You really need to deal with the panic attacks and self harm ideas because she didn’t cause those. Plenty of people have worse happen and it didn’t lead to that. I’m not criticizing you AT ALL I just want you to get help for those things. At the same time you can have a therapist help you with the girlfriend issue.
Restraining order. Also try not to date someone you work with in the future for the express reason that you'll still have to see them if you break up.
You really need to deal with the panic attacks and self harm ideas because she didn’t cause those. Plenty of people have worse happen and it didn’t lead to that. I’m not criticizing you AT ALL I just want you to get help for those things. At the same time you can have a therapist help you with the girlfriend issue.
He is a selfish lover. Move on. You're young. Don't hitch your wagon to a horse with no legs.