Jenny-Jo on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 10, 2022

10 thoughts on “Jenny-Jo on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh come on you were in a sex shop with another woman, you openly talk about sexs with another woman, you bought her a sex toy and she was comfortable enough to ask this of you and you wondering why your gf isn’t ok with this? And you kept it from her?

    I’m guessing this is also the type of friend who sends raunchy pics to see if she looks ok? You know most women wouldn’t be ok with this? Address this before you get into another relationship and stop wasting peoples time. Either date the friend or be respectful

  2. But .. it seems like her husband took advantage of her incapacitated sister, it's really important that she was spends time to ascertain whether this was consensual or a sexual assault.

  3. He wants a submissive trad wife. Do not compromise your personality for this man who is obviously so insecure that his own wife is intimidating to him.

    Throw the whole man out.

    I always referred to the type you seem to be thinking of as the Stepford wife type. When you say “trad wife, I think it's funny because the traditional wife types I have known weren't that submissive and definitely had opinions. 🙂

  4. I dunno, staying with a dying old friend and his adult kids does'nt seem like a fuckfest to me? That whole dying thing is a real bonerkiller. I'm someone who's friends with exes, and so is my partner (the good ones we didn't work out with but still like) and wouldn't care at all if he were to catsit at his ex. One of my exes did music at my wedding. I wouldn't frame this as disrespect as much as “you are different people with different expectations and lives and perhaps are not compatible.”

  5. When you break up the only way to heal and move on is to stop having contact with your ex. Of course you'll feel bad if you're talking to this person still and hearing about everything she's doing now. Tell her to go find a real friend to lean on while she's in this bad place. She's not your responsibility and you'll never feel better until she's completely out of your life.

  6. It strikes me as negging. It seems along the lines of 'most fat women couldn't get away with wearing X, but you can'.

  7. It's totaly ok to think that it was a bad joke, and it should also be ok to be uppset/sad and express this to your partner.

    However, there's far to little information here to make the assumption that the guy is some kind of unsensitive asshole who should be dumped imediatly (as some suggests.)

    We don't know if she has told him that she is insecure about this, or that she has been bullied and therefore is sensative about certian jokes. We don't know for how long they have been together, and how they usually joke with each other.

    I can only talk from experience. In my previous relationship i knew that my partner loved me for who i was (and the other way around.) Of course i wouldn't joke about something i knew that she was sensitive about, but otherwise it was releaving to be able to joke/tease each other. Because we knew what we really tought of each other.

    Im genuinly confused about how everyone seems to think that this was completly unacceptable, and that she should break up imediatly. It was one joke that she didn't like. He appologized, and probably won't do it again.

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