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44 thoughts on “valeria2019hotlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Coming from the guy's perspective here. I would say as long as it was before you met your current boyfriend then it's not cheating. To answer your other question, as long you and your boyfriend have discussed this fully and have come to terms with it then you shouldn't feel guilty about it from now on. I also tend to hyper-fixate on things like this. Tell yourself as long as your boyfriend is completely ok with this then you are completely ok

  2. Please get rid of him and focus on yourself. He’s cheating on you and making jokes that he KNOWS are hurtful. You can do so much better.

  3. Show him the letter. Even if you don’t get back together with him, maybe you’ll open his eyes enough so the next woman doesn’t have to suffer…

  4. I am surprised that he was not blocked. What is the point to be back in contact with him? Why would you want to? What do you get out of that?

    “I hope your mom gets better. Please don't contact me again.”

  5. Thank you so much for that thoughtful response, I agree with it. I’m going to talk with her; and David has shown his true colors.

    The only silver lining is we are not on our honey moon yet! I’m leaving my phone at home for that ?

  6. u/lokuspokusfidibus, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. There’s nothing open minded and supportive about allowing someone to unilaterally decide that a relationship established as a monogamous partnership should be suddenly open to them because they’ve had a realization about their sexuality.

    So your husband also finds men attractive. Cool.

    So now he gets to figure out with himself what that means for his relationship, and the two of you decide what to do about that decision. His choice ranges from wanting to jerk off to man-on-man porn, date or sleep wrong other men, not change his sexual activity, have threesomes with you involved … and the list goes on in infinity. He takes some time to think over what he wants, and then both of you talk about IF and how that would work in your relationship.

    Most important for you is that you would NOT be close minded or unsupportive to say that you’re not ok with your spouse sleeping with other people.

  10. Talk to him. Have a serious, and I mean SERIOUS talk. His behavior is unacceptable and he needs to build boundaries and keep his distance. To me, if he couldn't, I would break up.

    Also, talk to your brother, explain your concerns and how uncomfortable you are and ask how he feels. Explain how you think it would be healthier if boundaries are built.

    UpdateMe! Please

  11. u/Ok_Hippo_5777, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. Hello /u/yami_yuki,

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  13. Yep. But he refuses to go see anyone or talk to anyone about it. His mental health improves when he regularly exercises, so it's a vicious circle…

  14. And what if she’s not comfortable inviting you to her house right away? Especially if you feel like strangers and she’s fresh out of a long term relationship. Maybe consider her comfort and ability to relax as well instead of trying to coerce her into inviting you.

  15. Another woman hoping a ring will make a partner more “real” or “committed”!

    Newsflash, it does nothing. Your partner is SMART. Your partner is amazing. Your partner has goals and aspirations that don’t involve a big social party to “prove” you love each other- and you’re UPSET?

    Lordy, I sure hope this ancient ceremony shit will be way less important to people in a decade or two, because it’s obvious to anyone and everyone that marriage at this point in time is a joke.

    It’s a show. I always get downvoted for this, but nobody can ever give a good reason to marry, just that “everyone expects it”.

    So? I’ve been with my partner for 11 years and we have watched multiple marriages around us fall apart- the paper doesn’t make a difference. Being smart and putting effort into a relationship makes a difference, not a party or a paper.

  16. Again, that hits close to home. As someone recovering from PPD and PPA, sleep deprivation is actually what almost ruined my marriage but I’m persevering with medication and will consider counseling before throwing in the towel.

    OP’s reaction could very well be intensified by that kind of hormonal imbalance (especially her distorted view of herself and being unable to look in the mirror) but I still think she would be justified wanting to separate regardless since it has been a while with no improvement in therapy. I just couldn’t imagine raising three kids with a partner I could no longer trust after such a demoralizing discovery.

  17. My ex husband was pursuing a masters degree and he still was able to contribute to half of everything so don’t settle for less

  18. Because he made the decision to do so.

    Do you realize that everything you’ve written is just your opinion, and that different people have different opinions? It’s a fact of the world.

