Save the messages & contact the police and change your number asap. He is a stalker & abuser. I’ve dealt with one who wouldn’t leave me alone for over 2 years after I broke it off. I was so exhausted and he kept following me, sold his condo and moved next door to me, left me letters, threw rocks at my window, threatened me and climbed my balcony. I reported his abuse twice to the police who said to get a restraining order. I should have changed my number and done that but I was too stubborn. I kept thinking that wishing him away would work and didn’t want to change my number bc of him like it meant he’d got the best of me or won or something. Looking back, I should’ve changed my number immediately and got the restraining order. It’s hot because these psychos really do threaten and can be good at acting scary, but it’s worth it to report them, and cut them off all your social media and your phone. It saves time, energy and prevents further damaging ptsd. I let it go so long and even when it did end, I had bad ptsd because that was over 2 years I could’ve avoided any and all contact and actually healed and rested.
Are you accustomed to always receiving compliments from others? Maybe he just isn't the type to compliment often. Does he compliment other girls that you know of? If not, then I wouldn't worry about it.
>where she squeaks and makes a scrunched up face almost like she's in pain and… well.. being raped. That's why I always thought it was only in porn thing like some sort of rape fetish for the guys to enjoy. I never got
That's a new thing I never heard of before, but different people react differently to sex.
>I didn't know it was a cultural thing to show enjoyment as pain?
That is absolutely NOT a cultural thing to show enjoyment as pain.
>So it's almost like she's only switched up those two reactions for sexy time.
It could be something she learned from porn as well, and is what she's expecting.
Honestly, talk to her about it, bring it up, see if it's something she's forcing.
Yeah, this is important. I'm guessing it was bad because he didn't clarify.
Women being platonic with me is not women using men. She didn’t want to be with him. She owes him absolutely nothing.
He shouldn’t have pretended to be a friend while he was just trying to make her have sec with him.
Nope, but I worked with trainers who consistently slept with their clients. Want to tell me more about my own experience?
Oh my bad so I guess you’re right unconcentual sexual assault is indeed not rape
Save the messages & contact the police and change your number asap. He is a stalker & abuser. I’ve dealt with one who wouldn’t leave me alone for over 2 years after I broke it off. I was so exhausted and he kept following me, sold his condo and moved next door to me, left me letters, threw rocks at my window, threatened me and climbed my balcony. I reported his abuse twice to the police who said to get a restraining order. I should have changed my number and done that but I was too stubborn. I kept thinking that wishing him away would work and didn’t want to change my number bc of him like it meant he’d got the best of me or won or something. Looking back, I should’ve changed my number immediately and got the restraining order. It’s hot because these psychos really do threaten and can be good at acting scary, but it’s worth it to report them, and cut them off all your social media and your phone. It saves time, energy and prevents further damaging ptsd. I let it go so long and even when it did end, I had bad ptsd because that was over 2 years I could’ve avoided any and all contact and actually healed and rested.
Are you accustomed to always receiving compliments from others? Maybe he just isn't the type to compliment often. Does he compliment other girls that you know of? If not, then I wouldn't worry about it.
Half Thai male here, living in Thailand.
>where she squeaks and makes a scrunched up face almost like she's in pain and… well.. being raped. That's why I always thought it was only in porn thing like some sort of rape fetish for the guys to enjoy. I never got
That's a new thing I never heard of before, but different people react differently to sex.
>I didn't know it was a cultural thing to show enjoyment as pain?
That is absolutely NOT a cultural thing to show enjoyment as pain.
>So it's almost like she's only switched up those two reactions for sexy time.
It could be something she learned from porn as well, and is what she's expecting.
Honestly, talk to her about it, bring it up, see if it's something she's forcing.