You're too young to be dealing with this type of asshole. He's 38 and you're 27. He's going to try everything possible to get you to keep him because, you're what keeps him feeling young.
It'll hurt but you'll survive and find someone worth your time and heart.
Leave, celebrate your birthday with your gal pals and let his old ass rot in the misery he brought upon himself.
Females have to worry about pregnancy more than men. ?♀️ “potential consequences” nobody is ever ready for lol even the ones that are…y’all ain’t compatible anyways though.
I can see the attraction of having some physical reminder of pets that have passed – it's unusual, but everyone has their quirks, and those you've described seem far from extreme.
This feels more like a him problem and whether he can adapt to living full-time with a partner rather than just hanging out/dating.
For a lot of women, an orgasm is not the indicator of a good time. We can have great sex and have a great time and not finish. She can genuinely appreciate sex with you more, even if she isn’t having the same level of orgasms. But again, there’s a lot of good ways to get her there if you prioritize her pleasure.
He wants to move. But I guess he wants the cheapest thing??? I don’t understand his logic. I truly do not. Do you think it’s something I should leave him over?
You're too young to be dealing with this type of asshole. He's 38 and you're 27. He's going to try everything possible to get you to keep him because, you're what keeps him feeling young.
It'll hurt but you'll survive and find someone worth your time and heart.
Leave, celebrate your birthday with your gal pals and let his old ass rot in the misery he brought upon himself.
Females have to worry about pregnancy more than men. ?♀️ “potential consequences” nobody is ever ready for lol even the ones that are…y’all ain’t compatible anyways though.
He's scared of you (can't really blame him since he doesn't want to be your latest specimen kept in the drawer). He's not coming back.
I can see the attraction of having some physical reminder of pets that have passed – it's unusual, but everyone has their quirks, and those you've described seem far from extreme.
This feels more like a him problem and whether he can adapt to living full-time with a partner rather than just hanging out/dating.
Good point and I def will
Don't shit where you eat.
I really want to listen to you and everyone in here but for some reason I can’t it’s so hot
For a lot of women, an orgasm is not the indicator of a good time. We can have great sex and have a great time and not finish. She can genuinely appreciate sex with you more, even if she isn’t having the same level of orgasms. But again, there’s a lot of good ways to get her there if you prioritize her pleasure.
He wants to move. But I guess he wants the cheapest thing??? I don’t understand his logic. I truly do not. Do you think it’s something I should leave him over?