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Ann_Caseylive sex stripping with hd cam


27 thoughts on “Ann_Caseylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'd reach out to the other woman. You have reason to believe these things. Maybe the province he lives in has legal records available live? In the US, every state has a website where you can search things like divorce, marriage, births, court cases, etc. I am guessing most countries (or in your case, province) have something similar. Maybe go to that website for his province and plug his name in and see. I might do more social media research and look at his ex's page to see if there were any other pictures or signs that they were still together.

  2. Here is the thing. I see Instagram as the modern day playboy. Yes these are real people seeking your attention buuuuuttt mostly to break out in the influencer world, model world, music business, cooking, ect… You know where I'm going with that. I would only have an issue with this behavior IF my partner were to start seeking out these people for companionship. If that line were crossed, then I would leave the relationship.

  3. I would absolutely text him still. There doesn't necessarily have to be anything happy or sad, it's just life – however i don't think you understand how important it can be to have people you can trust and share things with when you're going through something difficult like this.

    The fact that he doesn't want you to tell your friends means he doesn't want everyone to know, but he trusted you enough to tell you. I think that says a lot.

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  5. She's already deleted this post. Seriously, what how many ways does someone have to treat a person like crap before they wake up?

  6. I definitely see your point. We talked it out and I told him I was feeling insecure but he reassured me that he doesn't see her like that at all, and that he'd let me know if he was hanging out with her next time. I apologized for being a little jealous too.

  7. I think you should talk to your therapist to work out your true feelings about this because it’s not something we can tell you.

    The ex-friend telling you after all this time just to spite your wife is cruel.

    I think your marriage can survive this if you want it to. Your wife does not sound like a serial cheater. She’s probably been carrying a lot of guilt about it over the years.

    But right now, it’s your feelings that matter. Don’t do anything rash. Just figure out what you want and go from there.

  8. I can't drive, he would have to take me to the first appointment and possibly every one after that if there's no live option. I can't walk, bus or tax, its too far, busses don't go there, and we can't afford that. Our insurance only covers one place, we can't afford anything else.

  9. You want to start a family with a dead beat father? Oof. I’m thinking it’s ultimatum time, have a relationship with your kid or I’m gone.

  10. I’m trying to think of what I would say to my younger self. Cause I remember going through such intense emotions with someone I thought I was going to marry. This is what comes to mind: Talk through it with friends/family if you need, but eventually you have to put it to bed. When you find yourself saying the same issues over and over and over again in your head, you need to take a step back and get out of that cycle, it’s not healthy for you and it will hurt him. There is no such thing as “your other half”. You are one whole being all by yourself, whether you like it or not. So no matter what happens you’ll never be broken. And the future is way more fun and way less serious than it feels right now. I hope you give yourself a chance to enjoy it.

  11. Get it back and tell him it’s probably a good idea cuz if he has another gf in the future and she finds it, especially considering it’s hidden, that could cause him a lot of unnecessary bullshit.

  12. Yea hold on…but let me block you first because you are really rude and disrespectful to the OP…sorry you are having a bad day but that's no reason to come on reddit and be mean.

  13. I don’t know if it’s a red flag that someone won’t change their personality as much as it’s a sign of incompatibility

  14. Do you guys shoot hoops together? You guys play video games together? You writing a screenplay or starting a business together? ..sounds like no value added….Sometimes you just have to tell someone that their self destruction is becoming a cross you can no longer help them carry, keep it moving bro…

  15. Drama and gossip don't disappear with age lol.

    I've seen grannies gossiping like this a lot.

    I agree witht cutting ties though.

  16. So, I don't claim to be any kind of expert, but a primary question is “does this affect your relationship” and obviously the answer is “yes”. He can't control himself and isn't saving anything for you. This is not healthy, and sure sounds like an addiction to me.

    I'd suggest that he needs therapy, and couples counseling maybe – but couples counseling would be pointless unless he can actually get this under control. Intimacy is a key part of a relationship, and this is something that has to be addressed if you ever want this to work.

    And, if the situation doesn't improve then start making plans to leave. You don't have to rush into anything, but you deserve to have a partner who respects you and your relationship.

  17. Don’t get me wrong I see your point, and I’ve thought about that too, but considering that I don’t think it’s too bad.

  18. Don’t get me wrong I see your point, and I’ve thought about that too, but considering that I don’t think it’s too bad.

  19. When you start dating young there is always the risk that one partner might want to explore what they might have missed out on. Be happy that it happened before you're married with kids. Read plenty of stories on reddit where this happened after 10, 15 and 20 years.

  20. Baby girl please don't do this to yourself! My current partner and I met on Tinder and we both sat and deleted our accounts together. There should be no mystery or doubt about it. I was with a man who did this same thing, I ignored the signs, and then a few years later I one day walked into our bedroom to find another woman on top of him. Listen to the red flags. Don't do yourself a disservice.

  21. She in a messed up way could have set you up with a friend. Seeing that she wanted to help you grow up. I have seen this in two sisters. The oldr one introduced the young one to porn, drugs etc. it was too early and messed the young one up. You don't feel good around her, thats ok. Don't overthink the other stuff if she has never done anything else.

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