Adriana the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Adriana, 19 y.o.


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Adriana live! sex chat

Date: November 12, 2022

25 thoughts on “Adriana the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I think my question is do you still consider her to be someone who will be your long term partner? That makes a huge difference. If you consider her your life partner then paying back seems less important. You would be sharing a lot of expenses in that case and I wouldn't be in as big a hurry to be paid back, if ever. However, if now she is more of a good friend (since you said you are hetero) then it becomes more of an issue as you will be forming your own life without her at some point. I think you need to sit down and decide if she is your life partner or not and then decide what to do accordingly

  2. …..

    Not everyone has to find you beautiful, but if his friend was a good friend, she wouldn’t disrespect any partner he had. He is the one that lives (or will online) with you, dates you, etc. Not her. She’s ugly, not you.

    Your boyfriend could have defended you better. “I don’t see boobs or face” ??? No, more like “Watch your mouth. You’re ugly tf? My girl is beautiful”

  3. We both have BPD mothers, his mom had a bad history with one of his exs who he tried to introduce to her and it kinda just went bad. I haven’t directly talked to his family before but I technically follow his one sister, though I think he told her I’m a friend? His mom and step dad and sister kind of know I exist because I send him lots of packages in the mail, but besides that no I’ve never talked with them.

    Honestly though I’m not…sure? Again I guess for privacy reason, he doesn’t seem to talk much to his family and he’s stated before he’s worried about it. I do feel like I should know them by now, he’s very close with my younger sister and plays Roblox with her, and my parents know him as wel

  4. “I care how my husband treats people so you should put in the effort not to be a fucking dickhead… why is it so bad that I should want my husband to not be a complete asshole?”

  5. u/Tulip_Blossom, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. well on his birthday he saw my car and snapped a picture of the parking spot and said my car was there… then days later he proceeded on screenshotting someones story of me Lol

    this happened in october. apperently he went to las vegas and miami.

    days later when he came back he pops up at my desk “hey!!” Lmao

    like bro….

    this situation is so difficult bc i want him… why cut off someone u want?

    and its not like i try he just pops up

  7. I'm assuming you're American. Honestly we've been so brainwashed into believing that we MUST BE WORKING AT ALL TIMES OR WE'RE LAZY BUMS!!! That even when there's no real hurry to find a new job some of us get anxious AF. Maybe sit down with her and explain (again if necessary) that your bills are covered, getting a better job will benefit you more in the long run and there really isn't any reason to panic.

  8. she didn’t tell you for 10 years… and even when you found it it was through someone else… she would have never told you this, so I’d stress about the other things she felt like hiding since she seems pretty good at it.

    then again don’t ruin what you have just bc of some ppl on reddit, make you own decisions we don’t have as much context as you do

  9. Just an update! He ghosted me for about 2 weeks after we talked about how we felt. He asked me if I loved him, I told him yes. He asked me if I was in love with him, I told him I wasn’t sure. He asked if I was happy, I told him with him, yes, but with our relationship, no.

    Finally talked to him for the first time in two weeks yesterday. He wants to break up. But didn’t break up with me? He told me “we are still together, but i dont know how long we will be together or if we will work out bc i dont know how I feel. I love you, but I feel like we should break up”

    Such a shit night. I am stuck in limbo. I don’t know what to believe anymore. I just want to be done with it all, only bc he seems so upset but didn’t want to hurt me it seemed? I dont know. I will update you again soon. Thanks again for all your help.

  10. Men who run at the first signs of illness are aging are especially pathetic. YOU on the other hand are a fucking queen, you have had a spine of steel thus far and now you are going to need it more than ever to deal with the betrayal from this truly sad man. You will feel such relief when you are away from him and his garbage family.

  11. Men who run at the first signs of illness are aging are especially pathetic. YOU on the other hand are a fucking queen, you have had a spine of steel thus far and now you are going to need it more than ever to deal with the betrayal from this truly sad man. You will feel such relief when you are away from him and his garbage family.

  12. I think you’re 100% right. This isn’t the only snafu we have had. He once said me asking him if he wanted to be with me was me “pushing a negative narrative” tbh it made me sad bc he doesn’t know what I’m thinking.

    I did ask him a couple times and would get pissed when I did so?

