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9 thoughts on “merylovelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You are controlling and trying to control her.

    You most likely never truly listened to your children. You are trying to force your older son to be your flying monkey and get what you want.

    Try taking responsibility and accountability for yourselves throughout your children's lives. From their perspectives.

  2. How would communicating to his wife ruined the gift?

    “Hey babe, I’m so happy for you, and don’t want to take away from OP’s generosity at all, but I can’t help but feel a little insecure about how his present compares to mine.”

    If the wife is a decent person and they have a good marriage, she can then reassure her husband that she loves his gift and the cost isn’t important (like what OP said about her). It sounds like this is a one-off occurrence, and what’s done is done, so telling OP that he shouldn’t give expensive gifts is pointless.

    After receiving reasonable reassurance from his wife, then yeah the husband would have to deal with his emotions on his own, and the wife should have no reason to feel bad unless he tries to make her responsible for his insecurities. It’s important to realize when you’re being irrational and work on improving your feelings.

    When you have a problem with how your partner’s friend is treating your partner, your first step should be checking with your partner. If they disagree that the behavior is inappropriate, then problem is between you and your partner.

    Going to the OP behind his wife’s back is patronizing as fuck.

  3. Well this is just not true at all. I have no clue what you're basing any of your comment off of. I have been very much aware of her male friends and had no issue with it whatsoever. One of which, she had even mentioned was a distant ex bf.

    You seem to be completely missing out on the context of this. It appears to me that you're under the impression that she was having this conversation with me or something. Well that is not the case. She was saying this in exchange of a conversation that she thought I wasn't aware of.

    I quite literally mentioned in the post that “it's not like I expected her to not find other men attractive”

    Judging by this thread, it is practically unanimous that your accusations of me being “controlling” are beyond far-fetch.

  4. ?. You're unhinged, keep taking your meds, you clearly need them.

    P.s. My husband says hi and no thanks, he doesn't like to put his d***k in places frequented by the likes of you.

  5. A lot of comments are pointing out that this post seems very immature, but sometimes groups of friends hold each other back when it comes to growing up. You can get used to one dynamic and just keep being the same past the time you should have outgrown it. I recommend finding other friends your age who seem more mature and learning from them.

  6. If she wants you plus a toy, then go shopping together for a fun toy.

    Threesomes ruin relationships.

  7. OP suggested therapy to her already and she declined. The only reason I can think of as to why someone who is supposedly suffering like that would decline help is if they're not actually suffering at all. It's too suspicious.

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