♡ FIA ♡ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


♡ FIA ♡, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ♡ FIA ♡

♡ FIA ♡ on-line sex chat

Date: October 30, 2022

16 thoughts on “♡ FIA ♡ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Why take the risk dude? You're young you should be enjoying life not having to worry about whether or not your hoe gf is cheating on you

  2. Yup totally nailed it. She struggles with her own self image and feeling attractive. A big part of this attacks her at this sore part of hers.

    We had similar issues with me watching porn in the past. Very similar fight.

    Yeah it is a deal breaker. But she s like me no outs on the relationship so she is mad about the time she needs to take to accept it.

    She is Just very very mad right now and she is excellent at expressing that.

  3. Why didn't you tell him off? I don't understand. When my bf angers me I tell his ass off real quick. I don't care if he gets mad and we fight. I'm not a doormat and either are you. Whats with these women on here crying about their men instead of telling their asses off!!

  4. Your husband is right to not want to loan out money to someone who just made a hasty decision and maxed out credit card debt. You don’t seem to know the value of a dollar if you’re saying that’s not much to him- you are not earning the money, there for if he says he’s not giving money to someone he deems irresponsible because YOU lied that’s his decision. Tell him the truth and maybe he’ll change his mind.

  5. Does he want you to fake liking anal just to be satisfied?

    I'm sorry, but dump his ass. I think thats kinda messed up. I understand wanting things and stuff but if it comes at the expense of PAIN, then no.

  6. She’s the one that would deal with the repercussions of pregnancy. You don’t even know “what you both are,” despite the two of you having sexual encounters.

    Why would she risk anything much less having vaginal sex with you and it being unsafe?

    You should break up with her. She handled this with maturity whereas you’re willing to gamble and place both of you into an adult situation. I hope she finds someone more her speed.

    From where you’re at OP, I expect that if you don’t wise up you’ll risk getting a poor girl pregnant.

  7. Thank you for your reply. I know I was in the wrong and I shouldn’t of prohibited their friendship. I didn’t think it was fair how he didn’t let me have male friends from the start while he kept his friendship. I wasn’t controlling or insecure about myself before all of this. I hope I can move on from all of this and be better because I feel that I’ve lost myself in all of this mess.

  8. I don't understand how this happened in the first place – does your company know you both are dating? If so, I struggle to see why they promoted you to his boss. That sounds like a pretty big conflict of interest.

  9. He’s saying that he loves you? He doesn’t even know you. It’s been a month. Actions speak louder than words. Pay attention. He came to meet you one time. Once. I would suggest in the future you hold off on sex if you’re looking for a relationship. Get to know someone before sleeping with them. We teach people how to treat us.

  10. If you think you didn't do anything wrong by cornering her and ambushing her with no strings attached sex, why do you want her to keep it private? Why are you calling it 'our dirty laundry' when it's just your creepy behavior? What does she gain from protecting you?

  11. OK I’m gonna be really blunt with you here when somebody in a monogamous relationship wants to open up for threesomes. Usually the relationship is at its end. It doesn’t usually work out very well for either of them and long-term trust is broken. Boundaries are broken and somebody likes somebody better than the other one on Reddit recently found out she was pregnant and they didn’t want to be with her. So the truth of the matter is this relationship is probably over and would be more conducive to your long-term happiness just leave it behind you heal from the situation and find somebody who really wants to be with you only you.

  12. Why would you want someone like Bob to your wedding, when he has shown so little respect for fidelity and the institution of marriage?

  13. I am aware of that. I was just trying to help you understand what I believe the original commenter was talking about. No need to be so combative

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