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6 thoughts on “Kaoripiece live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Of course youre shocked and uncomfortable. Its the same as if a cismale would breast feed the child. Like, thats not how this works. She needs therapy, not using you and her child as a coping mechanism!

  2. DNA is a funny thing. I have darker features, tan well, never burn, brown eyes and hair. Was told we are Native American. Nope. Not a speck. Welsh! English! Scottish! I guess the best thing to do is wait and try to match your father's side. Maybe if you have questions, go to the genealogy subreddit, have that awkward talk with your mother.

  3. There is no such thing as shared custody for dogs, but you should also not entertain this demand from Betty Newbie.

    citation: Judge Judy.

  4. Think of it as a blessing.

    If this is all it took for her to end it, then that us a huge red flag and you have dodged more drama in the future.

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