Alannaa1live sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Alannaa1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. i only read the title. my boyfriend used to do that to i just had to physically force him to be on top and put in work hes an idiot he will work up too much of a sweat like hes dying lol too bad get used to it thats the way sex is supposed to be

  2. I feel like ppl here are way too quick to “diagnose”.

    “I don’t want to go on long walks at night” is a perfectly reasonable position to have and stands on its own.

    He could have a perfectly valid reason for wanting to go on long walks at night. Fine. He can do it by himself or find a willing person.

    In no way is it appropriate to force/pressure someone else to go on long walks at night with you. Even if you’re only doing it because you like it for whatever innocuous reason.

  3. It’s a very good time to quit. Even the clothes of a smoker can increase the risk of sids for a newborn. Your wife is probably already making many sacrifices. Quitting smoking (or dramatically cutting down) will do your whole family a favour.

  4. You're right, and idk tbh.. im scared of starting all over again, I guess. I never believed I was worthy of love until I met him. So I'm scared of feeling like that again I guess.

  5. Also lately it's gotten a lot scarier to get pregnant in some parts of the world, especially in a large majority of the US. Pregnant women aren't getting the medical care they need because of legal restrictions on their medical care. Women are being forced to give carry dead fetuses and are even dying because they can't access care. It's getting more and more dangerous to be a pregnant woman in this world.

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