SweetLady69 live sex cams for YOU!


10 thoughts on “SweetLady69 live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She can’t “fix” other people’s opinions either, opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got them and sometimes they stink ??‍♀️ an opinion doesn’t automatically make you correct or incorrect. What’s toxic and controlling in most relationships (apparently) isn’t in theirs and that’s fine, I’m not claiming to be the authority on relationships so y’all don’t have to take my opinion so seriously ?

  2. “She doesn't believe in therapy” means she has deep seeded issues that she's not willing to resolve or work on for self-improvement. If she's not willing to go to couples therapy, it's a huge RED FLAG. Refusing intimacy for 18 months is another RED FLAG. Refusing to acknowledge your feeling or concerns is a RED FLAG. Trying to turn them around against you is another RED FLAG.

    My best advice is to see a therapist by yourself and talk about these concerns if your serious about getting a divorce. Even if you're not necessarily having mental health issues this can help clarify your mindset and help you find the best course of action for you and your family. It sometimes helps to talk to a professional who has seen and dealt with other people in similar situations as yourself and maybe get a better understanding of your wife's mindset.

    You can't change your wife or fix what's broken inside of her but you can work on yourself and take control of how you respond to these problems. That in itself is liberating to a lot of people and I've seen it work for a friend of mine who went through his own divorce due to an abusive ex.

  3. I think she made the right choice and she’ll see that eventually. Her friends picked up on some thing she hasn’t, and the only thing that made her regret it was your little drama play. No one who loves her would treat her like that.

  4. Ooh, imagine being so insecure you can’t date someone who’s doing better than you. I mean do what you feel is best for you but honestly if someone thought badly of themselves because I got an apartment before them I’d just think they need to get over themself before I hang out with them again. I don’t want to associate myself with someone who blames my accomplishments for their sadness. Veeeeeery toxic energy.

  5. If you think of it like this every single gf you’ll have will be a liar even if they love you and your small penis and you’ll be alone forever

  6. Don’t wait for your birthday, just tell him you’re feeling burnt out and peopled out and need a few days break.

  7. Nah I wouldn't. Yours are the worst kind of FWB, I imagine the type where if either or both of you get a partner you'd continue to hang out as friends and keep the poor partners in the dark. FWB is a shitty concept to start with but if you insist on having one ffs at least pick one up cold instead of starting to fuck one of your actual FRIENDS out of boredom or laziness.

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