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6 thoughts on “y20010514live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Probably but OP doesn't give off the trophy wife wanting vibes. It seems she rejected a man who loved her for more than her looks and now will have to rely on her looks to find a man.

  2. Start dating her. I pick flowers by the side of the road and give them to her. I buy loving greeting cards and write letters about how much I love her and send them to her in the mail, buy her little things that she likes. My wife and I have been married for over 40 years and I started doing these things and more when I saw her distancing herself from me at our 10 yr mark. We don’t have much disposable income but doing these little things confirm to her that I love her and that she’s always on my mind.

  3. He can literally bring home a pizza or takeout once or twice a week if cooking is that difficult. Grilled cheese and tomato soup takes 10 minutes tops.

  4. You might be better off without the daily contact. Lots of people when breaking up agree to go no contact for a period of time.

    Breakups hurt, they do, they usually hurt both people. It's part of being human. Take care of yourself during this period – eat right, get your sleep, exercise, try to do some fun things. In time, this too shall pass.

  5. Imo you should not even touch on the subject, if she asks you about how you lost your virginity? Sure, tell her, do not lie to her about it or you may set shit up for the future

    If she doesnt come after that info? Just dont talk about it, there is no reason to, the best way of keeping this in the dark and avoid that sort of conflict is to just not touch on it at all, you are not a liar if you dont want to talk about it, you are a liar if she asks you about it and you make something up then and there

  6. He also told me I'll look bad if I only invite a few of her classmates instead all of them and told me the best thing to do was invite none of them.

    Your child's father is actively preventing your daughter from making friends and forming relationships.

    Why? He's too lazy to host a child's birthday party with children. That's child neglect. That's what your daughter is going to tell her therapist in 20 years. He knows he's an asshole now; but that's too kind to him. He's an abuser who actively wants to force you to neglect your child with him. How else does he want to neglect your child?

    Unless this is a one off that never happens again? This is a HUGE, HUGE problem that is going to actively harm your child and make her feel small and worthless.

    Kids hear everything. She'll eventually figure it out. Ooof.

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