Britannyfaris live webcams for YOU!


Help me to beat my 12 squirts on a day record!!! @squirt ar goal #horny [1951 tokens remaining]

Date: November 13, 2022

23 thoughts on “Britannyfaris live webcams for YOU!

  1. I suppose so if you're weirded out that men and women tend to want one another in sexual ways. You have a few guys you wouldn't mind seeking pleasure with either though.

    It's not that men and women can't be friends, but that they tend to initiate conversations with those people they're interested in sexually. Your mind and body compel you to do so naturally. Doesn't mean that you must indulge them for wanting you that way, but it is worthwhile to understand that their cooperation is out of genuine desire for more.

  2. Yes this is fraud! It doesn’t matter if she opened the account, a check tied to your name, social security number, went into that account. Stop letting the situation go cause she gets mad at you for bringing it up. She stole from you! She had no right to take that money for herself. You’d be a fool to let her get away with this mess.

  3. My opinion on stuff like this is: if you have to ask if you're valid in feeling uncomfortable then it's not a good sign. Everyone has different boundaries and expectations and yours aren't always going to match with his.

    HOWEVER, in this instance, he's being controlling and I wouldn't be on board with someone telling me what I can and can't post. If what you post makes him feel him uncomfortable he's allowed to feel like that but he can't then try to control you to make himself feel better.

  4. Marriage counselor or sex therapist for sure 🙁 I'm sorry you had a rough upbringing. That'll definitely do it. Good luck OP

  5. Idc if i get downvoted but everyday we get posts of 20 year olds in abusive relationships with 30+ year old men take the hint already that they're not with you to be in a healthy relationship they want a hard young gf to show off ? this is so tiring you're not going to beat the norm date within your age range

  6. Honestly bro see the results so you can move on one way or another. Who knows maybe he is yours and she's just nuts. Check the DNA paternity test so you can know for sure.

  7. It's also incredibly hit or miss on the internet, and probably shouldn't come from strangers.

    Interesting thing for the person who literally solicited advice on their situation from Internet strangers to say.

    That is not tough love, c'mon now. That's just straight toxic.

    “Toxic” is an appropriate word for something or someone seemingly making your life worse in every way and providing seemingly absolutely nothing in return. Does that definition sound familiar to you?

    Tough love, on the other hand, is generally defined as saying or doing something a person won't like for that person's (usually unknowing at the time) benefit. Tough love is often misunderstood as hostility or unfairness. Again, this may be ringing some bells for you.

  8. I’d say yes. Considering she has all these advanced degrees, saying she has average intelligence is really quite a statement from him. He is either the type of person who is painfully honest to a fault or he really doesn’t think she’s that smart for what’s important to him.

    If your wife asked you if she was beautiful, would you say “you’re average or slightly above average”? Um hell no. Not if your not an idiot.

  9. Maybe you can learn how to enjoy the single life from your roommate? I know myself how hard it is suddenly single again, but the best way to deal with it is to learn to be self-reliant. Easier said than done, I know.

    Learn to like yourself who you are. Talk to yourself using self affirming language and tell yourself to get up and get going with life. Do the things you are interesting in. And hangout with your roommate and you will meet other people. Yes, life is bad sometimes, but it's also good too. Lots of hugs to you. You'll make it.

  10. Well if you’re good at it, the person will not even realize he/she was manipulated…it’s not like manipulation works as you announce it to the world, i shall manipulate you into getting my way…no, you play the long game you start slowly, you take times between the little suggestions and ideas…this isn’t a today we do it type of thing, this can take months, even years sometimes, but in the end you get your way.

    You decide what is important to you, i don’t view the world in good or bad, i view it as you do you and what you consider best for you, and everyone is doing the same…bad…ok bad for who? And who decides that? If it works for me, works for me, don’t care what society/people may thing about it…

  11. I’ve had to share a room with my own gender multiple times in the last four years. But opposite gender? Would never happen.

  12. Yeah i understand that. Some people don’t have the same view of how to take care of animals or just don’t know better.

    Personally i’m a Cesar Millan fan, and what he talks about really makes sense to me and how i see it being proven. For your partner and brother to see how this is all wrong and somewhat abuse to be honest. Maybe they need to watch or read some dog phycology videos or dog training videos.

    To make them see that this behavior that the dogs have are reflective over how they are as owners. It also includes you with how you are with your dog that you have with your partner. Because everyone in the same house needs to have the same rules apply to the dog. Consistency is key in changing behavior.

  13. I’m sorry, my love. He meant to send it. You know it. He knows it. We all know it. Your marriage was already rocky to begin with, and then he goes and does all this? It makes me feel like he’s deliberately trying to sabotage your relationship so you’ll leave him. You deserve better than that pig.

  14. Time to face the music and end the relationship unfortunately. The pic to your sister was no accident.

  15. air it out, if she keeps asking. maybe tell her once that you'd rather not get into, but if she insists, air that shit out. he sounds like a real douche

  16. It's okay to not live together until you're married. Living close to one another and spending a lot of time together will get you everything you need to know. Unless there's a critical financial burden, having separate places is for the best.

  17. He is 12 years older and makes almost 100 times your salary.

    Yet, he wants you to pay over 50% of your salary to live! there. He wants you to be an incubator for his child without marriage, meaning you will have nothing and he will have millions to spend on a lawyer to keep the child and bury you in legal costs.

    He also wants you to be a maid and house keeper. If he is making over 1 million pounds a year, why doesn't he have a house keeper? Why are you supposed to do everything? Because he is cheap, that's why.

    shouldn’t we divide your costs proportionally to our earnings?

    Sure, you should pay 25 cents a month LOL

    He sounds cheap. I wouldn't move in. I wouldn't have a kid with this man because you will always be overpowered by how much money he has and how cheap he is.

  18. No it doesn’t make sense to me. I’m conflicted and confused on what to do. I’m going over all my options. I don’t know when to tell him I’m not coming back. Like I said, I want him to think he’s getting away with cheating and think I’m coming back. I want him to give his hopes up like I have SO many times with him. I want him to suffer like I have been for 5 years. But I also want to confront him and let him know that I know he’s been unfaithful and that im not coming back. But im not sure when. When I get up there? Or a few days before im supposed to come back and give him that false hope?

  19. Clorox wipes???? Uh she sounds like she's a bit…. sensitive to this issue. I wouldn't assume you've done anything wrong.

  20. I don't mean if she drinks a lot in general.

    I mean if her drinking is getting in the way of having meaningful dates or time spent together frequently than there's an issue here.

    But an occasional and she's hungover, i mean shit happens.

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