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Room for online video chats ADSUAR_MARYAM

ADSUAR_MARYAMlive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat ADSUAR_MARYAM

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Languages: en,es,ar

Birth Date: 1998-05-10

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityMiddleEastern

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: November 3, 2022

48 thoughts on “ADSUAR_MARYAMlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Not to be pessimistic but if you two are so different when it comes to something so fundamental as sexual drive/activities or religion then I don’t think it will work out in the end. Or one of you will have to give up entirely to suit the other person. In the long run it will only cause fights and disagreements because one person will think it’s unfair and hold resentment. If you really want to try it with him then both of you have to compromise.

  2. Tell him flat out. It's your body and you can touch it any way you want. PERIOD! But also, please have a conversation with him about why this seemingly makes him so uncomfortable. I am curious why myself because it is odd.

  3. Your post history is heinous and foul. No sympathy here about your girlfriend cheating. You were obviously too busy to pay attention to her.

    Reap what you sow is the lesson here.

  4. Putting the age difference and the fact you went after a 19yo when you’re in your 30s aside, it’s her body and she can do with it as she pleases. She shouldn’t have to ask your permission to do something that SHE WANTS to do to HER body with HER own money and if you didn’t want someone with tattoos in the first place, you shouldn’t have continued to date her if it was that much of a deal breaker for you. Also how did you really not notice that she got more tattoos when she did? Fresh tattoos stand out way more than tattoos gotten years prior and she would have had to clean and moisturize them in the healing process. If they could be seen with clothes on, are you really even paying close enough attention to her in general?

  5. Speaking as a straight dude, there are TONS of men out there who love going down on women. Don't waste your finite life with guys who are too childish to get down there and show you how much they care.

  6. He hasn’t been acting weird and I have absolutely no reason other than this to think something is up. I’m sure he’ll let me look through his phone, but at this point I’d be very surprised if he didn’t delete all of the data if there was any…

  7. Long distance relationships require EXTRA trust. You now know for a fact that she can't be trusted. With long distance there's almost no chance she'll be able to earn back your trust. If you decide to stay with her just realize you'll constantly be worried and upset and living in hell.

    Also, her best friend seems to be fine with cheating, lying and hiding things. I can't imagine you'd ever be able to look at her best friend with any kindness. The people you surround yourself with say a lot about you and you now know you GF is a cheater who surrounds herself with enablers. You're not married to her, you have no kids and she's failed the girlfriend test in a few very significant ways. If I were in your shoes I'd walk away. Good luck.

  8. When he gets back Tell him, until he shows interest in who you are that you have no interest in having sex (feel free to reword that however). It’s quite clear he knows your body but to not even know your birthday is a problem.

    You say it’s common with men but this is just extreme. Yeah sometimes men can just give blah answers, I do sometimes too but come on.

    I don’t like suggesting ultimatums so I won’t but ya gotta speak up and get right to the point, rip the band aid off. If that doesn’t work, idk, MAYBE it’s time to chalk it up as a loss and move on. Because I feel what he’s not doing is like…the easiest/simplest part about a relationship..

    I am curious though, what is your favorite color?

  9. He had the need to prove his power over you. He should never have chosen to sublimate you like that. He was sending a message. Similar to rape. This is a weak and pathetic man. Red flags everywhere.

  10. She has told you that you have proven yourself not capable of approaching her in a fashion that isn’t triggering (this is not some grand judgment of you). Leave her alone or break up with her. Also, she won’t be 120 forever. Figure out your comfort level for the future.

  11. You guys are sexually incompatible

    You’ve tried reasoning and teaching him but he simply doesn’t get it

    For me that would be a dealbreaker, at least on the surface

    Now you do sound like you love him inspite of the anguish he causes you. This situation can only lead to resentment and breaking up unless you find an innovative solution

    Open relationships are not for everyone but yours might be a textbook candidate. Are you open to that idea?

  12. I know you’re right, but I’m stressed over the fact that if I leave so much time to go by, we will lose whatever we connection we may still have. And then how do I approach her again from such a long distance?

  13. Compromise. Romantic dinner the night before or after your anniversary. Exact dates aren’t important. Meaning and intent are.

