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Room for online sex video chat _Kassandra1_
Model from: co
Languages: en,es,fr,it,de,no
Birth Date: 1986-01-12
Body Type: bodyTypeThin
Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBlue
Subculture: subcultureGlamour
Date: November 5, 2022
Try one of the porn fantasy subs, they will have better advice for you
I would wait until after the trip to confront her. For now, be polite but also not a doormat. If she doesn't want to do something, be understanding, but do take yourself out and about and make the most of seeing a new place. Pay seperately at events you attend together. Be assertive and let restaurants know you would like to be billed seperate. After the trip, try to have an open and honest conversation about how you felt and take a step back to evaluate if the friendship is worth investing anymore into.
I’d look him directly in the eye and say “I wasn’t, but please explain to me why you think I don’t have the right to touch my own body in any way I see fit.”
Then when he undoubtedly tries to turn it around on you, because he will, dump him.
You dont have a life together.
You're barely out of highschool at 23. You're already in therapy?
Nah man. She clearly cheated on. Stop trying to rationalize it and leave. You'll thank yourself later.
Retroactive abuse is what it’s called. It’s when a victim mimics the abusers behavior as a survival tactic.
Please break up. You are so unfair to her. And just think she ends up pregnant. You will ruin both of your life. You are so young and are afraid to stay alone. You are wasting the time of your partner with your selfish thinking. Can you even look in the mirror? You gf thinks everything is fine, dreams about your future and you just want out but stay with her because it is comfortable and you are afraid you can't get someone else. Sorry, but you are disgusting! You wasted THREE years of another human for your selfish reason!
Eh….somewhere along the line you will want to consider taking your
Bond off of “automatic pilot”. If this is your third child…and you miscarried….
May Allah (swt) grant you ease….. your Bond ought to have developed to
the point that partners would appreciate how to support and sustain each
other. What you report suggests that you are letting generally identified
roles dictate the nature of you Bond, in which case I heartily suggest
putting aside money for the divorce to come. FWIW.
this response makes me feel like Christmas came early
You don't, he isn't going to change. Break up with the asshole.
You're boyfriend of 32 years, but you're 28? Started dating at -4?
No he probably got the not from the psychologist together with my graduation papers. They put that just in one file at the school.
Do you think he wants to baby trap me? We talked about children, he said he want them but it’s not urgent
You thinking that your marriage can survive your wife being open is deluded
If I took a roulette wheel with: 100 spots on it. 92 Red 8 black
What you bet on???
You’d put your money one of the 92.
Now, 92% of open marriages end in divorce.
That’s not my stat, that’s a stat from a study done by marriage therapist a few years ago.
Between 4-9% of marriages are open. Only 8% have a chance at lasting.
Here’s the real deal that you don’t want to hear!!!!
If you open your marriage then your wife will have a full calendar. There are Horndog guys out there who will put their dicks in anything.
She’ll have dicks double parked in her ass waiting for their turn.
Now you on the other hand will have just that , the other hand ??.
You will have to hit the bar scene , cause women aren’t just going to line up for a dance with you.
You are going to have to work. You are going to have to go hunting for poon.
It’s not gonna rain poon like for your wife.
She’ll be out standing in the yard with her mouth open while dicks are just raining down all over the yard.
She’ll be chasing them deciding which one to catch.
Tell her today that it’s either or and that’s it , or walk.
You should do a paternity test and work from there.
I think you should also have a chat with you sister and husband separately. Try talking to your husband and explain everything the when, how and why you did what you did in the past. Show text calls as needed and from see what happens.
Also the whole thing with identical twins are you sure they have 100% identical DNA? In some twins there can be small differences in DNA. Other than that I think there are special DNA tests for identical twins if I’m not wrong. You can also try Blood type if they happen to have different types.
She already broke up with you, move on. There is no relationship to give advice about.
You should show it. Tell her you are hurt that she ordered gifts for everyone else including a dog and couldn’t be bothered to get you anything. Stop buying her gifts moving forward. She doesn’t feel bad. She doesn’t care or she would make the effort.
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Be an adult. Call the sister and ask why she doesn’t like you. Don’t defend yourself, don’t try to counter what she says….just listen and take notes…and correct your behavior. If my husband made fun of me for how I pronounced a word, I’d be pissed…even if it was only a little bit.
Her self-harm isn't your responsibility. I know that's a REALLY hard lesson to swallow, because when you care about someone, that feels awful, almost like they're trying to destroy something you love.
Which they are, but that's another story.
Relationships struggle if you're not physically close and sharing a common life in some way.
It's okay to break up: you'd be doing it for the right reasons.
She doesn't want to hear from you right now. It was probably really hard for her to tell you that so please just respect her wishes. But I can tell you with certainty she knows that the door is open based on how you treated her. In fact it might be a little bit too open and that could be a turn off. Don't make it worse. Just move on and if it's meant to be it'll be when you two have changed a little bit, not now when you're still the same people. I know it's really hard but if you don't indulge your impulse to send a text like that, you won't have that impulsed in future breakups
Hello /u/Disastrous_Border_19, we've seen an influx of posts related to specific influencers and have made a decision to remove them.
