Sweetybaegirl live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 27, 2022

51 thoughts on “Sweetybaegirl live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don't try to break it, you embrace it. You could still love him and make it work. Just don't make that move. You have to try and make work here.

  2. Exactly. People don’t change who they are at their core without a lot of time and effort, so chances are this was who OP’s ex really was at his core all along. He only cares about appearances and if he could do this to her after all she’s done for him, he will do it to all the women that follow. It really sucks now, but OP should consider herself lucky that she found out after only 2.5 years and not a moment longer. He did not take a large amount of her time in the grand scheme of things, and now she knows the red flags to avoid in the future. It’s a shitty but invaluable lesson we all learn in some way or another. OP deserves way better and someone out there will most certainly treasure all she has to offer. I really feel for her though, it’s a terrible feeling.

  3. I'm going to lay this out bluntly for you. It's really shitty of you and selfish to tell her once she got with someone else. Now, in your defense, maybe you really didn't know you felt that way. But honestly, you should've buried it and shut up about it. As you had presumably missed your chance.

    You may have now ruined your friendship. Especially because she's in a relationship now. Which imo if she wants to be a good partner puts you. Not just her ” best friend” but someone who loves her faaaaar on the backburner. Which is again a consequence of your selfishness to confess after she got in a relationship.

    You do need space from her regardless of whether you want it or not. These feelings need to die because you may think she is your best friend, but you're being an absolutely awful friend right now. A lot of people wouldn't even call you a friend anymore. Now she may still forgive you in time but what she said sounds right.

    It sounds like she knows she doesn't want to put up with your bs and you should listen to that if the friendship has any chance.

  4. Where in the world are you? Do you celebrate Christmas? “Hey girl, how have you been feeling? Let’s grab a Christmas something and catch up, I missed you!” is always super convenient! Bring a small token like an ornament as gift.

  5. cheating is one thing, you could maybe work it out, but then (possibly) having a child by who you cheated with is another, and usually a definite call for a break up. i say leave; it might be hot and crush you got a bit, but it’s better than staying. choose peace. you could always still be involved in the kid’s life if you choose!

  6. Your mom… this is code for “I don’t want you marrying immigrant trash”.

    I’m sure this will get pushback, but she’s a racist. I guarantee you that she wouldn’t say anything abouy you getting engaged to a non-immigrant student with no knowledge of their future income potential.

  7. You’re only enabling him by allowing him to use you. Girl, kick his ass out and go “cold turkey” with your own drug: his addict ass. He needs something you can’t give him: admittance (of his addiction), acceptance (of his addiction), rehabilitation and therapy. He’s slowly taking you down with him and you don’t need to allow it.

  8. People can be decent human beings and terrible partners. Perhaps he's a generally nice guy who didn't exhibit any concerning behavior when you two were just friends, but this is one of the absolute worst things I've ever read here and that is REALLY saying something.

  9. Maybe before she gives you feedback she says something like “I need you to be open to what I’m saying “ before she gives you feedback. That way, you can prep yourself, take deep breaths and not react, just listen. Over time it will become more instinctual.

    It sounds like your biggest issue may be that you’re impulsive. Like you can’t restrain yourself from reacting? I’ve struggled with this in the past and I have ADHD. If you were a narcissist you wouldn’t feel bad. While feeling guilty about your impulsive actions is pretty ADHD-ey. Just food for thought!

  10. You have every right to be upset. His reasoning is disingenuous. Fake friend has probably used you too and you didn’t notice.

  11. You said you ended the affair when you realised you were being used and lied to. Given she’s definitely being lied to, do you feel she deserves to make her own choices based on truth rather than deception?

    And do you not want to tell her because you will look bad? (You don’t need to answer that publicly, but be honest with yourself as to whether your reasons are actually altruistic or because you don’t want to admit to this women you knowingly had a relationship with her husband knowing he was married)

  12. Your parents aren’t the ones in the relationship, so it’s not their concern.

    Some families have the expectations your parents did, others would consider doing what your dad suggested rather rude. I know in my family when invited to someone’s home, stepping in to help would be overstepping, though I might offer to help out and if they say no, their house their rules.

    If your parents want help, they should quit that passive aggressive nonsense and ask for some help.

    That said, I would just tell your boyfriend your parents like it when their guests volunteer to help with the chores. However if they keep placing new expectations that aren’t communicated except by expressing displeasure at you, then I’d say your parents are controlling assholes and to just not even try.

  13. Start making a habit of complimenting positive character traits instead of the physical.

    “I admire how hardworking you are.” “I love how kind you are.” “You're so thoughtful.”

    etc etc..

    This will help reinforce more thought and discussion about deeper characteristics, not just for him but also for you.

    Good luck!

  14. Only way forward.

    I adore Eminem and when (55 yo female) I shaved all my long hair off in a fit of “New Me-ism” , I looked exactly like my hero but with round boobs and butt.

    Will the New Slim Shady please stand up….