  14. Usually not one of the ones to immediately go to “leave him now!” but I mean my god get away from him ASAP. Especially now that he has confessed this I would be terrified to think what he may do next. Anything is preferable to staying with such a person and/or worse.

  15. Yeah if that is what she is doing, which unfortunately it may be, then she's acting very, very poorly as a human being.

  16. Hes still said hes not when i broke up with him, worst part is, we online on the same street… so I'll be seeing everything… i need to move

  17. I didn’t even have to read the full post. 100% yes! Dudes who act like that and don’t like dogs are psychopaths. Keep trying! Maybe a dog park?

  18. You sound a little incompatible. It also sounds like your love language is receiving gifts and that’s not his love language, which is fine, but he should definitely at least put in some effort there. And maybe you need to accept that he views money differently and the gifting might not be as often as you want. Meet in a happy middle maybe? If you decide this relationship is not for you that’s fine as well, don’t be scared to know when something has reached it’s end.

    As far as the living situation definitely don’t move in with him unless you guys can talk some more things out unless you want to end up being his house keeper.

  19. It's called sunk cost fallacy. You feel like you already spent all this time with him and it'd be a waste to just throw it all away to start over. But think of it this way – can you imagine going through the next 50 years feeling as crappy as you did while you were crying?

    And it's not like he's “accidentally” treating you this way. He told you directly that he's doing this on purpose to hurt you. Who the hell does that to someone they care about? If a friend told you their fiance said this to them, you'd tell them to kick him to the curb.

    Give yourself permission to find someone who wants to make you happy, not drag you down to their level.

  20. Oh my god you’re 27. Way too old to be naive enough to send nudes to a stranger who you have never met. PLEASE come to your senses.

  21. Ah, that's not the case where I online and I was (incorrectly, it seems) assuming that that applied to the US as well, where OP is.

    In the UK you either have the right to work or you don't, with no in between. If someone doesn't have a work visa then they can't be legally employed.

  22. Or never honestly. You never know what that person can do with it. Especially after you break up. Revenge porn is a thing

  23. Talk to a lawyer before you do anything, and do not let him know your plans until you've got the financials sorted.

  24. Your wife see you as attractive as a sack of chicken shit. Why would you spend one iota legally attached to such a person?

  25. Was he “not understanding” or did he just not care??

    It honestly sounds like the latter.

    My boyfriend spent years in and out of hospitals, and the way your “partner” acted was bullshit. I would never abandon someone I care about in a hospital, especially if we’re in a strange country!

  26. Was he “not understanding” or did he just not care??

    It honestly sounds like the latter.

    My boyfriend spent years in and out of hospitals, and the way your “partner” acted was bullshit. I would never abandon someone I care about in a hospital, especially if we’re in a strange country!

  27. Absolutely. The funny thing is, the boss is not supposed to be doing this and I'm sure thinks he doesn't lie to her either…. /s

    So she will get turned into HR cus she is dumb and screws people she picks up at work…

    And this friends, is why you don't SHIT WHERE YOU EAT or marry a creep who will come home to tell you he's been turned in to HR for sexual harassment. This is the kind of man you need to block and leave and never give him a goodbye. He doesn't deserve it. Def deserves HR complaint. I'd put it on the Google reviews w their names on the company's reviews as well. Boss, even a woman, is a predator.

  28. And then, I told myself: give him a chance to explain himself.

    He's had a YEAR to explain himself and he hasn't! If he's NEVER brought up that he thinks therapy or counseling is a good thing, if he's never brought up that he's sought therapy or counseling to overcome his anger issues, his DV assaults, his anxiety/depression/rage/whatever, then guess what? He never got any therapy or counseling…so there's absolutely NO POSSIBILITY that the problem has been solved. It's just been postponed!

    As others have pointed out, he's happy NOW. His job doesn't stress him out NOW. A family member isn't annoying him NOW. His current gf (YOU!) isn't enraging him NOW.

    How long do you think your luck (and that's all it is) is going to hold out until one of the points above changes?

