Jess and Sharon the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Jess and Sharon, 20 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Jess and Sharon

Jess and Sharon live! sex chat

Date: November 13, 2022

32 thoughts on “Jess and Sharon the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I think if you served her divorce papers, she would have one of two reactions:

    She would realize the cost of her (in)actions. She would realize that youre not her safety, youre her husband. That your heart isnt something you can win and then store in the closet, but it’s a plant that needs water and sunlight constantly. She would wake up and realize that texting this douche is going to ruin the life she worked hot to make, and start to redirect that effort towards you.

    “Ok cool bye.”

  2. Unless they are just horny and lying to get laid Then I have this to tell you .In Indian society, lifelong monogamy is common concept. It can often lead to unrealistic expectation about love and they may put you on much more of a high pedestal then they should put anyone. Too much idealism sucks.

  3. Why be intimate with someone who is not in the moment with you?

    There is 3 of you in that bed. If there is 3 of you in the bed then there is 3 off you in a relationship.

  4. He was very confident when I met him and I never thought he ever had any thoughts like this. In October there was an incident where I was really down in my mental health and then I went out with friends the next weekend and the combination of that led him to believe I was cheating and wanted to get away from him. He still deep down believes that I cheated on him but I gave him every piece of information and evidence to show I did not and never would. Ever since that October night he has not trusted me.

  5. I was literally rephrasing your thread of thought. I mimicked YOUR way of talking. YOU SAID: “I'm not calling you fat, you're just not genetically small”

    That's the SAME AS THE ARIANA GRANDE COMMENT. Both statements are ridiculous. Jesus Christ, honestly.

  6. I've been with my husband for nearly 20 years. We have some of each other's friends' phone numbers, but not all. But if needed, we are friends with each other's friends on Facebook and could message if needed.

  7. People are so focused on body positivity that it’s EXTREME. What does being secure in yourself and your body have to do with showering hot with grandma??? The TOP comment is all about Americans being prudish, as if the issue here isn’t an extended family member bathing your child naked.

    I don’t CARE about “familllyyy” or who’s eggs came from who, it’s totally okay to not want grandparents bathing your kid in the naked. I’m just glad he caught it early and hopefully they can have a reasonable discussion. Cause if I found out that grandma was doing all this and my wife was co-signing, we’d be having an immediate serious discussion about BOUNDARIES.

  8. That’s what I’m thinking as well. OP says that she’s autistic, and it’s not uncommon for people with autism to have communication issues, even with people who they are close to. (Autism is a broad thing, of course, so it’s possible that OP doesn’t exhibit this particular trait. But odds are high that she does.) And even absent the autism, this kind of thing happens all of the time.

    What OP was saying, and what her partner was hearing, could be far apart, and neither of them should be blamed for that. The important thing is to address it. It’s an opportunity for the two of them to improve their communication skills. And that’s important for long term success in a relationship. Trust and love and happiness all depend on the ability to have open and honest communication with your partner.

  9. You stay the hell out of it. You have a relationship with your sister, and do not break her boundaries regarding your father(showing pictures, giving updates, access on social media, etc do not be a flying monkey)

    He disowned her over his own pride, and now that she has something he wants, it is oh woe is me it sucks but he made his bed now he is stuck laying in it and doesn't like the consequences of his words and actions.

  10. He hasn’t been cruel to you yet but obviously has the capacity to be very cruel to someone he once cared for. It should be a dealbreaker.

  11. Every body is telling you it’s over and to move on homie. Are you not absorbing what this redditor and others are saying?

  12. Splitting up over this would probably not solve the issue.

    it actually does solve the issue.

    you can live the way you like, with someone else who isn't focused on getting a home.

    she can find someone else who aligns more with her goals, including to work in a way that helps their relationship reach their goals.

  13. Don’t respond to her. Not only was she disrespectful but openly defiantly going to cheat in front of people you know. Have respect for yourself and block her. Don’t look back as that was completely humiliating and degrading. The apologies are meaningless.

  14. You mean life altering circumstances? What if he wants biological children down the road with her and she can’t give that to them. Is that not life altering to him if she does not tell him? What if his only preference is cis women? Is that not life altering that he was led to believe she was a cis women? You can deny it all you want, but she is in the wrong here. This is now my last reply. Have a great night.

