call a friend to give you a ride, call an Uber, or take a bus.

  30. Easy? Her family has already announced med school doesn’t matter; that OP doesn’t matter. Wouldn’t surprise me if it doesn’t shake out that the wedding was purposely planned to conflict with graduation because they can’t let this girl shine.

    OP, you need to walk the stage, future you isn’t going to forgive you if you go to the wedding.

  31. While i understand your triggers as someone with triggers myself. l think you need to take a step back on this incident. He had something in his car that may trigger you and he decided to tell you before you saw it to lessen your trigger response or for you to decide if you even wanted to get in his car in the first place; and instead of telling him that you saw his effort or saying that you wont get in the car then; you tried to ignore him and snapped at him for trying to ease your burden.

    You had no choice but to see it if you got in his car.

    While it was harsh you do need to see a therapist to lessen your trigger response if nothing else.

    You need to learn to see things from the other side not just yours

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