    He laid out his deal breakers. His wife lied and said she doesn’t break them. That’s the issue. Don’t let your personal crusade override the fact that this guys wife lied to him and he is looking for advice on what to do next.

    And there is definitely a difference between having past sexual partners and finding out a bunch of guys have a sex tape of your wife getting double teamed. How much that difference has an impact on any given relationship is a matter of opinion.

  19. It's not a bad arrangement or compromise. I'm a light sleeper myself, so I understand his need for a quiet room.

  20. i would absolutely tell a guy to dump his girlfriend if she didn't have sex with him after 10-15 straight occasions of them hanging out.

  21. The short answer: No.

    Nothing about a man a decade older than you who thinks that that behavior is acceptable is something worth holding onto.

    Respect yourself

  22. If you have to go, might as well have fun, here's a starting point:

    Turn up wearing shades and a t-shirt saying “There's no party like a SMOOTH HANDS party!”

    Bring a hip flask full of bourbon, and greet everyone with finger guns. Offer them a sip from your hip flask.

    Photobomb every single photo, bonus points for finger guns.

    Order the birthday boy a strip-o-gram that sings “Don't you wish your hands were smooth like mine” to the tune of the Pussycat Dolls hit and video his reaction.

    Plunge both hands into the soup tureen, then the cake to cool off. Lick them clean while doing the macarena (punctuate liberally with finger guns).

    IDK you might want to tone this down a little OP, but you get the gist ? ? ?

  23. Yeah… leaving would be best, because then he can find someone a little more grown up who isn’t hung up on nicknames.

  24. Tomorrow sit him down and say “hey babe, seeing you do drugs last night has me feeling weird. I didn't like it. Is that something you do often? Can you agree not to do that around me?” If he says he does do it often, and doesn't want to curtail his use around you, then you're incompatible.

  25. Sounds like he has made it sound like you’re the crazy stalker who is obsessed with him and in love with him, threatening their family unit. His “ex” does not sound like she’s an ex. He may want to leave his wife, but her reactions and anger are telling that he hasn’t yet, and he’s been playing you both.

    This is a giant mess and you deserve better! He’s been playing you and thinks you’ll always be there for them, while he plays house with his family when he must to satisfy his kids and wife.

    I personally wouldn’t find this a healthy or worthy situation of bringing a baby into.

  26. Ok… I am only being devils advocate. I am not suggesting you stay with him, in fact I am leaning towards you dumping him.

    With that said, you have some questions to ask yourself.

    Do you believe he is telling you the whole story or is he trickle truthing?

    Is it possible he has a problem as he says? Sex addiction is a real thing though it is often used as a cop out by those who aren’t addicted.

    If he gets treatment for a real problem, would that move the ball towards forgiveness?

    If he has a problem, will you ever feel any sympathy given that someone with a real problem will feel remorse, fear, and shame and have no one in their life to discuss it with.

    I’m not leading the witness here. I really am asking you to think about the answers.

    If you don’t a single yes in there the end is inevitable no matter what.

  27. I don’t feel like I should cheat now and if I wanted to cheat I could have. I feel confused and guilty about how I’m feeling and I think maybe, as others have pointed out, I am just going through some midlife stuff.

  28. Ethical porn is rarely free. So I'd be more supportive of paying for porn, if he was making sure it was from ethical sources.

    But yeah $18k is ridiculous

  29. Let the bf get over his own insecurities. He is a big boy. He should be supporting you. Not trying to limit you.

    Move in with the friend. JFC people of the opposite sex can live! together and not be having sex. Like what on earth. Does he expect you to walk around in just a skimpy tee and panties and the dude to just go around in boxers?

  30. Seems like you are not his first choice and he'll break up with you at some point. It's not ok to be in a relationship and miss your ex.

    Dump him, there'll be guys who'll be into you a 100%.

  31. Seems like you are not his first choice and he'll break up with you at some point. It's not ok to be in a relationship and miss your ex.

    Dump him, there'll be guys who'll be into you a 100%.

  32. This sub is reality TV for reddit.

    There might be some truth here and there, but most of it is made up

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