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anna_boneslive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “anna_boneslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think it's honestly really sad and pathetic that her poor trauma response makes her want to leave you. There's no excuse for her behavior. She has no right to be scared of you.

    lol imagine telling someone who has been physically abused before that they have no right to be afraid of something. gtfoh.

  2. I say this with kindness, but it sounds like you are looking to him to “fix” you when you say “could you just tell me how can I make this work?”. The answer doesn’t lie with him. It lies with you. I think you could honestly benefit from therapy to work through your feelings of abandonment. That’s on you to resolve, not him or anyone else. That would put him or any future partner in a really unfair position and would probably set up even more of a codependent/clinging relationship.

  3. Ok when you say “ew, stop” tone is HUGE here. Cuz that phrase can be said in a joking less serious say. You just have to be blunt. There’s a very good chance he just is perceiving it as you joking back.

  4. A person insecure. If you have no reason to feel you did anything wrong, then move on. His behavior will get worse over time.

    I was married for 19 years. I let two infidelity instances pass for the sake of our daughter. The constant accusations from her were relentless. If he has a problem, then the problem resides in him.

    Love yourself. Don't look for love in others. Setting expectations on others leads to disappointment.

  5. You don't need a razorblade to make your lines. If your cocaine is rocky (as in sticking together instead of being powdery) you can just use a credit card to pulverize it. But you need to put it on a hot surface for that, a hard dick won't do. If you leave the cocian rock in the mini grip you can also use something bigger to grind it to powder and you will have less of a mess, but you have to be more careful not to smash it too very hot. And when it's ground and powdery you can just make small coke heaps. Coke doesn't have to be consumes in lines, a lot of people snort small heaps. But an erect peniy is not the best place to snort coke from. Maybe if the erection was sort of pointing forward and not upward. Idk.

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