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We’re definitely on the same page about that stuff. BC is a no because I have issues with mental health and I think BC could very easily plummet my mental health. The plan if we do have sex is to use a condom brand that’s very difficult to break, and a plan B immediately after sex. On the very slim chance I did get pregnant, it’d go for adoption or we’d keep. No abortion. We don’t agree with that. Yes, we both masturbate and we’ve done heavy letting. We’ve explored our bodies together as well. We’ve only ever done what we’re both comfortable with. Fingers and tampons have gone in easily for me. Things like dildos, never. But maybe a small pen or 2 before.
I bet it was chocolate cake
That is what i was trying to say as well, that if you dont bring your A-game, you cant expect A-game from the other party. Though i felt like i did try.. truly.. i am a very honest to myself person. I will look myself in the mirror before i blame someone else but this time i feel like it wasnt me..
Your boyfriend sounds delightful. I hope you don’t fuck it up with this literal nonsense.
If you need someone to validate dumping your cheating girlfriend here you go. Dump that cheater she doesn’t feel the same way about you as you do about her. She how easy it was to stay faithful for you. That’s not who she is. Proceed with the dumping.
My ex used to be like that. Trust me, it turns into him being upset when you do Better in life than him. Run
Whether or not you continue the relationship, your engagement should be canceled. I'd reach out to friends and family for support.
She cheated right before the engagement. Do you know any details? Like, was it a long-term affair? Was it her first affair? Was it with someone you knew? Did anything else happen that may push you to leave?
It's still early days, so I understand the hesitancy in leaving. But you've yet to confront, and I doubt she'll be transparent when you do. Assume the worst, and snoop before she gets a chance to delete anything. To be honest, you're young and you've only been together two years. If she was willing to do this now, when you're arguably in one of the happier periods of your relationship, what'd prevent her from doing it again? Whatever you do, cancel the engagement, and don't marry her anytime soon.
“when we meet next time”
There shouldn't be a “next time”, ever
Your husband wants you to look like the 18 year old he met.
Time to break it to him that you never will. You are a woman, now a mother, and your body will change multiple times over the course of your life. He needs to grow up and not look at this as a bad thing. It's a human thing.
Some of these are too easy…
Girl, if your bf blows you off for 3 days, is he really your bf?
Bruh, it says loud sex in the title. The whole post is about their loud sex. Are you illiterate?
Give them a high five in the morning
How on earth did you get to seven years together and you’ve never even discussed marriage?
But OP said they are moving toward something more serious. If she’s not over the ex, shouldn’t be moving towards something serious. Try again.
I see what you saying, thank you 🙁
To be honest even if I wanted to stay with her (and I still love her for some reason so I do). She blocked me and refuses to unblock me or speak to me
Stop living together. Stop sharing finances. Stop allowing this to be your problem or affect anyone but himself. Once he sees nobody is coming to save him from his own choices I suspect he’ll magically find solutions pretty quick.
You may as well consult a divorce lawyer. Your marriage is over.
I’d guess since the topic of marriage came up, she likely feels extra guilty and like she needs to come clean.
I would walk. Its clear you didn't fully heal and you can't tell if you want her for her or if you want her because you're hurting and don't want to be in pain any more. Until you can sort that out I would cut as much contact as possible and tell her the truth about it. If she is going to be with you and be true, she'll wait. If she doesn't she answered it for you.
Let the man play golf… like I get that you’re very earth conscious but him stopping isn’t getting rid of golf courses.
Basically ask yourself this. If he shares 9/10 beliefs you have, is 10 a deal breaker? If so then end it. Don’t make him feel guilty for doing something he enjoys.
She doesn't like my mom.
she may be doing more than you know, or she may be doing less. i’ve seen some people put up a little board where they note down all the tasks that need to be done around the house, and you can see who’s doing what and how Much is being done by who. maybe try that?
Has his porn use increased since he stopped drinking? And honey I am certain you are beautiful just the way you are and you deserve so much better especially since you put up with so much crap. I just wonder if he's developed a porn addiction, secondary addictions are common, and if that is causing him to not be as attracted to you, desire sex with you, and even have issues with ED in the bedroom. Instead of accepting that it's his issue, he's trying to blame it on you, meaning his lack of desire and other issues. Was he in counseling for his alcoholism? How did he quit, cold turkey? I first learned about this on that show my 600 pound life. Many of those people have food addictions, they lose weight and then they develop drug and alcohol issues. I dated a porn addict. If he has not dealt with the underlying issues, mental health etc that caused him to drink, he will need to find another avenue to deal with them.
Are you sure he was talking to a relative? Could he have panicked and told you it was a relative, forgetting he’d previously told you he was NC with family?
When you lie constantly it’s hot to keep up with what you’ve said.
It’s like I’m not even allowed to have friends who are women now
Hmm. Do you think that might be because you use random women to “get free porn”? This guy is horrific. He needs to stay away from women full stop.
It sure sounds like it ?
I guess hindsight is 20/20 but damn, was there really ever good times?
She sounds awful ☹️
Sure, specially the people I warned her about, right?