Kawakaami the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Kawakaami live! sex chat

Date: November 13, 2022

24 thoughts on “Kawakaami the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. i really appreciate your take on this it gave me a lot of reflect on for the future! just want to see if it’s worth me responding at this point since i now realize how i approached the situation was kind of unfair

  2. Huh?? Not everything is about cheating??? Girl you made an entire post about you husband immediately requesting a paternity test!! Aka to see if you CHEATED

  3. Are you sure that's why you've lost your libido, or is it just the most obvious/easiest thing to blame? I mean – it's one thing to be less attracted to your partner, and it's another thing to lose your sex drive?

    In any case – bodies change. Everyone's body. If you can't accept that, and if your sex drive hinges on your partner maintaining a specific weight and shape, I don't think you're ready to be in a relationship.

  4. But do it in a way to teach him a lesson. When he asks to borrow it, say he can't because you need it. When he asks what for, just shrug your shoulders and say IDK how long for.

  5. He said he doesn't want sex before marriage, you've had sex before marriage.

    He says he feels guilty and wants to wait, you say you can't do it. You need it to feel close.

    Do you not see how you are contradicting yourself?

    You say you've tried therapy it doesn't work, you can't be fixed. First that's not true. But finding a therapist is like finding a good relationship. It's naked to do.

    Second, if it was true it would mean you should never be in a relationship. As you will always be toxic to those you love.

    So pick. Therapy and stop fucking your boyfriend. Or no therapy and no boyfriend.

  6. I hate pranks. And this one was very sick and twisted. I'd go full NC with your sister. What a demented psycho.

  7. Hello /u/LadyBangarang,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. What is you disappointment about : the value or the effort she put in it?

    I can deal with a gift that is under the value of what I offered when the situation was reversed but I can't overlook getting a gift card when I got them something that is dear to them.

  9. For real. Classic fucking Reddit, whining that suggesting men should treat women like humans is sexist toward men lmfao. Is it me, or is this site getting worse by the day

  10. As far as i can tell you can stay and end up getting dumped or cheated on. Or you can leave and someone who actually wants to be with you.

    There are 3 ways to say “lets break up” And they are: “lets break up” “I think we need a break” “I want to open our relationship”

    Imo once any of these 3 are mentioned its already over.

    Dont be forced into anything good luck.

  11. There are no words. You are a detestable person, and I hope the meeting is for him to have you sign any legal papers to separate himself from you entirely. I hope when your daughter grows up, she learns the truth, and you end up alone. At least you will have your pseudo son-figure you can fuck.

  12. What are this guy's hobbies? I will be honest it's for my own curiosity. I think the ND part might be a possibility but if all “his people” do stuff he doesn't like it may be that.

    As a engineer it does sound that way. All the signs point at neurodiversity.

  13. I would text her saying you are here for her, didnt want to cause any harm and if she wants to talk you are open for it. you just texted her because you dont know if she needs space, doesnt know what to do or if she isnt sure about what to say. Also if she doesnt think of you that way its ok and she just has to tell you.

    And after that the ball is in her field ?‍♀️

  14. Three weeks in and she’s already making demands and trying to control you. I don’t know, dude. I think I’d get the hell out.

  15. Have you heard the term 'dry drunk'? It sounds like giving up drinking has only been partially successful. He hasn't worked on the reasons why he was drinking in the first place. People who resort to alcohol early in their lives are often emotionally arrested at the age they started.

    You can be 100% sure that his attitude and comments are not actually about you, but reflect some dissatisfaction with himself or his life, yet he doesn't have the maturity to look inwards.

    You can concentrate on your own life and development, but your marriage is eventually going to disintegrate without love and intimacy. Take your time, but make plans for the future.

  16. You’re inly 1/2 way though your movie.

    Now you leave the jackass, get into the best space of your life, get a new job, make new friends and meet a new man who’s mature, doesn’t overindulge and is your bestie.

    Then you run into jackass 8 years later to see he’s toothless with a bottle of rum in his pocket. You point him out and tell your kids that was almost your dad. Everyone laughs. Live happily ever after.

    Make this happen OP. You may feel old but you’re still young and in your prime – and will be for at least another 15/20 years. Don’t waste another day.

  17. God it’s unbelievable how many people come on here and preach this condom + bc shit to others while probably not practicing it themselves. I’ve never heard anyone do that outside of reddit

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