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Chiara_2002live sex stripping with hd cam


31 thoughts on “Chiara_2002live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have an autoimmune disease that has attacked the fetus multiple times and resulted in a miscarriage and realistically

    You're only 20, and you're not in a stable relationship…how often have you actually been pregnant? This is extremely concerning behaviour.

    I may only have a few chances to actually have a child I don't want to give up that chance,

    It's extremely selfish to potentially bring a child into this world when you're neither financially, nor mentally stable. What can you actually offer this kid?

  2. Thanks. We did have a conversation about it a couple of weeks ago where I basically said what you said in the first paragraph. And yeah the boundary thing is maybe not a bad idea, but since we haven't been dating long I don't wanna overstep.

    And yeah, I guess it's a question of generation and cultural background etc. I have certainly seen a lot of my friends hard at one point or another but we wouldn't exactly do a naked photoshoot lol.

  3. Being drunk doesn't change who you are, you just lose the ability to stop yourself. This is who he is without some way of controlling himself. What about when its a kid? Why would you want to be with someone like that?

  4. Girl please, confront him before you guys get more serious with the relationship. This is serious matter of trust, even if you swept this off under the rug eventually you would have to ask again. It's a habit of his, and getting into commitment with a guy like him is upsetting. It's good to see you get into therapy but if he's doing all of those nasty stuff BEHIND you, there's no way this relationship is going to work. It's one sided, don't get fooled by him wanting to buy an engagement ring. The ring means nothing if he's gonna keep acting like a horny teenager that never got past his middle school phase. And you have the right to 'snoop' around if you wanted to, would you rather know about it or would you rather be clueless about it? Him getting mad is not your concern, be more concerned about your own feelings please.

  5. He doesn’t get to decide when/if you decide to trust him again ESPECIALLY less than a month out. As other people have said he should be bending over backwards for you. I would be infuriated at even the contemplation of going to this party. I absolutely would not want to go to that party either. As a married couple you hold each other above all else. My coworkers are just that coworkers. Do some become friends? Sure, but no one I would ever hold above my partner which is what it sounds like he’s doing. Good luck friend. Think of yourself first.

  6. It sure does!

    It’s not about who he was or what he did. It’s about who he is and what he’s doing. And what he’ll do tomorrow.

  7. It sure does!

    It’s not about who he was or what he did. It’s about who he is and what he’s doing. And what he’ll do tomorrow.

  8. 19yo girl, they all.feel they are sooo matured already at that age and cant wait to take the plunge.

    Make sure you wrap it up since you dont want to marry her yet, dont get her pregnant at 19.

  9. Where is your grandmother's money? You should have access by now. If there are papers they would be on file somewhere- a bank, a lawyer. Start working on that without directly involving your mother. Set very clear boundaries on when you will talk, meet, text. Stop all attempts to explain or reason with her. In other words, refuse to engage. Expect her to escalate for awhile when you clarify your boundaries. Make sure your friend group is strong and plan to meet, be with someone on holidays so you're not overly dependent on your mother's company. I was in the same situation. You're smart to start the process so young.

  10. people are wondering if its spooning bc the phrasing “we were laying down on the couch cuddling” kind of implies it. not enough space to lay down flat next to each other, so both laying on the side is either spooning or facing each other or facing away from each other. facing away from each other isnt really cuddling, and both spooning and facing each other would be a weird position to cuddle your father in.

  11. I think this relationship sounds incredibly toxic and you need to have more respect for yourself and move on. He’s lied multiple times about having contact with someone he agreed to end contact with (although I’m not sure I agree with you forcing him to end the friendship) what more do you need? There’s literally zero trust in this relationship. You both sound incredibly insecure, and judging by your comment about him not even wanting you to have male friends or talk to other guys, he sounds like someone who’s definitely cheating on you and worried you’ll do the same. I’d bet money on that. Who wants to be in a relationship where you’ve gotta keep tabs on someone and second guess what they tell you? You’re young. You can do better.

  12. She was so insecure and uncertain of herself, that she let people's voices into her head and wreck a great thing she had going.

    Her co-workers were jealous and they wanted to mess with your relationship. The girlfriend didn't have the brains, awareness, or emotional intelligence to realise what her co-workers were doing.

    This is really problematic. Unless she opens her eyes, develops a backbone regarding her opinions; this can potentially happen again. It could be a friend or co worker, and it might be anti-vax nonsense, or qanon stuff. It could be a similar situation again.

    Unless the GF realises what she did, and tries to deal with her insecurity, and being so easily led. She is a sheep literally, being led by the nose. OP – you won't ever be able to trust her again.

  13. Please have more respect for yourself than to settle for the crumbs of someone else's man. Stop allowing him to use you and date someone actually available. Well wishes young one.

  14. It’s just chum in the water. She wants to know if she can still play with your heartstrings. Leave on read. Block her completely and focus on your own life. The fog has worn off and her Prince Charming turned into a toad. The text doesn’t mean shit other than her feeling sorry for herself. If you respond all you’ll do is lift her spirits at your expense. You’ve already been there and done that don’t do it again.

  15. Regardless of whether she is cheating or not she has clearly laid out where you are in importance. You're not even worth a quick text or call?

  16. Stop thinking about it and focus on the present. No one can help you but you. If she's with you, she wants you. Not them.

  17. I sang a stupid song for him to make him laugh. My wife did not like that one bit. She threw a shitfit about how he was going to “imitate the wrong lyrics.” She did not stop talking about how I need to teach him only “the correct lyrics” to songs

    That would make me want to blast Weird Al Yankovich records around her all day long. Seriously, she sounds like my abusive, hypercritical grandma, whom I went NC on as an adult. My question is has she always been like this or is it more recent? She prob won't listen to you but it sounds like she needs to see a doctor and a therapist because she must be miserable inside.

  18. I sang a stupid song for him to make him laugh. My wife did not like that one bit. She threw a shitfit about how he was going to “imitate the wrong lyrics.” She did not stop talking about how I need to teach him only “the correct lyrics” to songs

    That would make me want to blast Weird Al Yankovich records around her all day long. Seriously, she sounds like my abusive, hypercritical grandma, whom I went NC on as an adult. My question is has she always been like this or is it more recent? She prob won't listen to you but it sounds like she needs to see a doctor and a therapist because she must be miserable inside.

  19. Just because I have a great security system and insurance plan doesn’t mean that I have to sit by, do nothing, and watch someone try and break into my car.

    His girlfriend may have zero interest in other guys, that doesn’t mean OP has to sit by and do nothing while other guys try and lure him away.

  20. Why won’t you answer others who are asking for your wife’s age? I’d also love to know if she was someone already known to you and your son before you two got together.

  21. Firstly, that is incredibly manipulative that he is being deliberately withholding. If he was feeling less affectionate due to this, he should have taken the initiate to communicate his expectations and feelings. The fact that this has been going on and he has chosen not to say anything and instead be distant is really shitty of him and very immature.

    Secondly, get a job.

    Third, you two really need to work on communication. It cannot be one person's responsibility to always ask questions and probe for information. If he has an issue, he needs to learn to be proactive about addressing it and coming to you. If his default is to shut down and push you away, that is a huge issue.

    Fourth, if he's the only one providing and you stay at home and don't have kids, the reality is that there is a huge power imbalance in your relationship. Even stay at home parents are often not seen as equal contributors by the working partner. If you're not working and don't have kids, he is going to feel entitled to greater level of care and attention to detail. And it's clear he has resentment about you not working and getting to relax at home all day (unless you're in school and studying, but you said you're a “homemaker”). If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't feel comfortable financially relying on this guy.

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