SweetyPie live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 1, 2022

31 thoughts on “SweetyPie live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. It is exhausting. I actually found out from the girl. He was on a work trip at the time and he followed her on Instagram. she had no idea he was in a relationship but saw photos of me and messaged me to make sure I knew what happened. I honestly have a lot of respect for her.

    He was on his way home the day I found out and I called him in the airport telling him he could find another way home and another place to stay. He swore up and down he was going to tell me. As if.

  2. Yeah I'd be iffie on that whole deal myself if they were already friends when yall met it would be different but along with the pics and the other stuff you are not comfortable with its understandable

  3. Apparently that not what everyone else feels. I had stated just above/before that never talking/seeing your mom would hurt both of you. And people come by and – negative down grade my answer. So you can see not to listen to most here.

    This is your mom. You are hurt, upset, mad. Giving her nasty words would be one way to go. Hurt her really bad. Will it make you feel better? Will it solve what she did?

    Never seeing or talking to her again. Will that hurt her. It might. Depends how she l8ves you or not much. Some parents don't give a shit.

    You state last on here that you want to mend things with her. She's still your mom.

    Tell her how you feel. Don't have to be vulnerable about it

    Remember, she cheated and disrespected your dad. She didn't cheat on you. It's great you're respecting your dad and standing up for him. But you don't lose your relationship with your mom over this.

    If your dad was around. Your only position would be telling dad. And that's it. It's your parents problem to work out.

    The people that know about it from day 1 you can tell her she can't associate with them anymore. If she doesn't. Then tell the whole family.

  4. This is also something as a wife and mom I'm working on in therapy. I have ADHD, Anxiety and depression. I'm a work in progress because changing the way you react as things happen in real time and figuring out your triggers is very hot when its so ingrained in you. It was also nude realizing that it's not that you can't complain or show frustrations, it's how you do it. I felt that I wasn't allowed to be jn a bad mood or vent frustrations in any way.

    I liken it to how a child behaves all day perfectly at school or at someone else's house and as soon as their mom comes to pick them up or they come home, and the child let's loose with their emotional meltdowns because it's their “safe space,” and the child feels comfortable and safe to let it all out because their home and their parents and siblings can see them like this. Like they hold in all day anything that bothered them, how overstimulated they were, how exhausted they were and it all comes out.

    My husband hates this like you, but my husband also does the same thing sometimes.

    For me, it's like if I'm venting to him about frustrations about a situation or event or a person, and it has nothing to do with him, he gets offended because he wants me to vent in the most unfrustrated way possible, even when something is happening in real time. I remind him that I'm not frustrated at him, I'm just frustrated at the situation.

    I decided after this last therapy session to get a journal where I could privately get out all my negativity and be as frustrated as I wanted about anything. I'm hoping that can allow me to get all out of my system to have a calm convo with my husband about my day without coming across as angry or snippy.

    I know for me vacations, date nights or any kind of breaks stress me out because I am the one who has to plan and coordinate. I coordinate my day, the bills, our daughters doctors apt, her activities, our social calendar, vacations, date nights, holidays, birthdays (my own bday). Sometimes all I want is a hotel for a night where I'm just literally in my PJs with a cocktail watching movies or a night out with girlfriends to get out of my own head.

  5. I've only ever peed in a bottle, while in my apartment, in an emergency. Like I got home, had to pee really bad and my daughter is in the shower. It has always seemed like a better option than peeing in the kitchen sink… which is gross.

    It's wild to just do it out pure laziness.

  6. in her last fuss, she said several time that I have a long journey before we have intimacy again. i surely have thinks to change. but I am sure that she has far more concerns than me to adress before someone touch her. And i suspect than there always will be another drama/problem/whatever to deny my progress.

  7. Nosy question, but do you use condoms, and synthetic lubes? If she has an allergy to latex she can get UTIs from those. If she's got an allergy go synthetic lubes she can get UTIs. Try changing lubs to water based, and find a different type of condom. If she's using some kind of scented wash/spray in that area she may actually be allergic to those, causing the problem. She needs to stop using them. If she shaves, she should use a soap for sensitive skin instead of shaving cream. If she's a doctor she should know this, and be making those changes on her own. Yes you should also keep yourself clean, and properly trimmed, private areas, nails, and hands, but she needs to make some changes too. Shower right after sex is excessive when a regular pee, and wipe down with a clean, damp wash cloth should do the trick.

  8. It doesn’t sound like she did anything personally to you. Her and your mum made a choice to get coffee together. How does that affect you?

  9. “My gf is being hit on and groomed by her boss, and she has stated she's uncomfortable and telling me while it's happening, and I don't have the balls to get him on the phone and tell him to back the fuck off.”

  10. Sorry I’m living with my grandma and living off of social Security and disability checks and the prices of places in our Area are higher then we can afford

  11. Definitely don’t take her back. She’ll keep breaking your heart. She’s not mature enough to date and seems to thrive on drama. Move on dude. You deserve a real partner, not a wishy washy immature brat.

  12. “But it’s with a woman” went out the window as soon as she said she believes she’s Bi.

    I know some couples are a little more ~free~ with that because they don’t think of a same-gender hookup as a threat to the relationship, and it’s often fetishized. However, if you play for both teams… then same rules apply.

  13. I mean, what's gonna be their excuse in court when he hurts or kills someone?

    “Ahh well we're bad parents and he has a learning disability, sorry he killed someone”

    Just because someone shares dna with you doesn't mean they get a free pass to be a monster.

  14. I think this is part of it, a very sociable person would be finding someone to do those things with, by joining a club or something. Or they would do something else instead rather than do things alone. I'm more like your boyfriend where I'd rather do my own thing than compromise but I think it's harder to make friends.

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