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26 thoughts on “69lola69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. We discussed the issue. As a final decision – if we understand that our joint strategy doesn’t work – we’ll try marriage counseling together. Thank you 🙂

  2. These are concerns to be mentioned to a lawyer- You may want to edit this post because I was like “who is “she”?” And it took me a while of reading to figure out who you were referring to.

    Anyways, She was mentally unhealthy to begin with, so naturally (and unfortunately), she’s going to carry those same mentally unhealthy and toxic ways in dealing with the kids also.

    Document, document, document. And, Get the 8yr old in counseling- the 4 is too young.

    Set boundaries, also. I’m not sure why she’s still living there, but that needs to be addressed also.

  3. I accept him, of course I do, but it’s hot to process all of the emotions in a way? He’s been pointing out which guys he likes like celebrities because I was trying to find out his ‘type’. It’s just very weird to hear him say things like this and I can’t tell if I’m put off by it or just not sexually attracted anymore. I’m seeing him as more of a friend now and I feel awful about it because I love him to bits!

  4. If it’s THAT embarrassing surely he would work with his lady to fix that?! With haste! Such a shame on part of him.

  5. Honestly? If my partner told me that, I wouldn't love it. Firstly, because if she loves you the way you are and your sex is good, then who cares? Second, it's a waste of money, i highly doubt any of those pills or whatever actually work, I'd tell him not to waste his money

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  7. First off, just unsubscribe from his snap chat. You're gonna be more emotionally invested in this guy the longer you see him.

    Also why are you obsessed with him from a few dry conversations? Are you thinking about him in relationship scenarios with you? If you are, you're obsessed about the idea of him, not himself. That's a no-no. You're stopping yourself from moving on from him if you think about him. What's the opposite of attraction? It's indifference.

  8. Well he cheated on you. And I would be concerned that he is paying for a sex act from women who very likely may be trafficked. Not sure how you get past either of those things.

  9. Move out and find a place closer to work . Let him pay for his house . You should not have to fund his lifestyle.

  10. You are a horrible person You are taking your unjustified anger on them and do not give two shiťs for hurting your mother this is simple revenge He gave you a family and a childhood and a father meanwhile your sister had none of that .You are angry because you are paying for your studies when he is giving your sister not a bastard FYI a hand (don't you feel isn't a bit of payback for so much she lost ?)And by the way the money he is using are his money he worked for it unless your mother is the only one who is working and he is a kept man .You are the epitome of every grown child that do not love or take care of their parents but when said parents die cry in outrage why they did not receive a dime . What was he supposed to do close the door in her face just because your mother was insecure enaugh to ask to a parent to forget a child existence?

  11. Your dad was the dick to cheat on your mom two decades ago. Your mom was the dick to demand he have no relationship with his daughter. Your dad is a now for paying for her schooling and not yours.

    His daughter approached him. It's understandable and actually good for them to have a relationship.

    Take this one to your grave. You don't need to unnecessarily upset your mom. And your dad wanting a relationship with his daughter is not a bad thing.

  12. Again, show me the proof you have that he didn't give her tons of money over the last 6 months? That's just your assumption that fits your narrative so I'm making my own assumptions that fit my narrative. See how that works? In my 'story', he's been paying her bills for months, given her tons of money and now that he bought his friend a gift also, this greedy bitch is complaining that he didn't give her the cash.

  13. Have you ever been stabbed by your significant other because they assumed that you cared about your best friend more than them?… No I don't think so.. My entire right arm is covered in scars because of moments like that.. I admit that the night I received those scars we were both drunk but She thought I had something going on with Brandy even though I never did.. After that pain and recovery process… Are you. Going to blame me for not reaching out again? Out of fear of losing someone I fought so hot for… I had to make sure Mary felt she was what I wanted, needed, and as looking for.

  14. That is rape. Cut the ties asap. Block her, cut her off, do not collect 200$, do not pass go. If you HAVE to explain it to her, simply leave it at “you raped me. I don't want to talk to my rapist” and then cut off any and all contact.

  15. I'm happy most of the time and I enjoy being around her but sometimes things like this happen where she can be unreasonable

  16. It’s weird seeing how much you’re getting flamed. Something about this sub and double standards. I’ve seen enough posts where the woman is the one providing and the dude is just seen as a “hobosexual” but it different here lol

  17. It’s weird seeing how much you’re getting flamed. Something about this sub and double standards. I’ve seen enough posts where the woman is the one providing and the dude is just seen as a “hobosexual” but it different here lol

  18. This cannot be real… Wanting children is not the same as viewing since as a utility. If I didn't want to be with a man who didn't want children would you also say I'm viewing him as a walking sperm bank? ?

  19. Well you threw around marriage as if it was easy so literary just grow tf up or stop complaining about a problem you can solve. Are you 30 or still a teenager? Grow. Up.

  20. Probably not. There are so many red flags and OP thinks this dude is checking in on her because she was upset…tf does tht make sense.

    He's a grown man acting like a child i wldve been done with him when he started saying my reasoning for not immediately answering his calls like he's my sire are little games.

    Fuck tht shit.

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