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4 thoughts on “nadiaETsophielive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Also it’s ok to have these feelings. Just know that this stranger you like is just lust. And infatuation will fade but your relationship with your bf could go farther and last.

  2. Thank you! Yeah I agree I need to think of it in terms of our relationship. I think if I would know/believed more that the lack of sex doesn't have anything to do with his attraction (which rationally I know it doesn't, but my anxiety doesn't wanna believe it) I'd be more okay with it. just being made to feel like he's physically into me (in a non sexual way even) without just words would be helpful. I think the intimacy part helped for when I adjusted to once every couple weeks stage but I probably need to revisit it with him now

  3. Yeah he wanted a baby now. Not when they initially started saying 4 years prior. That being said both of them are entitled to their feelings on the matter regarding whether or not to keep it.

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