♥, NEW MODEL ♥ take my control and lets have fun// 50% off on my SNAPCHAT [62 tokens remaining]
Date: October 30, 2022
♥, NEW MODEL ♥ take my control and lets have fun// 50% off on my SNAPCHAT [62 tokens remaining]
Are you fucking kidding me?
She fucking put another man on the phone to you to berate you into “letting” him fuck her, berate you into “letting her” cheat on you, and you kept this trash bag in your life?
Stupidest decision you’ve ever made, I guarantee it. Jesus, where’s your spine?
It’s not like you have to do anything hard to break up with her, just tell her you’re done and block her number, she’s long distance FFS. You must just love being treated like dogshit.
Yeah dude is a unusual for sure. I'd stop dining at high end places or just tolerate it. Not really a battle to get him to change, is my guess as it'll be a losing one.
Important info to know, but damn it’s so sad that’s what people have to think about 🙁