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dolce-anabellive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “dolce-anabellive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yes, of course. I think we are clearly agreed in that.

    My point is about what we can write that is most likely to steer the very vulnerable OP in the right direction.

  2. I'm straight as an arrow, but a little ass play, I'm not going to turn down either, but I wouldn't be with a man at all.

    But sounds like you might just be sexually incompatible and would need to work out a comprise of maybe a little ass play. Who knows.

  3. My ex-wife of ten years would do the same shit to me, based on her prior marriage. She’d show up to my work, she’d call me minutes after I spent money, she’d get pissed off when I wouldn’t have lunch with her during our work days. When I’d attempt to make plans with friends, she’d invite herself. It got to the point that I’d just stay home and get drunk. I literally had to be drunk to deal with her. I couldn’t stand her and I hated myself for allowing her to do what she was doing to me. All this based on her “last marriage”. Best thing I ever did was move out and file for divorce.

    This type of behavior doesn’t get better with age. You didn’t ask for his insecurities and you didn’t ask to give up your life to accommodate for his. I think the worst thing you could do is to marry this guy.

  4. Same. But whatever. Maybe they've changed. I'm still looking for that unicorn but maybe she found it.

    I'm sure people will argue their abusers changed. Good for them. You still can't force anyone else to accept that.

  5. If he wanted someone who is able to contribute financially, he should've dated someone old enough to have established their career. I'm pretty sure every 19 year old on earth is either struggling financially or being supported by family money.

    You don't want to talk about your ages, so all I'll say is that 8 months is extremely fast to move in with someone. If you stay in this situation, PLEASE make sure that you build up emergency savings so you can stay afloat if things go bad. Also, get your birth control absolutely figured out. A longer term, non-oral method like the implant, injection, or IUD are more reliable and aren't messed up by things like antibiotics or throwing up.

  6. Yeah this is manipulative and abusive. My strategy in my own relationship (in which we NEVER fight or argue) is to simply not escalate. Your GF obviously escalates at the drop of a hat. For her, it’s an indulgence, it must actually feel good for her to repeat this behavior, though she may not be fully aware. It seems that you tolerate and/or forgive her which has allowed it to continue. It’s on you to shut it down. My advice would be to sit her down during a period of peace. Point out the behavior, the pattern, how it makes you feel and that it makes you re-think your relationship and future together. If her reaction is to lash out, deflect, and act out (which my guess is exactly what she’ll do) then that may be the answer. Any road forward will require full acknowledgement from her regarding her own wrongdoing.

  7. We have reasonable force in many states in the US too but that means like.. Shooting someone running away.

    Someone in your home running past you or toward you? And you beat the shit out of them but they still were awake and able to run away? That doesn't seem like excessive force to me at all.

  8. That would certainly explain why he's not forward about it. Whilst it's great to open up to partners, it can be really difficult when it comes to embarrassing things that we'd rather forget.

  9. You can't mention that there's some massive secret about yourself that she can't know dude. That would drive anybody nuts.

  10. Hmm, well all I can say is ask him and find out for sure. Cause if what you just told me is true, then perhaps he's the one responsible. Because you said that ALL your free time goes towards him, correct? But if he still believes you two aren't spending enough time together, then he could be hiding something

  11. Yes, we are not.

    After we broke up she wanted to be friends.. after I kept my distance for a couple of weeks, when she came to get her stuff from my place (we ended up fighting, kissing, going out to eat, kissing, fighting same stuff on repeat).

    Then we had discussions at the office, through social media and on Easter it was when we went out togheter again like we are still togheter kissing and when I was tyring to talk to her about us she said again no, she doesn't wants it. All this was and is confusing for me. Sometime she responds postively when I am more ferm (not agreesive) like a father, for example on Easter I just told her let's go out straight to her and she said ok… while in other attempts she refused.

    Her behavior has a lot of conflicting stuff like this… for example her religion is different from her parents, but she never told them directly/confronted them and I think they have the impression she has the same religion as them. Her previous relationship was also kept secret to her parents for a few years and after they found out it was ok because he had a name that appeared to her parents that he has the same religion as them.. muslim. (but he was christian as her).

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