Roxyrebeld live webcams for YOU!


5 thoughts on “Roxyrebeld live webcams for YOU!

  1. Dude you already know what's up. Do you want to marry someone like this? Leaves her child for 3 days, come on man.

  2. If someone can't keep themself from watching porn daily then they have a problem, and if they can't finish without porn they have a problem. He isn't going to admit he has a problem.

    Sounds like you'll need to make the first move you either tell him that if he doesn't that it's over between the 2 of you, or just tell him your tired of dealing with his constant promise breaking and that it's over.

  3. Ya'll are the reason why most people struggle to co-parent.

    Normalize love. Normalize trust.

    Just because someone was loved by your current partner doesn't mean that you being around removes that love. I think her reaction was an overreaction. If it was an ex best friend from high school who he spent many hours with and loved. Just because he put his dick in her, he's somehow supposed to feel indifference? For your partners sake? Find yourself a partner that doesn't get upset over something so trivial. There's way bigger hills to die on.

  4. You got any behaviors from your cousin that wualified as creeptastic other tgan his choice of association at a family event? Usually the only teenagers are rarely at weddings are either related to the families involved or relayex to someone . Your cousin is Nineteen. He's still a teenager himself. Everyone older than him was probably drinking. Ever hang out with people you don't know, a decade older than you, who are busy getting their drink on in celebration, when you're sober?

    He probably does have more in common with kids in high school. He could have shared classes or extra- curricular activities in high school with almost all of them. There are 19 year olds finishing their last year of high school with them if they got heald back at any point.

    If what you're freaked about is his age versus theirs – if that's the entirety of the source of your concern. Then mom and dad were completely right.

    Look- I'm open about it – I'm a survivor of childhood sexual assault, rape and incest. Made me a bit suspicious, and I tend to keep an eye out as a rule for people creeping around kids That said, if the entirety of his creepy behavior was hanging out with people of his own generation at a social gathering he's at with all of their families.

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