Blonde-Teacher live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 29, 2022

5 thoughts on “Blonde-Teacher live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. You need to leave this relationship. The first red flag was at the beginning when you said he doesn't want you to work unless it's remote. That's for you to decide, not him. And also violent outbursts? Fuck no. It was the vases this time, what could be next?

    Do you have family nearby you could move in with? Friends?

  2. I done so that I wouldn’t get banned. If you didn’t read this was my first post. I’ve heard of posts getting band for using certain words or phrases so I tried to steer from that. I’m know what my maturity level but thanks anyway

  3. That exact answer!

    This is not the end. Even if it looks like it.

    “Tanks a lot. Your wife may appreciate this information just as much as I did.” would have been a petty answer.

    No answer at all would have been an emotionally wise one for you.

    I explained somewhere above, why I think so.

  4. Former long-distance runner here:

    Surely you have a general idea of how long it takes you to run a half marathon, yes? Why can't you ask your husband to show up around 30 minutes prior to your estimated completion? All you would need to do is communicate where the finish line of the race is, and what time he needs to be there. Then you would know he will be there and you will get the support that you want, without him having to wait around for multiple hours doing nothing.

    I definitely understand being hurt by his lack of support, but I have to say that running is one of the most boring sports possible for a spectator. It's one big moment at the beginning, and one big moment hours later at the end. Everything in between is just killing time, or walking to different areas where you will briefly see the person that you're supporting fly by you. For the person who is participating in the sport, it is incredibly engaging, but for a spectator it just isn't. Maybe having him come just at the end could give you a feeling of support without him needing to sacrifice hours of time doing something that he doesn't find enjoyable or engaging?

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