Lecsy the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lecsy, 28 y.o.


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Lecsy live! sex chat

Date: November 6, 2022

3 thoughts on “Lecsy the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Hi all. I was recently left by my partner for another woman. I’m obviously grieving, angry, hurt, but above all else, confused. I think that it would be helpful for me to hear from others that have been in my situation, and also from those that have been in his situation. I’m going to be intentionally vague about some of the details here as he is technically a public figure.

    We’ve been together for about two and a half years. He’s in his early 30s and I was his most serious relationship to date. When we first met, he was already fairly well known within his niche community. However, he was still a bit of a starving artist, so to say. I never understood his obsession with fame and wealth. It’s not who I am or where my values lay. However, I supported him, both emotionally and financially at times. I love him deeply and I wanted to see his dreams come true. I was as loving and supportive as a partner could be. And guess what? His dreams started to come true.

    From starting his own company, to a book deal, to all expense paid trips across the world, everything that he had hoped for started to materialize. The man whose emergency vet bill I had to pay six months ago started making a six figure salary that continued to grow at a rapid rate. I never doubted that all of this would happen for him. He is incredibly talented, driven and intelligent. I used to imagine that he whisk me away for a long, sun soaked vacation the day that all of this came to fruition. That he would thank me profusely for all of the encouragement and support that I provided him. Maybe even a proposal.

    Joke was on me you guys. It didn’t take him long to find a ridiculously fit, ridiculously blonde, ridiculously gorgeous instagram “influencer.” He left my ass behind in the dust. It’s all just so fucking cliche, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’ve fallen victim to the most classic of tropes. I remember reading an article by Elon Musk’s first wife a few years back. She called herself the “starter wife”. She supported him for years before the money, the fame, the hair plugs…and he (predictably) left her for a younger, hotter version. Do you think that he ever regrets it? Do you think any of the men that do this to their long term partner ever regret it? It’s so common that it’s all but expected.

  2. I was on board with this till I saw the word indefinite.

    He is doing this for the right reasons and he is doing it the right way: he wants it for therapy and self-improvement and he wants to remain monogamous.

    But the fact that he is still saying indefinite after 6 weeks is concerning to me. He is not even seemingly ready to bring back limited contact.

    So, sorry, this isn't what you're looking for. I've had two relationships with “breaks”, and neither relationship recovered, in the first case we tried, broke up again, got back together again, and broke up again, it was a mess. In the second case, I was never happy with the terms that were essentially forced on me, so when they wanted to get back together, I declined.

  3. But it is a change in hair facial hair it is exactly the same thing. I have seen men eviscerated for complaining about pixie cuts making the s/o look masculine but a moustache and suddenly withholding sex is a reasonable adult thing to do!

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