Baby-Michellxx on-line sex cams for YOU!


Baby-Michellxx Public Chat Channel

Date: October 29, 2022

22 thoughts on “Baby-Michellxx on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You put all of the onus on him even though they were both intoxicated. People do this all of the time.

    Would it be better if they were sober? Yeah! But that’s not always how life goes and that doesn’t make it a mistake

  2. You’re very thin. Don’t give it a second thought. Maybe even dump him. I’m your height over 20 years older, and 20 lbs heavier and no man has ever made a disparaging remark to my face about my body.

  3. The main issue is that OP feeds used, but he needs to acknowledge that he had no prior interest in this girl.

    If he was interested in dating her and she was aware of that for a while and used it to her advantage, then it would be a completely different story

  4. It is absolutely NOT “wrong” to say no to sex when you do not feel like having sex. Why would you want to have sex with someone who is not into it? She’s not doing anything wrong by only having sex when she’s in the mood to have sex — that’s exactly how it’s supposed to work. You, also, should not have sex when you are not in the mood to have sex.

    Your girlfriend is selfish and lazy in bed. You’ve asked her to do things that will improve your experience and she has said no. You decide if you want to stay with someone who is selfish and lazy in bed.

  5. You are being ridiculous, if you didn’t want other people to sleep with her, you should’ve stayed with her.

    Being the same age in the same town, it is likely that she is going to be with a few more of your friends over the coming years.

    Get over it and yourself.

  6. It's a cult. If you're willing to give up your entire life for this guy and join a cult, your relationship is not healthy. If you do it and suddenly want out, prepare to be stalked, harassed and shunned.

  7. Hello /u/Alll_In,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. Maybe he does have another family. Of all the random reasons to pick out of nowhere? Perhaps he's not working and he's using your money somehow? Perhaps someone is helping him. Hire a forensic accountant that's outside the family. I smell a rat.

  9. “You are right we are not islands, we do impact each other’s feelings. Your lifestyle impacts me and my lifestyle impacts you. So I’m happy to respect your need to spend time together, if you respect my need to spend time apart. If you can’t respect my needs, I don’t see any reason to respect yours. So either you compromise and we spend some time together and some time apart or we break up and don’t spend any time together. Because your needs are just as important as mine, not less than not more than but just as important. And if you can’t treat my needs that with equal respect, we shouldn’t be together.”

  10. Everyone has dealt w an unrequited crush. Just keep your distance, spend time w your friends, focus on school, and you’ll eventually think of him less and less. Don’t bother trying to be friends bc it’ll just keep you stuck in the past.

  11. You've got a real naked time accepting no as an answer. People are allowed to do, or not do, whatever they wish. Whether there's a specific reason your girlfriend doesn't have an interest in the show or not- no should be enough for you without an explanation, without pushing, without beating a dead horse. Based on her reaction and the line she drew- it sounds like you've really annoyed the shit out of her by trying to cross a boundary multiple times.

    It might be important to you for her to watch it, but to her it was important that you understand your persistence on the topic is not appreciated. So is your agenda of watching a tv show together more important then her feelings/boundaries? If so- it's a situation where you might not be a good match.

  12. That is so fucked up and I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Good for you for standing up for yourself and so fast!

  13. Or he just ghosts because that’s mature. You’d think a 40 you old man would say something like” I’m seeing someone or I don’t think that’s an option or etc…”

  14. That’s a good point. Nothing has seemed romantic or anything like that. I think your suggestion of asking in a non accusatory way is the best course of action. Do you have on any suggestions on how to ask it non-accusatory? I don’t wanna come off as aggressive or anything like that. I am just genuinely curious about what their friendship is.

  15. “Could be great if he chose to be” — but he DOESN'T choose to be, just like he doesn't choose to be kind and caring to you. Are you going to keep dating him, hoping the imaginary version you have of him in your head actually shows up? Or are you going to lose the dead weight and find somebody who ACTUALLY IS what you're looking for?

  16. Wait no wasn't 7 I miss hit sorry its been 5 I am having issues typing on my phone right now as ya kinda shocking and trying not to die here….

  17. You can go back to not living together. He doesn’t care enough to have a nice clean space, which you already knew… and it matters to you. What other option do you see other than picking up his entire slack

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