  15. I agree that in this instance it is likely warranted to break up, I was just responding to the comment above me that stated:

    “Here's the rub though. It doesn't actually matter if she did anything. The moment you tracked her phone you didn't trust her, that was the moment the relationship should have been over for you.

    There's really no middle ground here. Either you trusted her and would have no reason to track her phone, or you didn't trust her and therefore the relationship is over.”

    That feels like a pretty bold blanket statement to make, and doesn't really encompass the spectrum of human emotions and situations.

  16. The plans were still solidly in the ‘planning stage.’ At first he mentioned Japan as a joke (I believe to test the waters) then his participation in the planning of our own trip fell to the side then suddenly he was very serious about Japan and wanted my blessing.

  17. I see a lot of comments been wanting to jump on here and clarify a little bit I do have a full time job make good money and me and him met at my work when he was living out of his van looking for a place to stay I was renting out a room in my rented place to help ends meet he moved in and pretty quickly we got involved like two weeks after he moved in because we had a lot in common same dreams of homeownership and travel etc. we talked about this months ago that we’d like to buy a place together and rent it out make profit from the rent money and then buy another property elsewhere and do the same. Well I saved up a good bit of money to put towards the down payment of the first home and closing costs we found a home we both really liked and now he says he doesn’t think it is a good idea for us to both go on the contract loan and he wants to buy the house himself and I live in it and pay him rent which was never my intention. He says he wouldn’t want to be on a house I’m buying if the roles were reversed which goes against everything we had talked about to begin with. I don’t know where to go from here in This relationship I feel like we should split everything equally and if he really cared for me the way he claims then his actions moving forward with the home purchase would have proven that.

  18. He will never change. A baby will make it a million times worse. Get the appt, live your life without his abuse.

  19. So even you would take the time to really get to know the estranged father before you brought children into this mess. Good!

    This grandparent is a random person. His own son doesn't even know him.

    And despite our mutual view of police generally, you cannot make a valid argument based on the idea that he relatives are guilty of beating people on the street simply because they are on the job.

  20. Sweetie- I want you to very quietly and calmly get all your important papers- ID, Social Security if you are in the US, any passports- and put them in a bag or your car- and I want you to get somewhere safe. And I want you to consider going to your parents, and I want you to consider going to the police. If these are not options, go to a friend’s or a domestic violence shelter. He has threatened your life. They will take you in.

    If you are not ready to have a baby and raise it on your own, you need to make a decision- because he is showing you that he is not capable.

    I want to be clear with you: it doesn’t matter if his abusive behavior is due to his mental health conditions. It doesn’t matter if he says he is going to get better. It doesn’t matter how much he means it, and it doesn’t matter how much he loves you: his pattern of behavior is dangerous.

    Right now you are on a ride of hormones, stress and fear. There are 4 responses to abuse: flight, fight, freeze and fawn. Fawn is when we try to make it right with our abuser by loving them through it. You are doing that right now, and it is okay that your instinct is telling you this: but you need to go. Your first responsibility is to your own safety. Everything else can be sorted out.

  21. One is a date that can be changed, altough with great difficulty, and the other is a date you have no control over.

    I am curious to know which one came first? Did your brother set the date knowing it would be graduation day for you? I really hope not.

  22. You both are still so young and as such, life changes rapidly. I remember feeling like a different person year over year just due to personal growth. What I’m trying to say is that perhaps she’s experiencing some of these sort of issues and the relationship just doesn’t work for her anymore. Perhaps she’s scared of feeling too comfortable. She may not be in a place right now for a long term relationship. I have been there twice around your age. It feels like your heart is being ripped out. But…. you WILL be ok. Sometimes the stars just don’t align due to circumstances and no one’s fault.

  23. You both are still so young and as such, life changes rapidly. I remember feeling like a different person year over year just due to personal growth. What I’m trying to say is that perhaps she’s experiencing some of these sort of issues and the relationship just doesn’t work for her anymore. Perhaps she’s scared of feeling too comfortable. She may not be in a place right now for a long term relationship. I have been there twice around your age. It feels like your heart is being ripped out. But…. you WILL be ok. Sometimes the stars just don’t align due to circumstances and no one’s fault.

  24. Joke about his dick. Say his ballsack is weird. Tell him his dick is the ONLY one you’ve seen do THAT during sex one night and then get dressed and leave and ghost him forever, leaving him to forever worry about what it just did.

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