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Mohini_420live sex stripping with hd cam


14 thoughts on “Mohini_420live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Maybe record him next time he acts like this. There is nothing worse than seeing yourself acting like a fool while intoxicated. Have you actually said the words,” I’m embarrassed by you.”?

  2. Usually, people 30+ have little interest in dating a 24 year old, especially if they have kids.

    I feel like our issues started once we were married. Then have gradually gotten worse.

    Once he had you, there was no need to pretend anymore. He knows you love the kids, he knows you love your employees….so zero chance of you leaving and getting a divorce (well, hopefully he's wrong about that)

  3. Do not marry him cause you are only going to get divorced. Gone him back the ring and move on this is not the man for you.

  4. It was an assault but why aren't you wearing a condom? Pulling out is not a reliable way to not get her pregnant, it's basically a lottery.

  5. how do i sound mean?

    the time she snapped at me because i didnt build the model with them i went up to her in person and asked her what was that all about.

    she couldnt look me in the eyes and i told her i was already stressed with my part of the work and asked to see her stuff. i told her this is a max of 1-2 hour thing and she said nothing. she couldnt even look me in the eyes.

    their model was wrong i redid the whole thing by myself lol.

    also i was told by a friend that she was bitching about me. the friend came to me looked at their model and laughed as well.

    she said she was on my side given that i had the hardest part in the team and told me she was just being a bitch. the worst part about it is that my friends part was all wrong. lol

    I feel like im too nice and sensitive to deal with snappy people like this. My friends are good hardworking and understanding people.

    her and i actually bonded after we fought even told her. a few funny guy dramas… but thats all.

    Another time she got mad at me because i threw a party same day as her. i know more people in the school bc i am more open and i say hello to everyone to i invited everyone. she doesnt talk to most of them but she said she felt like i thought she was gonna steal my guest.

    i straight up said shes acting like a kid and she can very well come to the party too. as everyone is invited.

    she hosted her party and i hosted mine and we were all fine

    i even asked the people invited to mine if they got invited to hers and they all said they dont talk to her lol

  6. I'm confused about what she wants. If you're playing with her, then play with her. Don't ditch her to advance your own standing. Play at her level and her pace. Feeling left behind implies you maybe start out at her pace then go off and do your own stuff (on that character?) without her.

    I don't know how Valorant works specifically but if you can have multiple characters or accounts (idk wth a smurf is) then just dedicate 1 to playing with her and her only. At her pace and ability. Is that difficult to do in Valorant?

  7. A lot of the times he thinks that he can burn thought his money and then rely on me for support financially (i better manage my money then he does) and to me it’s unfair because I feel that everyone should be financially responsible for themselves. There’s 0 reasons for someone to be broke. If you end up broke then you mismanaged you life choices and finances.

  8. Are you saying she doesn’t wash at all between those two showers? You say she doesn’t smell.

  9. Remember that she actively hid what she was doing from you, which means she knew you were not going to like it. When someone lies to your face (and hiding a thing is lying by omission) in a context where you've always believed what you're told . . . THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You carried on during that time based on the information you had. You acted honorably. This is HER shame.

    Please begin to confide what has happened to you, to a few people you trust. The point to this is that you have just experienced a huge shock – a relationship trauma. Telling the story of what has happened to you is how you begin to heal. You have to actually talk about it out loud, though. It becomes a bit easier to tell each time, over and over. Eventually, it just becomes a factual thing you can mention about your past. The trauma part will fade. (It will take a long time and a lot of telling, I'm sorry about that. But it really, really helps. When you can say it out loud, it's a tiny bit less horror, and more Just a Story )

    This brings me to my next bit of advice: realize you have no obligation to conceal her wrongdoings from others, people whom she cares to think well of her. Those of us who find ourselves on the shitty side of entitled, betraying behavior from a lived one typically come to realize that it didn't happen in a vacuum, and there are a lot of infractions over time, a buildup to this Big Thing. The entitled partner often spends years training us to keep quiet and cover up their petty misbehavior and “keep up appearances,” making it very nude to speak up when things escalate unbearably, as has happened to you now. It takes a lot to unstick your voice when that time comes, I understand. But you need to realize that it was ALWAYS a shitty (tacit) agreement, that you should hide the other stuff. In fact, it's the very definition of codependency.

    If this is very hot to see, think of the patterns of a partner of an alcoholic person: all the coddling while the person is drunk, keeping them safe from as many consequences of their insobriety as possible, probably even supplying the booze. You become habitually complicit in the Great Big Problem. My own (cheating) ex's behavior – and my role in covering it up – became a lot more clear to me when I compared his compulsive lying and cheating, to alcoholic behavior. It instantly fixed my perspective on the dynamic, and I felt like my internal ship had been righted. The way forward became crystal clear. You're going to suddenly see dysfunction quickly, in places you never noticed it before – your BS meter is going to get a huge tune up.

    I say all that just as support, because I really get how very hot it is to speak up, and how you feel shackled by shame. You even feel shame for considering exposing her, I'm positive. But that continues to put her wish to not be found out by others, ahead of your need for trauma care in the form of talking about what's happened to you.

    The only way forward for you is to do that, which means breaking the codependent expectation that you cover up for her. It was ALWAYS an unreasonable (and incredibly hurtful) expectation that you would do that for her. It stops now! You ask what the way forward is, and it's that right there – start telling your story. She can either get on board with what is coming her way, or not. That's for her to decide. But you deserve healing more than she deserves your cover up. It may indeed end your marriage and some friendships, but a marriage that cannot exist without unreasonable expectations put upon one partner, is not really a marriage worth having. Friendships that side with people who do shitty things to you, are similarly not really friendships.

    Best of luck to you! Hang in there, things are genuinely much better on the other side of all this.

  10. This!! If you suspect he drugged you and the blood may be evidence he raped you, DO NOT confront him. Your instincts are telling you something here. Listen to this advice about ghosting this mf and seeing a doctor. Please!

  11. Let's hope she hasn't been scertly in contact with him trying tog wt him back while with you. Then the friends react because they knew.

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