Little_miracle7live sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Little_miracle7live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. There are zero possible health issues. You only need one partner to get an STD. The number changes absolutely nothing. 100 clean and careful partners with protection are far better for your health than one STD-ridden human petri dish without protection.

  2. It is absolutely unacceptable and I agree with everything else you said too. BUT… People are fucking idiots sometimes.

  3. Biiiig yikes. Stay away from this disrespectful little girl. Not only is it horrific for the victim of the false allegation, it also undermines every single REAL allegation that real victims of sexual violence make. That is a disgusting threat to make. I suggest telling any and every authority figure you trust and get advice on how to protect yourself in case she acts on her threat when you break up with her (which you need to do asap, do not see her in person ever again but get your ducks in a row before actually telling her it's over). I'd suggest making a police report about her threat, although, even as a non-american, I understand why this might not be something you are comfortable with. Protect yourself, be smart and don't let on that you are going to break up with her, once you've got it on record that she has threatened you like this, END THIS RELATIONSHIP.

  4. This whole thing sounds really unhealthy. You guys need space from each other. I’d suggest therapy. I don’t think there’s any aspect of this that’s you two as a team against the problem. He’s been passive aggressively punishing you for something he never brought up. Y’all are honestly way to young. Sorry but you both have a lot of growing up into the people you’ll be.

    Also, he swearing at you? There’s no excuse for that. Ever.

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