HotFireEros live sex cams for YOU!


27 thoughts on “HotFireEros live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You are asking for the bare minimum. As a mother she should be setting a better example for her kid when it comes to picking up, cleaning, and not leaving food out. If she can't do these things how will the child learn? And without you there to swipe up your gf's mess what kind of living conditions would this child be subjected to?

    Your gf needs to grow up. Right now you're raising two children on your own, so put your foot down. My friend dated a single mother. He is financially dependent, always worked more than one job since I've known him. He's never asked anybody for anything but respect. She moved in on a “trial basis” and the situation turned out much the same as yours. She wanted a piggy bank and a house keeper. He kicked her out.

    I'm not saying this is the case here but if she's not willing to change, you have to decide if this is something you can live with. So like I said put your foot down, know you are justified because it is “a big deal”.

  2. You need to never talk to this person again. He’s dangerous to you and using the threats of hurting himself to try and force you to do what he wants.

    Call the police if he is hurting himself/threatening to, they will check on him. Also tell them the threats he is making against you so it’s all documented. Block him everywhere and make sure your family/friends know this too for when he starts coming around looking for you, which he will.

  3. Did you not clear expectations once you started seeing each other? Always do that. Its quite common with South Asians to get a gf, sleep around then go back and marry as per what their parents say. They sort of ruin it for the honest men.

  4. No, no my guy, I don't have empathy for someone who lets their wife go and have sex with another woman because he thinks it's “hot”. Then she cheats on him, lies about it, falsely accusing someone of raping her and we're supposed to feel bad because this guy allowed it in the first place? Perhaps you should get off Reddit for a few minutes, come back and look at the situation with a fresh pair of eyes.

  5. Take a moment. Step back. Breathe.

    Before she went on her trip, where did you see your family in five years?

    Think about that. Like, close your eyes and really visualize where you thought you'd be as a family in five years. Your home, the kids, your job, your wife's job, everything.

    Now what you have to decide is this: is this one instance of what you see as infidelity worth throwing all of that away forever? Only you can answer that, and I'm not judging, bc only your opinion matters.

    Ignore the utterly foolish advice that encourages revenge, or outright ending things immediately. Ignore everything else, really. This is based on your choices and hers.

  6. This isn't the first time that he hasn't texted me back when I sent him a sexy picture. Do you know anything about diabetes? If so you would know that sometimes men have issues with staying erect due to their low sugar being too low or too high. Which is something that could be embarrassing.

  7. I cannot believe your husband is treating you like this. That is disgusting. He needs therapy and You should not have a baby with him until he has worked on himself.

  8. Your conflict resolution skills seem sorely lacking, and you are massively overreacting to a trivial issue in a way that will cause it to be a much bigger deal than if you just handled it like a normal person.

    I'm not going to bother advising you on how to handle it, because your comments have made it clear you're looking for validation rather than feedback. So all I can say is “good luck making the situation much worse for no reason.”

  9. Dude, show her this thread. If she still wants to go, show it to her loved ones (friends, family). If she still plays the guilt trip on you, it’s time to honestly reconsider this relationship. You’re not her father, she should know better how to take care of herself. If after seeing this she still decides to go, you should ponder if you want a life of protecting her from the most obvious dangers and keep having a bad time cause you’re “keeping her from living her life”. She needs to grow the fuck up.

  10. What the fuck are you talking about?

    If she and you mum wants to have a friendship outside of you then that’s okay.

    Being disrespected and being lonely is two separate subjects.

    Grow the fuck up

  11. Hmm I have to disagree. I've had my nose done too ( medical reasons ) and it altered my appearance. It completely took away the insecurity and I couldn't be happier ! Also I'm jealous of all women who have nice boobs i want them too. Haha

  12. There is no time on love…you say he shouldn't say he loves you so quickly because there are stages…and what are the stages exactly? There's no manual on love or relationship…it's just how you feel…my boyfriend and I fell in love on our first date…3 weeks later we were living together….go with your feelings and don't hold back…if it's love you will feel it…there's no time frame on it

  13. I also wanted to add a few small thoughts on how to proceed forwards. I know that you mentioned that you had lost a lot of time together. And now that you are in a much better place financially, can you spend more time together? Travel? Maybe a discussion with the counsellor about what you can do to move forwards rather than constantly looking back? I think what I am trying to say is that figuratively looking forwards together on building your life is something that you could do? What about dating her again? Taking her to where you had your first date and committing to rebuilding your relationship, moving forwards together, etc? Sorry, just throwing out suggestions. I do hope it works for you both.

  14. If my math is anything close to accurate, she would be close to the 10 week mark. Pregnancy tests generally read positive when there's enough of the hormones built up, which is often 4-6 weeks after conception. Maybe she happened to be on the 4 week end of things (which would put date of finding out to be around 5 weeks ago), but a lot of the states that still allow it cut off at 12-16 weeks afaik

    (not totally knowledgeable, am canadian who studied child development)

  15. You feel like a piece of garbage because that’s how you treat HER. If she were a guy you wouldn’t be posting this.

  16. Your BF cheated and lied. You were right for dumping him. He was horrible to you and for you to find out through social media is a huge slap in the face.

    No, do not give him a second chance. What he did is despicable and basically tells you who he is. He will do it again if you forgive him. Why waste more of your time?

  17. You're welcome.

    I know that wasn't easy to do, but it had to be done.

    Let's hope she'll see reason.

    If not, you did what you could.

  18. Yes this law is to promote love for the person and not love for the blood. But yea it comforts for cheating and stuff since a paternity test is hard to get (court needed and stuff)

  19. Your friends are right, you didn’t do anything wrong. That was all on her. She blew it and sounds immature, maybe not ready for a relationship. I wouldn’t pursue a relationship with her because that’s a very big red flag.

  20. We have openly discussed his mental health, the reasons for his stress and depression are different to mine in that his are caused due to work and his side of the family going through some stuff. I have fully supported everything he feels that will help him and suggested more things. I appreciate your comment for making me more mindful of checking in with him more regularly.

  21. Yea she has been continuing her relationship with this man. She even went as far as to save him as someone else so you wouldn’t know. If you hadn’t found out she never would tell you.

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