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19 thoughts on “Sunbeam69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My dad is about to go back home after six months of living with me. I speak from experience.


    I didn’t have much choice because he needed access to medical care, but I want my life back.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks the context behind the usage of the slur is the crucial aspect? He was basically saying that calling jews “kike” is bad and something that belonged to a horrible era of human history.

    Also, although “kike” is a slur, let’s please not compare it with the N-Word. Reminds me of the John Mulaney “Midget” vs “N-Word” Skit.

  3. It sounds like you have experienced a lot of emotional and physical trauma due to the actions of your former boyfriend. It is important to prioritize your own well-being and healing after such a difficult experience. Here are some steps you can take to start healing:

    Seek medical care: If you are still experiencing physical symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention to ensure that you are receiving proper care and treatment.

    Seek counseling: It can be helpful to talk with a mental health professional about your experiences and feelings. A therapist can provide you with a safe space to process your emotions and work through your trauma.

    Practice self-care: Take care of yourself by doing things that bring you joy and relaxation. This can include activities like exercising, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in hobbies.

    Seek support: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can offer you emotional and practical support as you heal.

    Take time for yourself: Allow yourself the time and space you need to heal and process your emotions. Don't be afraid to say no to social invitations or other obligations if you need to prioritize your own healing.

    Remember that healing is a process and it may take time. It is important to be patient with yourself and seek help when you need it.

  4. I think u should defo have a convo with him, ask him if it's really important to him, what if it's a deal breaker for him. You should always be honest with ur SO.

  5. Nah. Let it go. You're stirring pits where you don't even belong. It's not your place to speculate and it's been literal years since the second incident and first. It's not your business. Leave it alone.

  6. Ah yes, the “forget about it” line. That could mean one of two things, either she is completely unwilling to open up or she feels as though even if she does it would be useless and yield no results. Either was no communication means that this relationship is practically dead in the water. Also I get play fighting and stuff, but it did get to the point where it upset her greatly and there really isn’t much you can do to come back from that.

  7. I understand that this list is more about how you want things to be vs how they are. Regardless of how they are currently, this list is how you want it to be. Regardless of whether your expectations are realistic or not if your current SO is not meeting them it will eventually lead to a negative situation. Unless you take a lot of these serious comments to heart and decide that maybe you don't need all these boxes to be checked.

    As previously stated there are very few people who are going to check all those boxes. And I don't know where you live! but we don't live in a world where a woman becomes pregnant and suddenly they become unable to take care of themselves. The reality is that you can keep working for a while and eventually you will get a certain amount of paid leave and hopefully with the changing times the father will too.

    It sounds like you want to kick your feet up during your whole pregnancy. If that's something that your SO could reasonably allow you to be able to do and wants to than its no big deal. But you have to ask how important is this issue in the grand scheme of things. If you met someone who adored you and was a fantastic SO in every facet but maybe he doesn't make the most money and can't afford for you to kick back during your entire pregnancy.

    Would you end it with him because of that? If the answer is no than that issue probably isn't as important to you as you thought. As stated before I think you need to get to the bottom of your own feelings and views and speak to a professional. Someone who gets paid to do what a lot of the serious commenters are doing rn and will do a better job at that.

  8. I think you should just stop watching porn. She's very correct and I guarantee it would cause some impact in the bedroom. Sexual pleasure is a drug and what you do to reach sexual climax will impact how you want to reach sexual climax. It is not good for you and your girlfriend set a sexual boundary for you that you promised too but broke.

    I think you should tell her but assure ymher you are now committed, and do not consume porn again.

  9. Yes you should trust him. Unless he is encouraging that or obviously enjoying it then you have no cause to blame him for her actions. Ofc now that he knows he should be sensitive to your feelings around her.

  10. She’s pregnant with your kid. I’m assuming you are gonna be an absent father. Don’t stay for the kid, they will know you don’t like their mom then everyone one will me miserable.

  11. She’s only acknowledging it now that the pos guy is actually marrying his gf and not the side piece lmao. It’s all selfishness.

  12. It's not a date per se, I'm moving with her for a few months for work related stuff, so we would be living together

  13. should I do all this effort for someone who couldn't even get me muffins

    Nope, you should not. Only continue to give and support those who express appreciation for it or reciprocate. If you keep doing it with out that, you’re just teaching them to think they’re entitled to it.

    And FYI, his excuses, all classic defensive tactics. Google defensiveness in relationships for more info if you’re not yet familiar. And break up with this guy. People are the nicest in the beginning, if it’s this bad in the beginning, you’re in for a bumpy ride if you stay for when the honeymoon stage is over.

  14. Not you again. Could you please get the help, you so clearly need? You’ve had books worth of comments, yet keep posting and posting and posting. Why?

  15. She had a bad date or bad sex with another guy. That's why she's texting. Remember that when you consider replying.

  16. I don’t want to block her, but I do appreciate this perspective. I did feel like she kind of had a lot of unneeded drama in her life. Mine was relatively calm. I don’t introduce a lot of drama because I don’t think it’s necessary. Maybe me being so chill about everything just wasn’t satisfying because it wasn’t nude.

    There was no insecurity, and that caused the problems.

  17. I definitely know people who randomly put things away and then can't remember where they put them because the “putting away” isn't really a conscious act.

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