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9 thoughts on “elsiemackslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why would you want it to work? Anyway, if you are determined to stay with him, your willpower is going to have to be stronger than your feelings. You will just have to refuse to speak or act upon your distrust and suspicion. Forget about getting rid of the feelings, because it simply won't happen.

  2. It sounds like you could really benefit from therapy. It seems to boil down to your self-worth. If you don’t feel worthy as a human being no new haircut or style will cange that. I’m really sorry you’re having such a very hot time.

  3. Yes. They do. Does that apply here, who knows. Do you wanna fuck this guy or not, he’s not the love of your life regardless so idk why you’re thinking this through so much. Please stop asking this now.

  4. Um, yea you can delete attachments from messages without deleting whole conversations… attachments that YOU select to delete. There is not a setting to delete all gifs only. So not sure what you are saying but I agree, you can delete parts of a conversation if you want and they would then be deleted. Also agree that a high resolution video or Live! Photo would take up more memory than a long text thread of just words….

    If you don’t think it’s wrong for a married man to lie to his wife and have a 27 year old come take care of his kids, and then manually delete parts of his texts conversation then I have some cheap ocean front property in Arizona for you! Half price!

  5. Sorry I'm confused are u replying to me? I'm pretty sure i was agreeing with u that he was trying something lol

  6. He’s a poser. I dont know why newbies all gravitate to that style of rap. Its not like they lived the thug life to begin with. He’s young and has limited life experiences to pull from. Set your boundaries and if he doesnt respect them, its time to move on and give him a life experience.

  7. There’s a fundamental question you’re posing here. You’re basically asking, isn’t it okay to be controlling if (in your opinion) the situation warrants it? The answer is no. There’s nothing you can say that will make the answer yes. That’s why I’m not saying anything about how bad the friends’ behavior is, because it literally doesnt matter. And it’s an awful road for you to go down, trying to justify controlling behavior. If you aren’t happy with how your gf handles the situation, by all means, leave. That’s a perfectly valid response. Saying you don’t want to be around the friends is a valid response. Demands and threats are not. Controlling behavior is abusive behavior. That’s what you asked in your headline.

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