  15. He just wants to open it on his side? Classic. Let him know the relationship is indeed open on both ends since you aren't nearly as satisfied as he would like to think you are.

  16. I’m sorry, that’s obv mot an ideal response.

    I’m assuming the convo a few months back was direct and he interacted so he def should remember?

    Are the streaks very old or new?

  17. Muse likely she was surprised because you are quiet at work and never mentioned a gf.

    Stop taking things as a personal insult.

  18. You seem to think you will cease being a father if you two break up.

    You clearly need to break up if you are not ready to be a family or give up you friends ( drugs etc) but you also need to realise you are still going to be a father. You will need to co-parent.

  19. If it were an emotional thing, like that she wasn't comfortable doing that because what he said was hurtful then I would absolutely agree. But the comment I was replying to didn't seem to phrase it as such, it seemed to imply a sort of “no sex for you till you make this up to me” sort of thing. I.E. A punishment

    Also Hanlon's razor, the way OP phrased it seemed like he was being more ignorant and stupid than malicious or mean. More of a idiot than an asshole, which to be clear doesn't make the comment less hurtful.

  20. This is on two of you. You are condoning his behavior by tolerating it. Time to lay down the law on him. He either start taking care of your needs or time to bail.

  21. You realize that you have value, find your self worth and that you don’t deserve to be treated like this. Break up with him and move on

  22. That's her problem, not yours. You gave her the truth and it's on her if she believes it. The best you can do is let her know the truth.

  23. He ruined his family and now instead of blaming himself, he's blaming you. While you do own a piece of the blame, you don't deserve to be treated this way. Dump him and never date an unavailable man again.

  24. This exactly. Just tell her you didn't decide or wanted to buy a car. Her decision, her car, she has to pay for it. It has nothing to do with you. If you wanted to buy a car with these conditions would she have accepted it or would she say to you, you are taking advantage of her? Because this is what she is trying to do.

  25. Jesus fcking christ. As a guy I would never say this to a woman, fcking hell.

    I urge you to get away from guy, his mind is not right.

  26. All forms of birth control are horrible for a woman. Your body is simulating pregnancy and woman are on it for years including myself it is damaging you’re delusion if you dont know that by now

  27. This is an entirely YOU issue. If you can't have an open and honest conversation with your partner – you asked this specific question, it isn't as if he was waxing poetic – you should not be in a relationship. It is completely unfair to use his honest response to your question against him just to make yourself feel better. It is abusive to turn this around and make it all about how much he triggers you. If you want attention so badly, get a cat.

  28. IDK where you got the idea that his wishes don’t matter here. He got to do exactly what he wanted so clearly his wishes counted for a lot. I’m also not saying he did the wrong thing – I’m saying he did the thing he wanted at the expense of his wife’s wishes and happiness, and now he has to deal with the consequences of that choice, which is the damage done to his relationship. There was no right or wrong thing to do here; he simply made a choice, and now he’s seeing the results, both good (financial) and bad (problems in his marriage).

    A few comments seem to think that because things turned out well and he contributed financially during the process, his wife’s feelings should just magically disappear and go back to happiness. I’m saying that it doesn’t work like that, and continuing to approach the situation from that angle will not help OP.

  29. While on a night shift I didn't want to be in, my coworker (M25) and I found ourselves alone. I don't understand what happened, but one thing led to another and we ended up having sex.

    Well, this is just horseshit. You don't understand what happened???? You fucked a guy that wasn't your boyfriend. Did that help explain it?? Jesus. Let the poor man go and find someone who has the self control not to fuck a co-worker just because you are alone with them.

  30. Cheating is a personal thing. You get to decide what actions count as your girlfriend cheating on you.

    That being said, if you decide that this counts, you're going to lose a lot of girlfriends to it.

  31. Guys using a lot of words to say 'I dont cook or clean' because it's not 'urgent' like…only some of the laundry is. I wonder if they have in unit or building laundry or if she's also doing both of their clothes at a laundry matt which takes a huge chunk of time.

  32. Right, I'm sure you have lots of stories from school you can share when you told your entire social circle to 'fuck off' because a girl you liked didn't like you quite as much.

    I'm sure based on the oozing charisma of your post here that making an entirely new group of friends was easy and you did it the very next day and then your new awesome friends beat up your old friends because you're all so badass.

    Unfortunately, not everyone is as giga-mega-ultra-awesome as you, if they were, this subreddit wouldn't exist in the first place.

  33. It is proper to tell him, espcially if you feel so strongly about coming clean to him. However as others have said, have a potential exit strategy lined up before you do in case you need to use it.

  34. They are both adults even if one of them is old enough to be the other's parent. As long as the girlfriend isn't trying to be an authority figure to you and your uncle treats her with respect, hopefully it's a net positive experience for both of them.

  35. It's not your appearance you should be worried about, but your spine (figuratively) and your sense of self-worth. No matter what your appearance is, no one has the right to treat you like this.

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