Jessilau live sex cams for YOU!


Make me squirt [Multi Goal]

Date: October 31, 2022

9 thoughts on “Jessilau live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Starting a family is a huge commitment. Do you feel you have a good partner in her? She didn't discuss anything with you about financials or taking care of things around the home. She is forcing it on you to work 7 days a week without even considering how you feel about it.

    I know you feel you can never experience pregnancy or be in her shoes, but you can reach out to groups to learn how it affects the body from month to month.

    Read up on how it could affect a woman's body and/or ask around in pregnancy groups for their various stories and you can compare. Of course, every woman's body can react differently, but this isn't the issue you should focus on.

    Don't let her use it as an excuse, be confident that you know her behaviour was out of line and put your foot down. You know that you need a reliable partner that can make financial decisions to prep for a baby and care for a family. Doesn't sound like you're a bad guy, so don't let her make you doubt yourself into letting her take advantage of you. She's counting on you to be nice to get her way.

  2. She's clearly got issues to work out, not your problem. Now you know what you want (and don't want) in a relationship. Go find that for yourself without hesitation. Good luck, boss.

  3. Either you could do it or you couldn't.

    Saying you couldnt then saying you could have if youd known who else would, sounds like game playing.

  4. When you say she's diagnosed BPD, is she in therapy and on meds? If not, why not?

    I ask because when people are with a person who is mentally ill, they sometimes put up with behaviors they'd never put up with otherwise. In a way, though, the mental illness doesn't change anything. Tbh, this sounds like an unhealthy and very stressful relationship, where you are gradually stripping away the things that matter to you. Has it crossed your mind you're being incredibly unfair to yourself?

    You've made some mistakes here. Moving to a new city probably wasn't smart, and it was even worse that you moved in together, and later with the roommate. For some reason, you expected her to behave completely differently. She loses a job like she always does. This was naive on your part.

    I'm not trashing your gf, or you either. But you did not give one single reason why you should be with her. You say you love her, but why? If the early months were super cool, and you've been in hell since then, don't make the common mistake of focusing on those early times. Look at what you have now and whether or not you're happy.

    You come first. Always. And I think you've forgotten that.

  5. That really (REALLY) rings a bell. I have realised that before in a small way, but why I put on the rose coloured glasses I tend to ignore sense. Thank you for sharing

  6. I hate to be the first one to say it, but OP this whole situation is a red flag.

    Your fiancé is 13 years older than you. That is a massive age gap. To add to that, you had a child when you met. Such a large age gap is concerning enough. But your daughters responses to him are massively concerning. The reactions your daughter is having to him are alarming, to say the least.

    I would recommend speaking to a Paediatrician, and explaining in full, what has been happening.

  7. I asked, he said that he cant reply to this question. He doesnt want to say no, but doesnt want to say yes. I get that it could be enough, but i growing up i saw that my dad never told my mom he loves her, and i am just afraid to have the same thing in my life

  8. I told you, it’s a memory that suddenly appeared in my brain, and i don’t say bad stuff behind my friends’ back besides like right now, which is live. If he’s a really nice person who’s nice to everyone and me, i would of course not care about this. And that I do care, is because i saw him as a close friend at the time. He may not, but i do lol so i get it.

  9. Just want to say getting a pillow with more neck support can make a big difference snoring. My wife got one and it's night and day. She sleeps better too.

    The rest of it he just sounds horrible, I got nothing.

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