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5 thoughts on “misslexilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I don’t understand why you don’t feel comfortable to just be straightforward. Babe, I to be really honest I genuinely love your nose. I think it’s one of the most lovely parts of you and matches your face so much. I think you’re freakin hard. ??‍♀️

  2. Very true. Truly just didn’t want to interfere or hurt their relationship. Especially since he was talking about finding a way even if she said no.

  3. Definitely tell your BF you lost the ring at the gym.

    Definitely DO NOT engage in some sitcom-esque shenanigans trying to surreptitiously replace it with a new one or any such nonsense.

  4. The only way you can become a mother and a wife is that you break up with him and, after a while, find somebody closer to your age with the same aspirations.

  5. Not trying to control him just don’t want a dude that jacks off at work / thinks of other women virtually every time we fuck bc it’s the easiest way for him to cum I could def jack him off daily if he wanted Not against masturbation but am starting to be disgusted by the idea that he has a collection of pics of very hot girls on his phone

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