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carolina_ass12live sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “carolina_ass12live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. doing nothing religious is not an active tradition that he is doing. he's not doing anything extra to keep religion AWAY from them, they are free to pursue it on their own.

  2. it is nobody's entitlement to take care of someone who is being violent or destructive. I grew up with a family of bi-polar and I'll never talk to them again. I know its very hot but they need help and you can still have empathy for them and give support but protect yourself as well.

    With the info we have, the sister is straight up rewarding this behavior, whether she means to or not. If I was married and had these talks with my wife and we were at the final line of mental defense as she says he is, I'd run too, probably straight to a lawyer, sign my copy and then skip town. People with this severe of an addiction and mental instability can destroy lives other than their own quickly.

    They need help and support, not a playground to create more chaos and that is what the sister is i'm assuming has unintentionally created.

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  4. I meant to add here that even if I am making a mistake I want to be able to make that mistake on my own and learn from it because I know that he might say that IF he even vocalizes anything. I just wanna be able to make my own decisions.

  5. If you want real advice from a mixed race relationship here goes:

    My FIL cannot pronouce Josh, his language has no voiced fricatives so it is pronouces Dioss (like god in spanish with a longer s) after 3 years.

    The main issue tends for me to be simply. Are they trying or taking the piss? some langages struggle with sounds and will never get it right. But also they might just be assholes.

    If they are trying but cannot get it then fine. If not then they need to be sat down and get some respect.

    If you're called Anh or such fine but if you're called something more like 梦圆 then its a bit harder because the e nad ua sounds dont exitst in english so theyll get mesed up.

  6. There’s a reason men date women who are inappropriately young for them. It’s because they expect much younger women not to be emotionally strong enough to stand up for themselves.

    Prove him wrong.

  7. I asked him if he didn't want to be together anymore tho and he said he does want to be with me. I even told him I will let him go. And in what way am I ridiculing his choices? 🙁 Also, I don't think I'm codependent because I do give him his space. Lots and lots of it actually. Yesterday itself he mentioned how I “let him be free”

  8. Do women want to please their partners? Of course they do, but if you’re expecting over the top porn reactions with your wife you will be disappointed.

  9. I do not believe that a 40-year-old person wrote this. REasonable creative writing exercise, but you didn't take the time to adjust your vernacular.

  10. What other closure can you possibly achieve? You moved on and got married. That’s your closure. His as well. If I had an SO that did this and typed/said this I’d be absolutely gutted.

  11. It’s really hot. She got her at 18 years old then went to college (which she admits was a really bad idea). The dog stayed with her parents the first 4 years and then when we moved in together, we got her full time. Her parents just kept her in the house the first 4 years of her life. It’s made life really hard for me which sucks because I would have never left any of that happen if I had any say, but I didn’t. It’s a tough situation and I am at such a loss.

  12. Yea but at that point, you’re immobile. At ego death and beyond, your sense of self is annihilated and you can’t even use your own body. So you wouldn’t be caught making out with your wife’s sister lol

  13. I'd honestly tell her too but IDK her and he's not very open about her. He has tried dodging my questions regarding his relationship status, even when I've seen his wallpaper with her and a polaroid of them kissing on the back of his phone. He also never corrected me when I thought he was single. He never accepted my IG follow request either since he said he only knows the present me, so it is only fair that I only know the present him. I have nothing on my IG, so that's fair.

    I also doubt that she'd be happy about it, but I really have no way of telling her. Her name is quite generic too and I haven't been able to see her face in full. Only a glimpse from his phone and it's a side picture.

  14. Just having the desire doesn't make you a bad person. The fact that you're reaching out to friends, your therapist, and advice communities for input shows that you care how your actions will affect her. This shows you're not simply objectifying her.

  15. The issue is clearly with the friend, not her. His friend was being predatory from the sounds of it, and definitely crossing a line by targeting a friends wife. Tbh his wife seems very naive and she wasn’t being deceitful at all, she was persuaded into believing it would be a nice gift for her partner.

  16. he doesn't really have any real power over me thankfully. like he can't fire or reprimand me in any way it's more just telling me to restock things or get on register and stuff. i guess theoretically he could lie to the managers and say i did something during our shift but there's already the history of lying about me so i'm not sure they would believe him.

    unfortunately at work people want to stay out of it so i feel kinda helpless when i'm there. it sucks because i could go in to work and he's said something off-putting to me (at one point he admitted he wanted to date other people, then would retract that, then at one point would say he doesn't feel attracted to me anymore, then the next shift tell me he wants to take me out on a date and make flirty comments) and i just have to continue my shift because when i bring it up i just feel like i look like a petty ex trying to bring relationship drama into work.

    if i'm ever upset with him or not talking to him, he'll stare at me with these puppy dog eyes from across the room and go out of his way to help me with simple tasks that make me feel bad for being angry with him, and also just uncomfortable with having to deal with being around him while upset w/ him.

    i can't quit because the job is super flexible with my availability and i don't have a car right now so i just can't imagine starting a new job with all these stipulations on my hours.

    i feel a bit trapped. not only that, but i constantly go back and forth on being angry at him vs being completely in love with him and missing the old him.

  17. Yeah dude it’s wayyyy weirder for it to be a male friend. I would even go as far as to fight the guy- who the fuck does he think he is pretty much taking advantage of my wife? Viewing her in a way only I want to view her? Maybe he didn’t intend it that way but I would for sure take it that way. It’s wildly inappropriate in my opinion

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