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6 thoughts on “amin_faezlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. What was there? Liking social media posts? Asking for rides and getting rejected? Open and honest communication with his partner that showed he wasn't interested? Freaking out over a text message that turned out to be innocuous. Yeah, that's delusion. Your personal insults are embarrassing, you have no idea how old I am and my marriage is awesome.

  2. Like what? I am sure that is not true and and that you live in an illuison. Our minds are made in that way – in a pro/con list, your mind will remember barely a couple of cons, and you’re going to count one pro in a thousand different ways just so you can stay.

  3. As someone that loved to party in my late teens, early 20s, I find their excuse flimsy as best, bullshit at worst. When I had commitments, even if I was hung over, I had to find a way to suck it up and go. In your case, I would have set my alarm clock, showed up hung over, told you I was hung over and asks for coffee and lots of water. Their shit excuse also neglects to explain why they just blew you off, unless they live in caves and have no cell phones and text ability’s.

    I know you feel bad but look at this, you just did some weeding out who the real friends actually are. Find more like your real friend and ditch the selfish losers.

  4. Eh, for me it certainly does seem suspicious. I woukd personally worry if I am just a temporary fix until she can get back with her ex.

  5. Ah, so she should stay quiet if she doesn’t suffer the same issues (that you seem to be choosing) that you do at work, and you should get to dictate when you may or may not clean because you choose to over work. You get that people have different struggles with different situations, and it doesn’t have to be measured against yours, right?

    A comment above came from coal miner that works 70 hours who sees your bitching and moaning as privileged and short sighted. So think about that, you’re doing the same thing you don’t like in her. It’s almost like people get their own experiences and issues, and don’t have to check with you to see if you have it worse.

    The “it’s not fair she wants the same pay” is simply childish. So if she got a raise you would tell her she doesn’t deserve it because she isn’t a slave to her company like you? People can push for their worth, and worth doesn’t come with over working and neglecting meals for the job. Honestly that’s just you being a fool and giving your company free work hours. That’s in you. So work on your own shit, stop resenting her for having boundaries and valuing her time and worth.

    Stop comparing yourself and go get a new job. Work on yourself, don’t try to change her because you lack work boundaries.

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