    Tell him that this relationship isn't working for you anymore. That your relationship isn't what you want for your future and you won't be changing your mind. Wish him well (do this over text) and move on. BLOCK HIM and move on. Don't give him specifics because he'll just want to argue (I can change, I have changed, I'll never this, I don't that…).

    You NOT WANTING the relationship anymore is reason enough to end it.

  29. Thanks friend and don’t worry. I’m not falling for any tears. She can cry all she wants with her new boyfriend or girlfriend

  30. that’s where maturity comes in, he shouldn’t be convincing you that you will see things differently. no one can convince you to change and definitely not see a future you feel isn’t there.

    i’m not attacking your character, i’m simply saying you have some maturing to do. as far as your question on the post, i still think you need to work on yourself, move on, and find someone to give 100% to that will give it right back.

  31. She didn't respect your relationship and took advantage of your state, even though she probably knew you had a girlfriend? That's not love. She could've been fine with the test bc there was no pregnancy whatsoever… The con as old as time. Either way, you have zero reasons to stay with her now, right? Like you don't have any obligation to her just because she decided to have sex with you and ruin your happy relationship. In the future don't let anyone, especially her brother pour you drinks too. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be friends with the people who was at the party at all

  32. I come from an really rough n tragic background. i have a lot of flaws and weird annoying quirks. he loves me despite that. he's never really judged.

    lately not so much but he's always been so patient, kind and tender with me. its like i could feel the love he had for me radiating off him. this man genuinely doesn't have a bad bone in his body. he's given me the soft love i needed when i was in a bad place. i'll forever be grateful for him. im really really hoping hes still adjusting to living on his own.

    before this he lived with his mom and had really bad financial issues. i've helped him mature a lot. it was tough work but i think he's growing up more and more every day. ive always been the nurturing type out of necessity. i love him so much but sometimes i feel like his mom. i absolutely hate it but theres a lot of love and we do have fun i want this relationship to work so bad. he talks about marriage a lot even now. i still get butterflies when hes near me. i really hope it doesn't come to that.

  33. I have to ask – are you and your partner of different ethnicities?

    Regardless, what’s worse than his family being cruel is him not defending you at all. Definitely ask yourself if that’s your idea of a reliable partner you want to build a life with.

  34. You should have led with “my wife has a history of cheating”.

    It changes the entire context.

    Cleary, you've learned to trust her, but what advice do you expect from random strangers when you've decided to stay with a cheating spouse and now have concerns regarding her feelings for another man?

  35. He is verbally and mentally abusing you, and he eventually WILL hit you. It's just a matter of time. Run and don't look back.

  36. I agree!

    I'm in US so I don't know the conversion between KG and LBS. When I first met my husband, I was around 220lbs. I slowly started gaining weight, and probably a little faster because we got depressed and ate out to eat A LOT. After 5 years or so, I gained 150lbs, and never lost it. My husband still finds me beautiful and attractive and does not make jokes about my weight gain.

    If it's something that bothers you and is clearly making you upset, then it should stop. Period. Your BF is an asshole and clearly doesn't want to be with a human.

  37. Either he has addiction to games or he was playing online and he couldn’t drop it and walk away with you. If gameplay affects someone’s ability to function normal in real world then they need help.

    Don’t blame yourself… next time give him a 30 minute heads up and if doesn’t come smash then kick him in the nuts.

  38. OP you write if she told you about her fantasies ud be fine with it.

    She isn't participating tho. Do u not see that? You are one-sidedly telling her about all these women u constantly dream of fucking who aren't her.

    I'm a wife. Do u think i don't know my husband finds other ppl attractive he probably does he's a person! He watches porn for godsake. He probably had alot of fantasies that might be weird and don't involve me. Soooo he doesn't share that with me!

    Because i dont want to hear about it. Like your wife has shown u she doesn't want to participate in this sharing u want to happen.

    The fact a therapist is telling u that it's a good idea when it honestly is hurting your wife and probably making her insecure and will definitely lead to her eventually cutting u off sexually because it's gonna start dragging her down is strange to me.

    You are more than allowed to feel how u feel. Your wife isn't saying that u aren't but do u really have to be telling her all of this when u can see it's not adding any value to your marriage at all?

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