He should feel bad for doing something you have already made clear to him that you find upsetting. Unless he has a concussion, he has no excuse for this. His reaction of being angry is also very telling to me, it's telling me nothing good!
I do not share food. It's a hot boundary and if someone started taking food I was eating after I have expressed this sentiment, it would be the last they ever saw of me.
Relationships require both time and energy to properly function. 60+ of work mean she is certainly drained not insignificant part of time she has as free, reducing it further. Maintaining committed relationships like this in long term is extremely difficult and much more often leads to death of emotional connection. As difficult as it is, it is much easier than repairing an already damaged relationship. This is in no uncertain terms impossible in such circumstances.
I thought those people were into trees.
He should feel bad for doing something you have already made clear to him that you find upsetting. Unless he has a concussion, he has no excuse for this. His reaction of being angry is also very telling to me, it's telling me nothing good!
I do not share food. It's a hot boundary and if someone started taking food I was eating after I have expressed this sentiment, it would be the last they ever saw of me.
Relationships require both time and energy to properly function. 60+ of work mean she is certainly drained not insignificant part of time she has as free, reducing it further. Maintaining committed relationships like this in long term is extremely difficult and much more often leads to death of emotional connection. As difficult as it is, it is much easier than repairing an already damaged relationship. This is in no uncertain terms impossible in such circumstances.
Hence why I called it a joke.
He's manipulative. Then he guilt trips you trying to make you have sex.