Discotit live sex chats for YOU!


My first stream ever, lets see whats happen 😉 [972 tokens remaining]

Date: November 6, 2022

8 thoughts on “Discotit live sex chats for YOU!

  1. He sounds less pleasant with each read! You should review your relationship status buddy. Sorry but I’m fizzing at his attitude to your tummy.

  2. I understand that. Sometimes a trauma past tries to create trauma when there is none because that's what makes sense to the brain. Seems like you're in a good place emotionally and with a healthy relationship. Best wishes!

  3. This is way beyond things not being at their best in your relationship.

    This is mutual physical assault.

    I know too many women in abusive relationships with other women who just refuse to do the right thing and end it (I am a woman married to another woman, fwiw). Instead, they both act stubborn and continue to be martyrs because they're too afraid to be alone. They don't realize that being alone is so much better than living this way.

  4. Yes this is a red flag. He should still be romantic with his wife and not treat her as a housekeeper and a breeder. You’ve already expressed your concern. If he hasn’t responded or care or tried to solve this concern then you don’t have a partnership. You marriage isn’t a priority and will not remain viable if this continues. What does he do on your anniversary?

  5. Wow my ex gets around lmao. In all seriousness you shouldn't take him back if he ever asks. You literally dodged a bullet.

  6. If you live together, make plans to move, asap.

    If you don't live! together, then block this person on everything, post that you've broken up and you need some space. Go out with your friends. Take time for yourself. Start working out more.

    After awhile it will even out. It will never be the same, but you don't want it to be.

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