Unique-sutra online webcams for YOU!


First time..be nice ? [150 tokens remaining]

Date: October 30, 2022

5 thoughts on “Unique-sutra online webcams for YOU!

  1. Hey lovely person. Really appreciate the time u took out to write this and help me. Really! I really like this advice, and I came to the circa the same conclusion as I wrote in my new comments In extension of the post. If she is the one , she’ll accept , maybe not all details, but that I’m not the white knight i feel like she sees me as, as quite frankly I don’t think I can keep it up personally, like i already have had my days where I’ve been distant and been in my head. Thanks stranger ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I guess youre saying that either I am the first girl that he sought out for her age or he's sought other girls and is lying. I guess there is no way for me ti know how true either of those things are. I won't go defending him because I know that's downvote hell lol.

  3. oh my god… it kind of sounds like he has ASPD or something similar to it. regardless, he clearly has no respect for you and he’s an abuser, leave him.

  4. First, don't go and tell your dad. Take a 2nd test somewhere else and compare results. Second, if the results are the same ,take it up with your mom. Like drop some hints and be like I took one of those heritage tests ,I didn't know we were part Asian. You should be able to tell if she's bsing you or not. Only once you have good solid proof should you say anything to your dad. As without solid proof, you're going to open up a lot of potential doubts and issues that may not even be necessary

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