Pamela-sam online webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Pamela-sam online webcams for YOU!

  1. I was in a bizarrely similar situation to this once. It’s giving me anxiety just reading it. She most likely has a personality disorder of some kind. You’ll end up with a full blown anxiety disorder from all of this if you continue going on. That’s if you don’t have one already. You might have made one promise which is about the gym but she made lots of promises that she broke. Why is it reasonable for you to be forced to stick with yours when she wasn’t bound by hers? You really need to completely cut her off and try to move on. She is gaslighting you, based on the content of that message. But it is subtle. She knows you are honourable and is using that against you to get what she wants. It’s not really her fault because she to me clearly has some variety of personality disorder as I said, but that doesn’t mean it is your problem. Id find a new gym also. If you keep running into each other there, which you are bound to do, the cycle will continue. Good luck.

  2. I hope she doesn't take you back for her own sake. It took her breaking up with you to realize you were an inattentive partner. You are very likely to inadvertently slip back into your old ways. ??‍♀️ If you love her, let her find happiness elsewhere and bring this growth with you into your next relationship.

  3. If you can stick it out a couple more years, your child will be in school. One thing that your husband is doing that is actually worth a lot of money is child care. (Price it locally, if you don't believe me.) But the child won't always need that.

    You can certainly talk to your husband about your ambitions and expectations. Tell him you are okay supporting him as a stay-home dad for now, but once the child is in school, you expect him to bring in some earnings.

    I would tell him he may not smoke weed around your child; and if there are any edibles, they must be under lock and key. One other thing about marijuana, it's a known motivation-killer when smoked regularly – you might point that out to him.

  4. Lol another normal guy just replying so everyone can see that he's really mad and can't argue with my position.

  5. Would you bother showing the photos to your partner if you ended up sleeping with the photographer though? Almost like it's evidence of the events leading upto it lol

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