  13. My thoughts exactly. I really thought we were still friends despite the fact that I rejected her approaches back then (and I know the pain of being rejected but I really tried to NOT be mean) but now she did a 180 on me… welp, whatever

  14. In a situation like this, you don’t want to let her get the jump on you or have advance notice of your desire/intention to divorce. The first step is to privately consult a divorce lawyer to understand all the ways in which this can play out so that you can develop an exit plan that includes custody of your daughter. You are afraid because of the unknown so make sure the unknown becomes known (see a lawyer that can educate you on custody and parental rights).

    Do not tell your wife you are doing any of this. If there was ever a time to be secretive, it is now. You do not want to let her know about any of this until you are ready to execute the plan you create with a lawyer.

  15. Believing in Godly Rape is a good reason to divorce someone. Either she’s willing to deal with this or she’s not. Don’t allow yourself to be pulled into something because of 2,000 years of extremely transparent attempts to control people. The reasonable options are abortion or adoption and depending on where you live/ your situation, adoption might not be realistic.

  16. My dad was a felon. He had a lot of drug related charges because he was an addict. The thing that put him away the longest was a charge for trespassing and breaking and entering.

    My half sister (his first kid) was 14. He found out she was at a grown man’s house and he went there to get her. He broke the door to the guy’s house bc the guy wouldn’t let him in or my sister out. He went into the house and got her and brought her home. The guy was friends with the cops and pressed charges against my dad. When the cops arrested him he had drugs on him which made the charges even worse. He already had two convictions related to drugs so they put him away for 9 years. He also wrote a bunch of hard checks in my mom’s name that she didn’t find out about until he went to prison. My mom was forced to pay all of it back and a fine for each check. It ended up costing her $20k. She had to move back with her parents bc she couldn’t afford the payments plus what it cost to raise me and my brother.

    My dad swore up and down that he changed. When he got out he lived with his sister for 6 months until he smooth talked his way into our house. He spent the next 4 years stealing from my mom and disappearing for weeks at a time to go on drug binges.

    Some people really do change after prison and some people don’t. Until he’s been out for a while and proven he has changed, exposing your kids to him is not a good idea. Your wife is 100% correct in that regard. Taking the kids against your wife’s wishes was also not the right thing to do. Your wife has equal say in what and who your kids are around, disregarding her like she’s not the mother of your kids was not a good choice.

    I understand wanting your kids to have a relationship with your dad, but you are an adult who can deal with the disappointment if your dad reoffends – your kids are unlikely to have that same understanding.

  17. In my personal experience, this is tip of the trust issues iceberg. Little things that are cute in the beginning: “I like when you wear that outfit/hairstyle/nail polish”, “I don't like when you wear or do this” can turn into controlling behavior.

    I'm not saying your bf is my ex. Just do me a favor and think about what you give and get from this relationship and see if you two are really compatible because, trust me, you don't want to turn around 5 years later and regret all the things you missed because you were trying to make your relationship work. My ex was older than me, had trust issues, and I was too naive to see all the red flags until it was too late and I was “trapped” and miserable. It sounds like youve already compromised by going out less. Your partner should not keep you from the things you enjoy – they should encourage your hobbies and personal growth. I'm here if you need any help or advice. Good luck ✌️

  18. He's cheating, and he cares so little he does it right in front of you. You've taken so far, so why would he stop?

  19. Last year and this year my dad involved me throughout the organizing process. He understood I was unable to participate last year due to caregiving for an elderly family member. This is quite common in indigenous communities as we value our family bonds above all else.

    I have been learning my endangered indigenous language for 4 years. It is difficult and frustrating. My family is excited to bring the ceremonial aspect in because it was lacking last year. No one else in my family speaks our language at any level. After speaking with my sister she agrees she misstepped with this.

    I don’t care if people here take my side. This thread has been stunning in its ignorance of indigenous community and protocols. It is our traditional protocol to inform one another of things. In my opinion bringing strangers to our shared land where we all live counts as one of those things. People we know is a different story and wouldn’t expect any advance notice or consultation if it was a fellow community member.

    My sister and I had a good talk and she told me she has been neglecting many relationships of late, including those with her mentor and best friend. She said she missed me too and will make more of an effort.

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