Scarily similar situation I was in 3/4 years my situation I ended up realizing that I was looking at my old relationship through rose colored glasses and I needed to develop my own sense of self (being in a relationship from junior year of high school through post-college will do that)
Much much much happier with who I am as a person now, and with a partner that really respects me and I'm so much happier.
Not saying that's also what will happen with you but just wanted to say that I think you're going about this appropriately and I hope you fond what you're looking for. Chin up my man, you're making a difficult but smart choice imo
ok, everyone is telling me that this is fake and I'm a troll. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I really thought people were more helpful. I will not bother you
What do you mean “favourable for cheating”? Having drinks with people doesn't mean it's more likely for someone to cheat.
Has your partner given you any indicator that they'd be unfaithful or are you assuming?
Because so far, all it sounds like is she has a go to coworker for rides. That's not unusual.
Scarily similar situation I was in 3/4 years my situation I ended up realizing that I was looking at my old relationship through rose colored glasses and I needed to develop my own sense of self (being in a relationship from junior year of high school through post-college will do that)
Much much much happier with who I am as a person now, and with a partner that really respects me and I'm so much happier.
Not saying that's also what will happen with you but just wanted to say that I think you're going about this appropriately and I hope you fond what you're looking for. Chin up my man, you're making a difficult but smart choice imo
That it’s not real gold. You have to show them your finger.
ok, everyone is telling me that this is fake and I'm a troll. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I really thought people were more helpful. I will not bother you
Gross woman